What Is the Period of Regular Fading in a Car Between Two Sound Sources?

In summary: Are you sure the frequency that you gave is correct? I don't think even batman could hear that high of a frequency.In summary, a car is driven at 30m/s between two sources, each producing sound waves of 1.50x10^6 Hz. The sound heard by the driver rises and fades as he travels from one sound source to the other. The period of regular fading is 3.3 seconds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car is driven at 30m/s between two sources, each producing sound waves of 1.50x10^6 Hz. The sound heard by driver rises and fades as he travels from one sound source to the other. Find the period of regular fading.

Homework Equations

No relevant equations provided.

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the sound rise and fades along the line connecting the two sources, I believe a standing wave has been formed, where the two end points are open ends. I figure that in one second, the car moves 30m and the waves make 1.50x10^6 cycles, so the wavelength (which is the distance covered in one cycle) must equal 2x10^-5 m (or λ=v/f). Since fading takes place at every node, that is λ/2, distance between adjacent nodes = 0.00001 m. how do I translate
that into time interval between successive nodes? The answer given is 3.3 seconds.
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  • #2
Hi, Simplyjack. Are you sure the frequency that you gave is correct? I don't think even batman could hear that high of a frequency.

I suspect this is a problem where you are meant to use the concepts of the "Doppler effect" and "beats". Are those things that you've studied?
  • #3
Actually, your approach to the problem will yield the correct answer. You just need to find the time for the traveler to go from one node to the next. You know the distance (λ/2). So, how much time does it take the car to move this distance?

I still think the frequency given in the problem is strange. Also, the answer of 3.3 s seems odd. For such a high frequency, I would expect the answer to be of the order of microseconds.
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  • #4
Simplyjack said:
Since the sound rise and fades along the line connecting the two sources, I believe a standing wave has been formed, where the two end points are open ends. I figure that in one second, the car moves 30m and the waves make 1.50x10^6 cycles, so the wavelength (which is the distance covered in one cycle) must equal 2x10^-5 m (or λ=v/f).

In the expression λ = v/f, v is not the speed of the car. What speed is it?
  • #5
Hi TSny,

Thanks for your comments. I got this question from a friend but as i did not copy it word for word, I did not remember correctly and misinterpreted the problem. I think it's not sound waves but rather radio waves, hence the high frequency. Therefore I can use v = 3.0x10^8 m/s and f = 1.50x10^6 Hz and obtain λ as 200m.

Since distance between successive nodes = λ/2 = 100m, and car velocity is 30m/s, I can equate 30 to 100/T, giving T to be 3.33 s. But I am not sure if driver will still be able to "hear" the rise and fall of such high frequencies.

Thanks for helping me to solve my own problem.


FAQ: What Is the Period of Regular Fading in a Car Between Two Sound Sources?

1. What are stationary sound waves?

Stationary sound waves, also known as standing sound waves, are a type of sound wave that appears to be standing still due to the superposition of two identical waves traveling in opposite directions. This results in nodes, or points of no displacement, and antinodes, or points of maximum displacement, along the wave.

2. How are stationary sound waves formed?

Stationary sound waves are formed when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude interfere with each other. This can occur when a sound wave reflects off a fixed boundary, such as a wall or a closed end of a pipe.

3. What are the characteristics of stationary sound waves?

Stationary sound waves have distinct nodes and antinodes, where the displacement is zero and maximum, respectively. They also have a fixed pattern of wavelength and amplitude, and do not travel through space like regular sound waves.

4. How do stationary sound waves affect the perception of sound?

Stationary sound waves can affect the perception of sound by amplifying or damping certain frequencies. For example, in a pipe with one end closed, only odd harmonics will be present in the standing wave, resulting in a different timbre or quality of sound compared to a pipe with both ends open.

5. How are stationary sound waves used in real life?

Stationary sound waves have many practical applications, such as in musical instruments like string instruments and wind instruments. They are also used in acoustic resonance imaging, a medical imaging technique, and in industrial processes like ultrasonic cleaning and welding. Additionally, standing waves can be observed in everyday objects, such as vibrating strings and organ pipes.
