Discussing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

In summary: So there is no reason why we can't advance and find even more efficient and advanced ways to propel ourselves through the air. So in summation, I don't believe that UFOs are aliens.
  • #1
Same idea. Have any comments, info, etc. on UFO's, please post here. Thanks.
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Likes Ame Sale Ali
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  • #2
UFOs are just UFOs they don't have connection to outer space beings.
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  • #3
Unfortunetly, people often confuse the two concepts
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  • #4
If UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, then every flying object is a UFO until we identify it.
Therefore any new airplane can be considered a UFO until people know what plane it is.
Also, a flying hydrogen baloon (that was in the hand of a little boy, but then flyed off when he accidentally let it go) that has a strange shape will be a UFO too.
Or ... wouldn't they be so ?
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  • #5

The basic concept of a UFO is just something that people can't identify, (and knowing certain people, that's not saying much). Therefore, I smash a plate, grind something sticky into it and launch it at a high velocity. Hence, the UFO.

P.S. Mirrors may be added to create "lights in the sky" effect.
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Likes Ame Sale Ali
  • #6
Mactech what is your proof of that?

Aliens must exist. Think about it there is a constantly growing amount of space in the universe and are you proposing we are the only ones? And, the aliens do have a chance of being more advanced than us and if they are who is to say that they have not found us and come to Earth?

as I quote from the movie and book Contact (on the subject of aliens in the universe)

"Don't you think that's an awful waste of space?"
  • #7
Why are u trying to connect UFOs directly to Aliens ?
It is possible to have Aliens without connected UFOs.
It is possible to have UFOs without connected aliens.
It is possible to have Aliens with their connected UFOs :smile:.
  • #8
It is possible to have UFOs without connected aliens
If Those UFO's Are Not Alien Made , Then Why We Consider It UFO's Since Human Beings Made It ?

For Teh Two Remaining Answers , I Think they Are Possible .
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  • #9
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

Hence, technically speaking, a top secret spy plane can be an UFO.
  • #10
Why are u trying to connect UFOs directly to Aliens ?

Why arent you? what is wrong with doing that?!

It is possible to have UFOs without connected aliens.

And it is possible and more likely to connect them WITH aliens.

all I am trying to say is that aliens exist and that it is likely they know we are out here and have come by/on Earth. No country has flying ships such as those captured in old drawings/photographs,pictures/even home videos (oon the old PF i posted a few pictures I had found along witht he video that went with it about a UFO)
  • #11
Wow you'd think I would have a response by now.

Does anyone want to comment on what I posted before?
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  • #12
I'll comment.

We have no direct hard evidence (not fuzzy photographs/video which tells us abosolutely nothing about the object) in the public domain which tells us in every case what these objects are or are not. However we do know that there is a good chance that at least some of these can have plausable explanations such as balloons, secret test/spy aircraft, ball lightning etc. So before inferring that aliens are arriving at the Earth in spaceships perhaps it would be more prudent to examine the other possiblities which we know exist.

Besides as has already been mentioned several times UFO is simply an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object and does not imply alien spacecraft .
  • #13
UFO= Aliens thing? Not even a possibility.

I'm not supporting the claim that UFO's are Aliens. Now, say you were around back in the late 1800 and early 1900s when manmade aircraft were being tested and developed. If you wern't involved in the projects and if you saw an airplane flying over you're house then wouldn't you think it was something phenominal, unexplainable, and unachievable by man? Back in those days people would believe in psychics and astrology rather than men flying around in winged crafts. That was almost 100 years ago or more. For some reason it's been our goal as mankind to fly. Look at Divinci and all those people that strapped on wings to their arms to fly back in the really old days. So how is it impossible for us as mankind to Finally and eventually take off the wings and yet stay afloat in mid air? I think that some people are just so driven and educated in the sciences that they were able to put their knowledge into creative uses and find ways around our common and wasteful jet propulsion techniques. Look at Eintstein and the formings of nuclear technology as an example. Look at how advanced nuclear technology already is and where it was even in the 1950's. You could fit a bomb the equivelent to Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, into a shell that fits into a Howlitzer cannon.
Don't limit Mankind to our current technology and your inability to look deeper into things or into the future.
UFO's are not extraterrestrial. In fact, if they were then wouldn't their actions as of today be considered hostile? They have entered our atmosphere uninvited, caused mass hysteria (the Arizona incident), and supposedly mutilated our livestock and implanted probes into people.
If you were to take all of what people have said about aliens and UFO's seriously then we would probably be at war already with some alien race that only lives in our imagination.
Don't underestimate your fellow Man, our race, and our potential.

Lord Rashid
  • #14
While I too think that there is no limit to what man is capable of, given enough time, I highly doubt these crafts we've been seing our alien. While no person can rule out the existence of aliens, not one can provide proof for there existence either. Look at the raeliens, for example.

And, if these crafts are of alien origin, what is with all the smoke and mirrors. I mean, making crop circles is impressive, but not out of mans grasp, and surely any being with the means to travel the universe would find a better way of communicating with us (telephone, internet, email). I mean, surely they could pickup on the millions of radio waves and figure out how to tap into our communications systems. Has this happened? no.

Honestly there is a lot in common with a person who believes UFO's are of alien origin, and people who believe the universe is of spiritual origin. While you can believe this all you want, its merely a belief and does not hold any water against currently known facts, like, not being able to travel the vast distances of space in a feasible amount of time.
  • #15
I agree megashawn ... besides the burden of proof is on those who claim that aliens have visited Earth in U.F.O.'s. Why? Because current opinion based upon the available hard evidence forces us to conclude that U.F.O's are most likely not extraterrestrial in origin. If there is any hard evidence for aliens these individuals should present it and convince everybody else.
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  • #16
I tend to believe that there is no possibility for faster then light travel. Given that, if aliens got here it would have taken a huge amount of time. I can't see why they would just buzz over and not contact us. Even at close to light speeds, if their time was contracted during the trip, it would still be enough time on their planet that you would think that they would want to be able to say that they had met and engaged with life from another planet. I would like to think that there was other advanced life (assuming that we are) in the universe but don't believe they visit us on a regular basis.

  • #17
What about crop circles? I'm not sure how else they could be made like that...
  • #18
Firstly ... the individuals who created the first crop circles admitted to having created them and even demonstrated how they where done. Secondly does anybody actually believe that a civilisation capable of interstellar travel would choose to communicate by creating patterns in some fields. Crop circles I am afraid are just another of humanity's bizarre creations.
  • #19
what if the aliens after rosewell,got smart.to prevent another accident there made there spacecraft s in the image of our own aircrafts to disguise them as our own.you would never be able to tell to difference between theirs and our own.
  • #20

there are millions and trillions of universes and galaxies. surely ET live exists. UFO and aliens have been mixed up and that dosen't matter now.
  • #21
If aliens did disguise their ships as airplanes,so we would'nt think much of a plane going over head,so they can monitor us.they would have two advantages.one if their ships anti gravity system fails like it did last time,they would go to aerodynamics to stay aloft,and not drop like a rock.two if the government covered it up last time.if they crashed they would have a cover story that it was only a plane and not a alien spacecraft that crashed.to keep it a secret.
  • #22
Now that's just paranoic. What if aliens disguised themselves as air? Then they will be utterly indetectable, and be easily able to go inside you and conduct experiments and stuff. So clearly we must STOP BREATHING NOW!
  • #23
no paranoia

there is nothing to be afraid of. the aliens are everywhere. they may be even us. we are aliens to them anyway. what's there to be afriad?
if you have fear, fear will eat you.
  • #24
Erm... how does that work? How can one be alien to oneself?
  • #25
Originally posted by FZ+
Erm... how does that work? How can one be alien to oneself?
No I think what he means is that if you ask an alien if he's an alien, he'll say "no, you are."
  • #26
O.K. what if aliens are here,but they don't want to approach us.sorta like star treks prime directive.not to interfere with lesser species.plus would'nt it scare the s**t out of everybody.we would think they were going to destroy us.even if they were trying to be our friends.no one would fully trust them,always waiting for them to have some secret plan to subvert our attention before they do it.also if they did approach us.we would ask for there technology.if they had a good reason not to give it to us, we would see it as a sign that they can't be trusted,because they would'nt give us things we thought were'nt a big deal.also what do you think is the success rate of turning a beginning technological people,ito highly advanced faster than light.know everything about science,and keep them from killing them self using it for self gain,or abusing the relationship with them,in the process?
  • #27
Whoa ... :smile:

Granted they could be among us ... but why assume that. Surely it's more plausible to assume they are not here. Besides you could make the same argument about pixies or wizards or for that matter secret government conspiracies :smile: Nope easier just to assume no aliens until we see some evidence.
  • #28
Originally posted by sir-pinski
Whoa ... :smile:

Granted they could be among us ... but why assume that. Surely it's more plausible to assume they are not here. Besides you could make the same argument about pixies or wizards or for that matter secret government conspiracies :smile: Nope easier just to assume no aliens until we see some evidence.
Because its FUN.
  • #29
sorry to sound paranoid.I'm not, just though it sounded cool.but if you want what I would have say if I was.thats why you can't prove they exist because they hide behind the fact they do this for a living,as they explore the universe.they don't let the poeple on the planet their visiting find out their there.obviously.they don't want to disturb them or they would be responsible for genicide of a race.so they hind in our style of airplanes so we don't know their there.
  • #30
Firstly ... the individuals who created the first crop circles admitted to having created them and even demonstrated how they where done. Secondly does anybody actually believe that a civilisation capable of interstellar travel would choose to communicate by creating patterns in some fields. Crop circles I am afraid are just another of humanity's bizarre creations.

How do you know they did not lie? How do you know they really did it? They couldn't possibly have done them all they may have just wanted credit. Crop circles have been around longer than them probably.
  • #31
Originally posted by Nicool003
How do you know they did not lie? How do you know they really did it? They couldn't possibly have done them all they may have just wanted credit. Crop circles have been around longer than them probably.
The hoaxsters DEMONSTRATED how they did it.
  • #32
There is a belief that UFO's are inter-dimensional travellers, just as any of the elusive physical phenomenon are. For example, Sasquatch and aka's, Loch Ness Monster and aka's, etc. All beings and creatures moving through our dimension in a multi-dimensional reality. I feel that I agree with this theory, this possibility, as I believe our realities exist in a multi-dimensional reality. It's only logical that we experience travellers from other dimensions like we travel to other dimensions in our sleeping, waking and lucid dreaming states.
  • #33
I find that theory almost plausable except for nessie,sasquatch etc. The only problem is that there hardly any evidence. If you start beliving in stuff that has no evidence you end up religious or beliving in flying banana's. Of course this is ok except there is more contradictory evidence than evidence supporting the theory.
  • #34
maybe not another dimension,but what if they can focus a gravitational beam at another planet,latch on to it,use the gravity to stretch spacetime closer,then with time slowed down by the gravitatonal field itself,pull themselves to the planet earth.with the reduced distance by streching spacetime,and time slowed down for the traveller,and since gravity may travel faster than light,it just might work.
  • #35
Crop circle are real!. They were studied by meteorologists as early as the forties. No doubt about it! There are fake ones and there are real ones. I think all of the complicated ones are fakes. I also think aliens mind control drunken college students into making the fake ones.

Do Aliens come in UFOs?
Where's the evidence? To be honest, we don’t know if we are in a position to have any evidence. Is the government hiding things? Maybe. A lot ex-military people say they are. But to be practical, good evidence does not seem an easy thing to satisfy. How do we know what to look for?

Let’s just make a wild assumption that there are beings that travel here. Next, let’s say they are interdimensional beings who travel here by typical interdimensional modes of transport. Who can name the evidence that we can expect? Tell me exactly what I am supposed to find. If we had it, would we even know it? Ok let’s make things easier. If the aliens come in flying saucers, then just what are they made of? What parts should we expect to be falling off in order to satisfy science? What kind of chemical trail should we look for? Could they mine materials on this planet to produce ships? Wouldn’t that make more sense than flying them all here…if you were an alien? Haven’t we already realized this in our own plans for planetary exploration? Can we really even guess what evidence we can expect given the premise? Presently, I wonder if science is defined broadly enough to address the UFO issue. Are we like Kaku’s ants contemplating the distant rumble of cars on the highway?

I agree completely that we don’t have the evidence to satisfy science. Guess what, science does not have a monopoly on truth. In fact this is my point: Some true things exist that can never be proven by science. Things have happened in my life, nothing unusual but everyday things that I can never prove. I can never prove to you that I ate toast this morning...but I did. Unfortunately I can never satisfy science of this fact. Now, where do we draw the line? When does human testimony become unworthy of consideration? Science could never convict a criminal. He would never repeat the crime! Likewise, UFOs never seem to follow schedules.

So the real question is not where’s the evidence, instead I ask, how much would you bet?

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