Start Blogging: 8 Nuts in a Duffel Bag Blog

  • Thread starter The_Thinker
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  • #1
Here mine:"

Post yours below if you guys have one...

Oh... by the way... we started a group blog called 8 nuts in a duffel bag blog... check it out here:"

We are still looking for more people to join the posters... so if your interested in joining us.. let me know by mail or just post here... :rolleyes:

Oh... just in case you do... don't expect to get paid or anything... at the max... we'll probably comment on your posts...:smile:
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  • #2
Blog? I have a livejournal, for the last few years and I also video blog on YouTube. It's fun :)
  • #3
I don't understand the point of having a blog...

dear blog, today was another sad day in my life, I can't find a man/woman in my life. I watched the news today and it make me think to myself, bla bla bla one cares.
  • #4
Yeah, I'm not really into that whole Pokemon thing
I heard this is a good way to make people mad[/color]
  • #5
cyrusabdollahi said:
I don't understand the point of having a blog...

dear blog, today was another sad day in my life, I can't find a man/woman in my life. I watched the news today and it make me think to myself, bla bla bla one cares.
:smile: I don't see the point of a blog either. It seems to be an over-elaborative diary, so unless you're an extremely interesting person, then I can't imagine who would want to read it!
  • #6
cyrusabdollahi said:
I don't understand the point of having a blog...

dear blog, today was another sad day in my life, I can't find a man/woman in my life. I watched the news today and it make me think to myself, bla bla bla one cares.

Nah, that ain't hardcore. Here's some:

dear blog, today was another great day in my life, I went to the shopping center and bought lots of great stuff with my friends! wow these new shirts are sooo kewl. everybody will be sooo jealous. and you know who was looking at me today during history class? joooosh. he's soooo cute.
  • #7
radou said:
and you know who was looking at me today during history class? joooosh. he's soooo cute.

I never knew you swung that way. So hitting on new girls in the member photo thread was all a big cover up! :-p
  • #8
cristo said:
I never knew you swung that way. So hitting on new girls in the member photo thread was all a big cover up! :-p

How do you know I'm not bisexual, huh? Perhaps I was inspired by the "Do bi-sexuals exist?" thread. :-p
  • #9
Dear Blog,
I logged into PF.
  • #10
Hitting on members in the photo thread is pathetic. This is exactly why you see guys like Marlon lurking around in there.
  • #11
cyrusabdollahi said:
Hitting on members in the photo thread is pathetic. This is exactly why you see guys like Marlon lurking around in there.

Yeah, and it's exactly why you see guys like Marlon posting pics of themselves in fancy outfits, too.
  • #12
radou said:
How do you know I'm not bisexual, huh? Perhaps I was inspired by the "Do bi-sexuals exist?" thread. :-p

Thats true.. my apologies! Hey, at least we have a definitive answer now! :biggrin:
  • #13
cristo said:
Thats true.. my apologies! Hey, at least we have a definitive answer now! :biggrin:

Yeah, and you seem to be very happy about it. Perhaps your orientation should be inquired, too? :-p
  • #14
radou said:
Yeah, and it's exactly why you see guys like Marlon posting pics of themselves in fancy outfits, too.

I wouldn't call that fancy, but tacky.
  • #15
radou said:
Yeah, and you seem to be very happy about it. Perhaps your orientation should be inquired, too? :-p

Well, inquire away. You wouldn't have to if you'd read my blog :smile:
  • #16
cyrusabdollahi said:
Hitting on members in the photo thread is pathetic. This is exactly why you see guys like Marlon lurking around in there.
I've been considering installing a red light on the thread. :bugeye:
  • #17
cristo said:
Well, inquire away. You wouldn't have to if you'd read my blog :smile:

I would, if you'd create one. Perhaps you should do so, I'm sure you have so many things to reveal to us. :-p

Evo said:
I've been considering installing a red light on the thread. :bugeye:

You mean, like turning it into a red light district..? :-p
  • #18
radou said:
You mean, like turning it into a red light district..? :-p
Yes. :biggrin: It seems to have taken a turn in that direction the past few months.
  • #19
One more page and this is a locked thread. :biggrin:
  • #20
Evo said:
I've been considering installing a red light on the thread. :bugeye:

Have you seen marlons early pictures, he looks like a child molester or weirdo/pervert... :smile:
  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
Have you seen marlons early pictures, he looks like a child molester or weirdo/pervert... :smile:
No he doesn't, he looks like Jack Nicholson in "the Shining" Did you see his door picture?
  • #22

Nothing weird about that picture.....:rolleyes:
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  • #23
cyrusabdollahi said:
Have you seen marlons early pictures, he looks like a child molester or weirdo/pervert... :smile:

Btw cyrus, you seem to know a lot about marlons pictures in general. Come on, admit it, there must be a folder somewhere deep in the jungle of your hard drive named 'marlie'.


Evo said:
No he doesn't, he looks like Jack Nicholson in "the Shining" Did you see his door picture?

No one except Jack Nicholson looks like Jack Nicholson in the door picture. :biggrin:
  • #24
radou said:
Btw cyrus, you seem to know a lot about marlons pictures in general. Come on, admit it, there must be a folder somewhere deep in the jungle of your hard drive named 'marlie'.


No one except Jack Nicholson looks like Jack Nicholson in the door picture. :biggrin:

Marlons an A-hole....excuse me, "future academy award winner", as predicted by himself. :rolleyes:

He will get the award for the adult film industry, less is not more award.
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  • #25
cyrusabdollahi said:
Marlons an A-hole....excuse me, "future academy awaard winner", as predicted by himself. :rolleyes:

Well, some people like A-holes. That doesn't mean anything. :-p

cyrusabdollahi said:
He will get the award for the adult film industry.

  • #26
radou said:
Well, some people like A-holes. That doesn't mean anything. :-p

What you like is your own business.
  • #27
radou said:
I would, if you'd create one. Perhaps you should do so, I'm sure you have so many things to reveal to us. :-p
Haha.. many things? I don't think so! My blog these past few weeks would be incredibly dull!

cyrusabdollahi said:

Nothing weird about that picture.....:rolleyes:

It's not that weird!

radou said:
Btw cyrus, you seem to know a lot about marlons pictures in general. Come on, admit it, there must be a folder somewhere deep in the jungle of your hard drive named 'marlie'.
:smile: :smile:
  • #28
Apropos that pic of marlon posted above, well, marlon knows gals fall for cats and other cute little pets. He's smart.
  • #30
Apropos that pic of marlon posted above, well, marlon knows gals fall for cats and other cute little pets. He's smart.

  • #32
He looks like one of these wooden puppets with an attached chin which can move.
  • #33
:smile: A marionette. Dance marlon, dance.
  • #34
cyrusabdollahi said:
See what I mean about the pervert cat-eating, weirdo thing.

A cat-eating thing crossed my mind too, but I was too afraid to even mention it, since some members adore cats, unless I'm mistaken.

There is definitely something revealing in his look on that pic.
  • #35
Cyrus, behave yourself!
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