RIP Pope John Paul II - A Day of Respect and Mourning

  • Thread starter Clausius2
  • Start date
In summary, Pope John Paul II has just passed away, leaving behind a legacy of peace and unity among civilizations. As a Catholic, the news is met with sadness and respect for the Church. Despite differing beliefs, John Paul II's efforts for peace and his impact on the Catholic Church will be remembered for years to come. The process of electing a new Pope will soon begin, but the memory of John Paul II will continue to be cherished.
  • #71
dextercioby said:
It is morbid.It is showing a corpse and making fuss about a death.

Yes,i'd watch TV only for nature documentaries (Nat.Geographic & the Discovery channels) and sport.

Yesterday I watched seals clubbed to the head with a poke, being dragged across the ice on a hook and being skinned alive, in a news documentary.. that was shocking and sad :cry: :cry:

I agree that not everything needs to be shown on television, the informative value should be evaluated.
Physics news on
  • #72
Monique said:
I agree that not everything needs to be shown on television, the informative value should be evaluated.

ohh no, let's not degenerate into one of them censorship-discussions. I think everything must be shown on TV. If you don't want to see it then just change the channel.

Besides, if you'd ask me to ban a type of TV-program i'd sure as hell go for all those animal-documentaries that bore you to death. it's illegal to kill people and as i recall, a documentary has the purpose of being instructive

  • #73
marlon said:
ohh no, let's not degenerate into one of them censorship-discussions. I think everything must be shown on TV. If you don't want to see it then just change the channel.
I agree on journalistic freedom, but it really is not necessary to give all the gory details in visuals. I think it is morbid if someone is interested in seeing such images.
  • #74
Monique said:
I agree on journalistic freedom, but it really is not necessary to give all the gory details in visuals. I think it is morbid if someone is interested in seeing such images.

I can relate, however bringing the truth (and nothing else but the truth) is what good journalism is about. The truth is often very cruel, but i prefer to see something real in stead of some masked, adapted, lame version of reality.

  • #75
marlon said:
That's a bit simplistic no ? Clearly, you are not familiar with the customs of the catholic church.

And guess what,i don't want to be...

marlon said:
Now, that is not a sin but then don't start to make false and hollow claims if you don't know what you are talking about.

You're right it's a cos.It's no big difference,however,just [itex] \frac{\pi}{2} [/itex]...

Tastes are not false and hollow claims.Should i get that u don't have tastes??

marlon said:
BOOOOORRING :zzz: :rolleyes: :zzz:

marlon :zzz:

You just read my mind... :eek:

  • #76
marlon said:
I can relate, however bringing the truth (and nothing else but the truth) is what good journalism is about. The truth is often very cruel, but i prefer to see something real in stead of some masked, adapted, lame version of reality.


There's an internet site just for that.I won't u give it to you,because you'd have nightmares about your "truth"...

  • #77
dextercioby said:
And guess what,i don't want to be...

Then don't talk about something you know nothing about.

A taste is not the same as selling wrong information dexter, how many times do i need to repeat that to you ?

  • #78
dextercioby said:
There's an internet site just for that.I won't u give it to you,because you'd have nightmares about your "truth"...


Boehoeee, i am so scared...Wake up boy, it's a cruel world out there.

  • #79
I know and I'm keeping it away from u.

As for "selling wrong information",i think it has nothing to do with this thread & my posts in it...

  • #80
dextercioby said:
I know and I'm keeping it away from u.

Don't mention sources that you cannot give. :rolleyes:

As for "selling wrong information",i think it has nothing to do with this thread & my posts in it...

It has everything to do with that. Glad to see you are getting the point.

regards from your best CATHOLIC friend,

  • #81
You know,i don't give a **** about my firiends' religion.Ooops,didn't mean it to sound that way.It's just that the religion and friendship (and reasons for it) are not compatible...Me & my friends never discuss religion.

  • #82
it is all Pope's fault :wink:
  • #83
Is that Alexander Pope...?Or some relative to Popeye the Sailor...?

  • #84
Moses said:
Chill out Clausuis2, some people here ATTACKED the Pope in person and you did not say anything, it sounds you hate muslims and Islam more than you are loyal to your religuos [I don't think i am wrong, still i am not arrogant and happy to show me if i ,being a human, can be wrong] Regardless of my religion [if i have any] i have an issue(s) to say:

Colonization, WW1, WW2, SLAVERY +discrimination against Jew, Muslims, Blacks, Native Indians and many other i guess you should go truthfully serach for the Catholic Church position from them at those times and now. I know you are smart, Engineer Guru, and you can use google, its not a taboo :smile:

Muslims Leaders ..etc? Man generalizing is at least: NOT cool [specially other stuff as well u said without proofs]. Do you accept other humans generalize about christianty via seeing the colonization or the crusades don't by Catholics [& other christian gruops] I think the logic asnwer is: NO.

Islam religion is amazing, Muslims leaders can do good or bad, and luckily always the majority of them are justice scholars. Islam make the Eastern Roman Empire and Persoan who were enemis a BROTHER and SISTER under Islam Advance in science in middle ages is majorly becuase of muslims scientist who gave to ALL humanity.

Muslims now don't have their Top religuios leader, the Caliph since WW1. Why? The Anti-muslim and religion goverments of the European Colonizers desttoy the only Super Power against their colonization plans, specially in the Holy Land and the Middle east. I will not speak about the Pope Situation at that time from least i am sure Muslims favors to the world are NOT LESS of the Christians, I amk sure too they, as not-perfect humans did not less ahrm to humanity [got it?] Spreading happiness and bortherhood in the age of Crusaders and Colonization that stole others moeny and spread pain and TERRORISM

Once again, Clasuis2, Plz accept my sadness sharing in losing Pope John Paul II, he done very good actions worth to thank him for it. At last, Quran NEVER Called Christians unfaithful. Quran disagree with the fact Christians worhsip Jesus the Messenger of God to the Israelis + other stuff. Quran call them "Coverers" i.e they "Cover" some favors of God by worshippin other beside him,Chaging His Book the Gospel "of Jesus" and making major erros in disobying His laws.

I hope if a muslim come and see this thread, he won't be offended by your "propaganda" against them. May The Heat, The Heat of the ignorance be cooled down. Peace be upon open minded people, good wishes to others.

Surprisingly this thread has not been closed yet...

I know some persons are offended when they hear the Truth, because the Truth disturbs some alienated minds.

Every christian and catholic is able to admit that catholic church practised horrible crimes in the past. And probably we are ashamed of that. By the way, catholic church DO NOT NEED to apologize about getting rid of the arabs during the Reconquist of the spanish kingdoms. Al-Andalus was our property much time ago they arrived. So we merely counteracted under an agression.

The main problem with muslim religion, muslim religion supporters and muslim religion leaders is that they HAVE NOT EVOLUTIONATED. They are sticked to the past, sticked to old revenges (they are claiming the Holy War every day!, aren't we Holy too?, or are they the unique people of the world which waves the right of being Holy?, aren't the rest of wars Holies?.). They are instabilizing the world claiming for OLD troubles. And they are not capable of forgetting about it.

Yes, mulims made a great contribution in middle ages, but the main problem is that they remain there nowadays. They haven't left middle ages. And it's time now.

The main conclusion you, or any muslim over here, can extract of this thread is about the extraordinary behavior of the Pope as far as religious convergence and world convivence was improved by this great moral leader.
  • #85
marlon said:
Amen to that my dear friend. I completely agree with you on this one...

Amen? If Jesus was here, he will not say this reply by any means...

For the second time the role abuot religion on this forums is broken. And attacking a religion of other people.

Evo, i do trust in your justice, even by dealing with members of high posts and a heavy wieght on this forum. Others are having EQUAL rights with them since they are EQUAL human. Please take a wise action for dealing with this, thanks in advance.

I swear to God, who created me out of nothing, if some one now pop-up and attack the religion of Judaism here, i will leave. I do think PF is not a place to attack other religions [even if it s tupid attack]. If it is, i will go for justified defense. I am offended deeply by hatred and racist (religionist) atttitude by some mebers here.

Waiting for the proper action.
  • #86
if Jesus was here.. he would smack the ********** out of a lot of people.

And Moses, please reply to my post about Topeka, Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church's views - they are after all, from your camp, and not my opinions
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  • #87
Clausius2 said:
Surprisingly this thread has not been closed yet...

The main problem with muslim religion, muslim religion supporters and muslim religion leaders is that they HAVE NOT EVOLUTIONATED. They are sticked to the past, sticked to old revenges (they are claiming the Holy War every day!, aren't we Holy too?, or are they the unique people of the world which waves the right of being Holy?, aren't the rest of wars Holies?.). They are instabilizing the world claiming for OLD troubles. And they are not capable of forgetting about it.

Evo, its the third time a racist (religionsit) offense occured. I do trust in a mature dealing with this issue.

Regardelss of my religion, I am NOT the son of monkey, I am the Son Of Women, and Man. Muslims Evolutioned? well, Christian eurpoe is "evolutioned" by becoming more athiest, and secualr. I do think it is not wise if muslims took this appraoch. Further, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chenchynia, Bosnia and Palestine truobles are not OLD, but i think it is a consequence of an OLD hatred by some sides, sadly :frown:

I am not cruel offend other reglions even without logic-proof i won't critize religions here since i do respect the furom rules.

"War on terrorism will be a CRUSADE war" George W. Bush, Sept 12, 2001

Defending against offense on religion [defending is legal on this website] I do challenge you, Clausuis2, to show me ONE PLACE mentioned Holy War in Islamic religion. Rest assured, Jihad means struggle, e.g. struggle against doing bad, fighting the invaders...etc

My Mom having blue eyes and blonde hair. You know why? She is visigoth actually and her ancestors kicked out from Spain during the Holocoaust against muslims, not by Hitler who did it again against innocent jews. Iberia and EVERY LAND is for its natives, the natives want to change their religion, what is your problem? Should you go and colonize Turkey in a new crusade just becuase the Eastern Roman Empire became muslim?
  • #88
Moses said:
Amen? If Jesus was here, he will not say this reply by any means...

For the second time the role abuot religion on this forums is broken. And attacking a religion of other people.

Evo, i do trust in your justice, even by dealing with members of high posts and a heavy wieght on this forum. Others are having EQUAL rights with them since they are EQUAL human. Please take a wise action for dealing with this, thanks in advance.

I swear to God, who created me out of nothing, if some one now pop-up and attack the religion of Judaism here, i will leave. I do think PF is not a place to attack other religions [even if it s tupid attack]. If it is, i will go for justified defense. I am offended deeply by hatred and racist (religionist) atttitude by some mebers here.

Waiting for the proper action.

Racism? Justice? Attacking? Stupid? What are you saying?

You're offside.

I am not attacking anyone!

Here, at PF, at Occident, there is the most precious possesion we have: DEMOCRACY. I am free to express my thinkings always I do it politely, and I have done it politely. You can disagree, and you are welcome to do that. This is not a dictatorship, as some arab regimes.

An stupid attack? Where galaxy do you live?. Besides you are unable of defend your point of view (which is undefendable by the way), you have fallen into impoliteness.
  • #89
This is hilarious.
  • #90
Moses said:
Regardelss of my religion, I am NOT the son of monkey..
Who brainwashed you into this distorted representation of the theory of evolution?
Do you not understand why they brainwashed you into believing in their twisted views?
  • #91
Moses said:
fighting the invaders...etc

the main problem is you think there are invaders where it is impossible an invasion, because that ground is not yours.

Moses said:
kicked out from Spain during the Holocoaust against muslims,

Holocaust?. The muslims INVADED Andalucia (I prefer this name rather than Al-Andalus). And they haven't got any permission to do so. Any holocaust, after the holocaust of christians made by the muslim during this invasion, was justified.
  • #92
The fact muslim religion and muslims have not evolutioned since middle ages is a proved fact by several intelligent brains of all the world. The fanatism and the wrong social organisations (hidden dictatorships, lack of human rights) of their world is sufficient proof of my statement.
  • #93
cronxeh said:
This is hilarious.

No,it's General Disgusting !:-p

Okay,please,someone,close it/this thread ! :frown:

  • #94
Okay.There's a good reason to close it.

Clausius,you're not in the right to judge other people's religion and its impact upon their society.Keep in mind that Tomas de Torquemada was both Catholic and Spanish.So shut it. :mad:

  • #95
Clausius, buddy, I think you are generalizing a whole religion based on the actions of a few people, true there are some Muslims who do bad things, but the same way there are also Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Rastafarians, (and all other religions) who do bad things, but you don't make your opinion of a whole culture, a religion, based on the actions of a few deviated groups.
  • #96
arildno said:
Who brainwashed you into this distorted representation of the theory of evolution?
Do you not understand why they brainwashed you into believing in their twisted views?

Lol arlidno, take it easy! well, honestly i do disagree with some parts of this theaory [which it is not our topic here]. I said this to show Clasuis how RUDE he is by savin that muslims shuold evovle...they are not LESS human. They are equal.

I do hate blind faith, I disagree strongly with faith without logic. and ofcourse brainwashing :smile:

[Well, if i have time i will see we can discuess it on biology forum]
  • #97
cronxeh said:
And Moses, please reply to my post about Topeka, Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church's views - they are after all, from your camp, and not my opinions
They are their own camp. They are not Christians, because the Bible sums up the teachings of Jesus in two phrases, "Love God" and "love your neighbor". I don't see that they do either, they certainly do not do the second, considering their website is hate based.
  • #98
Clausius2 said:
the main problem is you think there are invaders where it is impossible an invasion, because that ground is not yours.

Holocaust?. The muslims INVADED Andalucia (I prefer this name rather than Al-Andalus). And they haven't got any permission to do so. Any holocaust, after the holocaust of christians made by the muslim during this invasion, was justified.

What i hear? Man this is so SICK! justifying evil if others did evil. By you ... logic so Al-Qaeda now is right if they bomb U.S becuase of their invasion for Iraq. OMG!

Further, THEY GOT a permission, Visigoth Kings did picry against muslims ships, MANY PRINCES of IBERIA INVITE the muslims to go the lebarate from curropted Kings of the visigoth [again, not Spanish who came from other regions and invaded the Visigoth lands, just becuase they change their religion]. Then, Visigoth want to Unite with the peaceful Islamic regieme, what is you problem, LOL?

Take it easy, i am not racist nor religionist, call the land whatever you want, i do respect all the human languages equally. My brother in humanity [according to me at least]
  • #99
Clausius2 said:
The fact muslim religion and muslims have not evolutioned since middle ages is a proved fact by several intelligent brains of all the world. The fanatism and the wrong social organisations (hidden dictatorships, lack of human rights) of their world is sufficient proof of my statement.

Again! Dude, generalizing about muslims and Islam:
a. I will not speak about Catholic religion here, since it is against PF rules to speak about religion

b.Using the term evolutioned is NOT cool!

Clasusius, you are wanting to make me an opponent and start bragging about your self and offend others with you hatred. Its hopeless to get me out of my defensive position.

oh btw, Africa and their christians countries are not really developed you know why? I will not speak without a proof like you and attack others religion. Simply becuase colonization powers steal the black man resources and moeny so they can use it for their govermantal greed...

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