Is X/≈ a Metrizable and Zero-Dimensional Space?

In summary, we are trying to prove that X/~ is metrizable and zero dimensional using Uryson's metrization theorem and considering the quotient topology. We need to show that X/~ is a finite set under the discrete topology and use the fact that a finite set under the discrete topology is metrizable and zero-dimensional. We can prove this by showing that the quotient space is Hausdorff, totally disconnected, and second countable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

X is a compact metric space, X/≈ is the quotient space,where the equivalence classes are the connected components of X.Prove that X/ ≈ is metrizable and zero dimensional.

Homework Equations

Y is zero dimensional if it has a basis consisting of clopen (closed and open at the same time)

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought that Uryson's metrization theorem may be used.I considered also the metric given in wikipedia.
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  • #2
Let ~ be the equivalence relation on X, which if I understand correctly is defined as "x ~ y if and only if there exists a proper clopen subset U of X such that [itex]\{x,y\} \subset U[/itex]".

Can you establish that if X is compact, then X/~ consists of a finite number of points?

Can you establish that the quotient topology is the discrete topology?

You will want to consider the quotient map [itex]q: X \to X/\sim : x \mapsto [x][/itex], which in the quotient topology is continuous by definition.
  • #3
x~ y if and only if x and y belong to a connected set in X.S the equivalence classes ate the connected components in X
  • #4
hedipaldi said:
x~ y if and only if x and y belong to a connected set in X.S the equivalence classes ate the connected components in X

Yes - so x ~ y if and only if there's a connected clopen subset which contains them both, and I now see that I forgot to include the "connected" requirement.

The remainder still stands: you can show that X/~ is a finite set under the discrete topology. You can then show, as a simple consequence of the defintions, that a finite set under the discrete topology is metrizable and zero-dimensional.
  • #5
Why should X have only finite number of connected components? -
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  • #6
hedipaldi said:
Why should X have only finite number of connected components?

Re-read the definition of compactness, and recall that the collection of connected components of X is an open cover of X.
  • #7
The number of connected components need not be finite.consider the cantor set.Also for x~y why does it have to be the same set that is both connected and clopen that includes x and y?
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  • #8
What have you done so far?
  • #9
When you say zero dimensional, do you mean manifold dimension? A space is zero dimensional in the manifold sense if and only if it is a countable discrete space but the cantor set is a compact space with uncountably many connected components so the quotient space you mentioned would not be countable. This is why I ask what you mean by zero dimensional.
  • #10
I mean that there exists a basis for the topology consisting of clopen sets.
I tried to find such basis using the compacity and properties of connected components,so far without results.I need some hints.
  • #11
First prove that the quotient space is Hausdorff. Then it will be a compact Hausdorff space. In compact Hausdorff spaces, you know that totally disconnected is equivalent to zero-dimensional, so you can prove that it's totally disconnected.

Then apply some metrization theorem to show it's metrizable (you will only need to show second countable).
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FAQ: Is X/≈ a Metrizable and Zero-Dimensional Space?

What is the quotient topology?

The quotient topology is a mathematical concept used in topology, which is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of geometric objects that are preserved through continuous deformations. The quotient topology is a way of describing the geometry of a space by identifying points that are considered equivalent or "indistinguishable" in some way.

How is the quotient topology defined?

The quotient topology is defined as the topology on a space that is induced by a surjective mapping from that space to another space. In simpler terms, it is a way of "collapsing" a space onto another space by identifying certain points together.

What are the main properties of the quotient topology?

Some of the main properties of the quotient topology include being a topological space, being Hausdorff (meaning any two distinct points have disjoint neighborhoods), and being compact if the original space was compact. It also preserves certain properties of the original space, such as connectedness and separation axioms.

How is the quotient topology different from other topologies?

The quotient topology is different from other topologies in that it is induced by a specific mapping or "quotient map" between two spaces. This mapping is used to identify certain points in the original space, which creates a new topology on the quotient space. It is also different from other topologies in that it can be used to study the geometry of spaces that are not easily described by traditional methods.

What are some real-world applications of the quotient topology?

The quotient topology has many real-world applications, including in the study of dynamical systems, topological data analysis, and computer graphics. It is also used in physics to study the properties of space and in economics to model consumer preferences. Additionally, it has applications in biology, chemistry, and other fields of science where understanding the structure and connectivity of spaces is important.
