What Is the Radius of Convergence for the Taylor Series of x/(1+x^2) at x=0?

In summary: In this case, that "radius of convergence" will be at least 1. To find the real radius of convergence, you can test points between -1 and 1 until you find the largest interval that works.In summary, the conversation discusses finding the Taylor series of the function x/(1+x^2) at x=0 and determining its radius and interval of convergence. One method involves using the Taylor series for the arctangent function, while another involves multiplying the series for 1/(1+x^2) by x. The importance of choosing the correct series is also mentioned, and the conversation ends with a brief discussion on the radius of convergence.
  • #1
Hi everybody,
Firstly sorry for my bad English . I have a question related to taylor series . I did not find easy way to solve it .Derivatives are becoming more and more complex . Please help me.

question : Work out the taylor series of the function x/(1+x^2) at x =0 .Find the radius of converge and interval of converge of the series Integrating the series obtained estimate the value of ln2 ?

You don't have to find answer .I need only easy way to solve this problem . Thanks a lot
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  • #2
melihaltintas said:
Hi everybody,
Firstly sorry for my bad English . I have a question related to taylor series . I did not find easy way to solve it .Derivatives are becoming more and more complex . Please help me.

question : Work out the taylor series of the function x/(1+x^2) at x =0 .Find the radius of converge and interval of converge of the series Integrating the series obtained estimate the value of ln2 ?

You don't have to find answer .I need only easy way to solve this problem . Thanks a lot

If you know the following then it'll be very easy:

[tex]\text{For}\,\,|x|<1\,\,,\,\frac{1}{1+x}=1-x+x^2-x^3+...=\sum_{n=0}^\infty(-1)^nx^n\Longrightarrow \frac{1}{1+x^2}=1-x^2+x^4-x^6+...=\sum_{n=0}^\infty(-1)^nx^{2n}[/tex]

Well, now just multiply the above by [itex]\,x\,[/itex] and you're done.

  • #3
wow thanks a lot . Can I multiply series and x directly ? (-1)^n (x)^2n+1 ?
  • #4
Another way lies in the Taylor series for the arctangent function. We know that
[tex]\int \frac{1}{1+x^2}dx=\arctan(x)+C[/tex]
so we first start by assuming that the power series expansion exists. If so, we can write this for some sequence a:
Integrating both sides, we obtain
[tex]\arctan(x)+C=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{a_{k} x^{k+1}}{k+1}[/tex]
Evaluation at x=0 easily yields C as 0. Hence, we can strike that out. Now setting x=1, we obtain
[tex]\pi/4 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{a_{k}}{k+1}[/tex]
For this equality to hold, we use the Leibniz formula for pi. This formula requires all odd k, so all even k+1 to vanish, which implies for odd k the sequence [itex]a_k[/itex] equals zero. For even k, the sequence equals [itex](-1)^{k/2}[/itex]. This leaves us with the formula:
[tex]\frac{1}{1+x^2}=\sum_{k=0}(-1)^k x^{2k}[/tex]

Indeed complicated, but it is still legitimate.
  • #5
Millennial said:
Evaluation at x=0 easily yields C as 0. Hence, we can strike that out. Now setting x=1, we obtain
[tex]\pi/4 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{a_{k}}{k+1}[/tex]
For this equality to hold, we use the Leibniz formula for pi. This formula requires all odd k, so all even k+1 to vanish, which implies for odd k the sequence [itex]a_k[/itex] equals zero. For even k, the sequence equals [itex](-1)^{k/2}[/itex]. This leaves us with the formula:
[tex]\frac{1}{1+x^2}=\sum_{k=0}(-1)^k x^{2k}[/tex]

Indeed complicated, but it is still legitimate.
a0=pi/4, ak=0 otherwise would satisfy the formula for x=1, too, and give a wrong answer.

You cannot derive the whole taylor series by evaluating it at a single point. It works in this case, but it is pure luck.
  • #6
It is not pure luck. This also holds true. Take arctangent and differentiate it, along with its power series, to obtain the very same formula I gave. I just showed another way of working it out. You are right, but it is not a coincidence.
  • #7
melihaltintas said:
wow thanks a lot . Can I multiply series and x directly ? (-1)^n (x)^2n+1 ?

Yes you can! :smile:
  • #8
Millennial said:
It is not pure luck. This also holds true. Take arctangent and differentiate it, along with its power series, to obtain the very same formula I gave. I just showed another way of working it out. You are right, but it is not a coincidence.
You picked a specific series to get the sum pi/4. This choice is arbitrary, and you just picked the one which gives the correct taylor series (by luck, by "good eye", whatever). Any other choice would be valid in this step, but lead to a wrong taylor series. You have no way to check whether you picked the right series or not in your post.

You can differentiate arctan n times (and find a general formula), but you did not use this.
  • #9
mfb, if I started with arctan, it would be a valid proof but it would have no sense of intuition. How did I get arctan in the first place? You need to do what I did before you can actually think of differentiating arctan.
  • #10
As far as the "radius of convergence" is concerned, the simplest thing to do is to note that the denominator of the fraction, [itex]x^2+ 1[/itex], will be 0 when x= i or -i, both at distance 1 from 0 in the complex plane. A Taylor's series will converge until it "hits a singularity".

FAQ: What Is the Radius of Convergence for the Taylor Series of x/(1+x^2) at x=0?

What is a Taylor series?

A Taylor series is a mathematical tool used to represent a function as an infinite sum of polynomials. It is named after the mathematician Brook Taylor.

What is the radius of convergence for a Taylor series?

The radius of convergence is a measure of how close to the center of the series a given value can be and still produce a convergent series. It is typically denoted by the letter R and can be found using various tests such as the ratio test or the root test.

What does it mean for a Taylor series to converge?

A Taylor series is said to converge when the infinite sum of polynomials approaches a finite value as the number of terms approaches infinity. This means that the series becomes more and more accurate as more terms are added.

What happens if the radius of convergence is zero?

If the radius of convergence is zero, it means that the series does not converge for any value of x except for the center point. This can happen when the function being approximated has a singularity or discontinuity at the center point.

How is the Taylor series used in real-world applications?

The Taylor series is a powerful tool in many areas of science and engineering. It is used to approximate functions in physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is also used in computer science for data compression and signal processing. It is also used in statistics for regression analysis and in economics for forecasting and modeling.

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