Thermo: Newtons law of cooling for radiation

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the net rate of heat transfer for a cube of copper with a mass of 4 kg and initial temperature of 110 oC in an environment of 100 oC. The cube's surface area is also given. The solution uses the formula Pnet=Aes(to^4-ts^4) with the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, emissivity, and surface area to calculate the rate of heat transfer to be .215 W. The conversation also mentions the next part of the question involving Newton's cooling approximation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cube of copper of mass 4 kg and initial temperature of 110 oC is set to radiatively cool in an environment of 100 oC.
(Note: copper has an emissivity of about 0.05. Also, neglect conduction and convection as cooling agents in this problem.)

The surface area of the cube is .035 m^2

The Attempt at a Solution

Before the copper has had a chance to cool, find the net rate of heat transfer of the cube to the environment.

Using Pnet=Aes(to^4-ts^4), s=stefan boltzman constant, to= temp of object, ts= temp of surroundings, e=emissivity, a= surface area

(.035)(.05)(5.67*10^-8)(383.15^4-373.15^4)=.215 W

Is this correct?

The next part of the question asks for Newton's cooling approximation, which approximation is this I wasn't able to find a formula for it...

Thanks, and as always help is much appreciated!
Physics news on
  • #3
Numerical answer is correct.

FAQ: Thermo: Newtons law of cooling for radiation

1. What is Newton's law of cooling for radiation?

Newton's law of cooling for radiation is a physical law that describes the rate at which an object cools down due to radiation. It states that the rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its temperature and the temperature of its surroundings.

2. How does Newton's law of cooling for radiation apply to everyday life?

Newton's law of cooling for radiation applies to everyday life in various ways. For example, it explains why a cup of hot coffee cools down when left on the table, why our bodies cool down when we step out of a hot shower, and why the Earth's surface temperature decreases at night.

3. What factors affect the rate of cooling according to Newton's law of cooling for radiation?

The rate of cooling according to Newton's law of cooling for radiation is influenced by several factors, including the surface area of the object, the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings, and the type of material the object is made of.

4. Can Newton's law of cooling for radiation be applied to objects that are not in direct contact with their surroundings?

Yes, Newton's law of cooling for radiation can be applied to objects that are not in direct contact with their surroundings. This is because radiation can transfer heat energy between objects without physical contact.

5. How is Newton's law of cooling for radiation related to thermodynamics?

Newton's law of cooling for radiation is a fundamental law of thermodynamics, which is the study of energy and its transformation. It is specifically related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that heat naturally flows from hotter objects to colder objects until thermal equilibrium is reached.
