Calculating Impact Speed and Mass of Ice Cube: Temperature/Heat Help

  • Thread starter peaches1221
  • Start date
In summary, 1. A lead bullet initially at 17oC just melts upon striking a target. Assuming that all of the initial kinetic energy of the bullet goes into the internal energy of the bullet to raise its temperature and melt it, calculate the speed of the bullet upon impactI know KE = 1/2 mv^2 and Q= mcdeltaTIn this case, Q= 1/2mv^2so that mcdeltaT = 1/2mv^2This way the masses cancel and so cdeltaT = 1/2v^2 and the c of lead is 128.I know the initial temperature is 17 degrees, but what is
  • #1
I have two questions that I need help with. Any help will be appreciated.

1. A lead bullet initially at 17oC just melts upon striking a target. Assuming that all of the initial kinetic energy of the bullet goes into the internal energy of the bullet to raise its temperature and melt it, calculate the speed of the bullet upon impact

I know KE = 1/2 mv^2 and Q= mcdeltaT
In this case, Q= 1/2mv^2
so that mcdeltaT = 1/2mv^2
This way the masses cancel and so cdeltaT = 1/2v^2 and the c of lead is 128.
I know the initial temperature is 17 degrees, but what is the final temperature? The wording of the question is confusing me and I don't know what delta T is. It seems like such a trivial mistake.

2. A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -10oC and placed in a 110 g aluminum calorimeter filled with 280 g of water at a temperature of 25oC. The final situation is observed to be all water at 11oC. What was the mass of the ice cube?(cwater=4186 J/kg.oC, cal=900 J/kg.oC, cice=2000 J/kg.oC, Lf=33.5x104 J/kg)

I know Q gained = Q lost
The aluminum in this case is providing the energy, thus it is losing the heat. The ice is gaining heat.
Mice*Cice(10) * MiceLf + MiceCw(25)= MiceCw(25-11) + MalCal(25-11)
I think I'm on the right track, but after I plug in the values that I know and I solve for the mass of ice, I'm getting a very large number which means I'm making a mistake somewhere. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
1. Final temperature is the melting point of lead. You will also have to take into account the latent heat of fusion:

mc delta T + mL = 1/2 mv^2, where delta T = (m.p of lead) - 170C

2. Q gained = [M(ice) * C(ice) * 10] + [M(ice) * L(f, ice)] + [M(ice) * C(w) * 11 ]

Q Lost = [M(al) * C(al) * (25 -11)] + [M(w) * C(w) * (25 -11)]

RHS is wrong: The 1st term should be M(w) * C(w) * (25 - 11), where M(w) = 280g
LHS is wrong: 3rd term should be M(ice) * C(w) * 11 i.e. heat gained by the just melted ice to reach 11 oC
  • #3
Thank you so much for your help on the first problem. I overlooked the fact that I had to take into account the phase change. However, I'm still confused on the second problem.

The equation I originally had should be this:
Mice*Cice(10) + MiceLf + MiceCw(25)= MiceCw(25-11) + MalCal(25-11). Can you clarify what's wrong please, I sort of didn't understand what you said.
  • #4
Thank you so much for your help on the first problem. I overlooked the fact that I had to take into account the phase change. However, I'm still confused on the second problem.

The equation I originally had should be this:
Mice*Cice(10) + MiceLf + MiceCw(25)= MiceCw(25-11) + MalCal(25-11). Can you clarify what's wrong please, I sort of didn't understand what you said.
  • #5
What loses heat:

Q Lost = [M(al) * C(al) * (25 -11)] + [M(w) * C(w) * (25 -11)]

1st term: Aluminium loses heat by cooling from 25 to 11 oC
2nd term: It's given in the problem that there's 280g of water already present in the container. This loses heat to the ice as it cools from 25 to 11.

Q gained = [M(ice) * C(ice) * 10] + [M(ice) * L(f, ice)] + [M(ice) * C(w) * 11 ]

1st term: Heat required to get ice to 0 oC from -10
2nd term: Needed to melt that ice at 0 oC
3rd term: That melted ice (which is now water at 0 oC) needs to be heated to the final temp of 11 oC. Hence this term

So basically there are 3 objects:
The ice, unknown mass, which undergoes heat(10 to 0) + melt + heat(as water now, 0 to 11);
The aluminium(110g) which undergoes cool(25 to 11);
The water at the beginning in the container(280g), which undergoes cool(25 to 11)
  • #6
thank you so much. i have to read these problems more carefully.

FAQ: Calculating Impact Speed and Mass of Ice Cube: Temperature/Heat Help

1. What is the difference between temperature and heat?

The terms temperature and heat are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, while heat is the transfer of energy from a hotter object to a cooler one. In other words, temperature is a measurement, while heat is a form of energy.

2. How is temperature measured?

The most commonly used unit for temperature is degrees Celsius (°C), which is based on the Celsius scale. Other units include Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (K). Temperature can be measured using various devices such as thermometers, pyrometers, and thermocouples.

3. What factors affect temperature?

The temperature of a substance can be affected by various factors, including the type and amount of energy it receives, the material it is made of, and its surroundings. For example, exposure to sunlight, physical movement, and chemical reactions can all impact the temperature of an object or substance.

4. How does heat transfer occur?

Heat can be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between objects, convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, and radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.

5. Why is temperature important in science?

Temperature is a crucial factor in many scientific fields, including chemistry, physics, and biology. It affects the behavior of matter, the rate of chemical reactions, and the growth and survival of living organisms. Understanding temperature is essential for studying and predicting natural phenomena and developing new technologies.
