Good-bye for Now: Saying Farewell to PF

  • Thread starter Mentat
  • Start date
In summary: The west is the bestThe west is the bestGet here, and we'll do the restThe blue bus is callin' usThe blue bus is callin' usDriver, where you taken' usHe
  • #1
Hey everyone. You may have noticed that I haven't been on the threads in a couple of days. I'm positive that I've hated this much more than you have :wink:.

My mother has - for not only no apparent reason, but (according to her own testimony) no reason at all (except for a "bad feeling", or whatever...please don't ask me to explain, I don't understand it myself (I think it has something to do with my mom's personal hatred of science and philosophy)) - revoked my PF privileges, for a maximum of one month.

When I say "a maximum of one month", I mean that she has said that it's going to be for a month, but she may be convinced otherwise (I hope).

The withdrawl is eating me alive (and will probably just get worse and worse), but I have solicited from my mother the opportunity to inform you of my imminent absence (and to beg Greg not to cancel my account or something ).

Until we meet again...keep up the good work.

P.S. Oh, by the way, I have not been able to respond to some of my more recent threads, and I will not be able to for now. Please don't take this as some indication of my ignoring anyone (or as some indication that you've "won" :wink:), I will be responding as soon as I can ("but mom, a WHOLE MONTH!??" ).
Physics news on
  • #2
IMPORTANT NOTE: I will not be able to respond to any PMs.

Aside from this - while I wish this wasn't the case - should one choose to e-mail me, it cannot be to discuss any PF topic directly. Yes, I know this sounds irrational, and there's a perfectly good reason for that: it is irrational.

Well, I'll keep trying to undo this injustice, and I hope to be back soon...:smile:
  • #3
  • #4
That sucks mentat. Althought I can't really see any problems with coming here. Hell if my kid actually went to a physics website willingly- Well i think I just might cry!(tears of joy).

Just explain to mom that- no problem, you'll just use that extra free time while you're banned from the evil demonic PF, to go to more kid-friendly sites such as beastiality porn, new age cultists, KKK, and how to make your own bomb websites:wink:

Kidding of course, but it depends on her sense of humor(on 2nd thought, don't anywhay)

Anyhow, cya in a month- Besides, it's only summer 3 months out of the year over there, use them to seek the sunlight:smile:
  • #5
Your mom has stopped you from pursuing knowledge? I don't understand this. Don't most parents do the opposite? Is she going to stop letting you go to school also? I hope you get back soon, Mentat!
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities.
-Albert Einstein
  • #6
Oh, bummer.

I could understand her shortening the leash during the school year, but during the summer?

Well, she must have her reasons. Maybe Mentat gained 50lbs and his skin is turning grey for lack of exercise and sunlight.

Don't take it too hard, Mentat. We'll still be here when you get back.
  • #7
My God I thought I had actually won an argument with Mentat! It seems only to be delayed. :frown:

Hey everyone, since I spend way too much time on PF, I may understand what's happening with our pal Mentat. If I was my kid, I would put me on restriction too. Luckily, I'm self employed and can compensate by getting rid of that nasty habit of sleeping. We look forward to your return oh wrong one!
  • #8
Perhaps this is one of those things that you will understand when you're older, teehehe
  • #9
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Perhaps this is one of those things that you will understand when you're older, teehehe

ROFL- I see a brutal retalliation coming upon his return:wink:

It could be that this is punishment for something he did, though it doesn't sound like it. Oh well... Go outside and get into some trouble. She'll see the light then
  • #10
Eh... Mentat, did you consider not obeying her ?
( Yeah I know... Please don't ban me ! )
I mean it's not like you're out killing someone.
Not to mention that you once said you serf a lot
on your school's library computer. :wink:

Live long and prosper.
  • #11
Originally posted by drag
Eh... Mentat, did you consider not obeying her ?
( Yeah I know... Please don't ban me ! )
I mean it's not like you're out killing someone.
Not to mention that you once said you serf a lot
on your school's library computer. :wink:

Live long and prosper.

I'll bet your mother had her hands full! You rebel.
  • #12
Originally posted by Zantra
ROFL- I see a brutal retalliation coming upon his return:wink:
Oh well, I suppose I'll have it coming, haha. For some reason I just couldn't resist...

It could be that this is punishment for something he did, though it doesn't sound like it. Oh well... Go outside and get into some trouble. She'll see the light then
It could be that he, like me, was spotted once too many times with a glazed, vacant, far away look in his eye following hour after hour of computer use...

...Time to leave the real world, go outside, and experience the artificial one.
  • #13
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...I want to...fvck you

C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

  • #14
Wait a week, then tell your mom that you no longer interested in science, and you would rather start pursuing ballet and sewing. Let this go on for a few months, and start acting gay... buy some body builder magazines. If she asks you if you are gay, never answer the question... just say "mom you never understand me!" Then one day, go back to liking science and get rid of all the gay crap. I guarantee you that after that, she will never ban you from PF again.

  • #15
"for not only no apparent reason"
The reason sticks out like a sore thumb. 1793 posts since March 2003, 14 posts a day. She obviously thinks you are spending way too much time at your computer (she might be right). Spend more time in the real world and less in cyberspace.
  • #16
AGAIN, if I could even BRIBE my child to go to a site like this, I'd be ecstatic. Show me a parent who doesn't feel the same way, and I'll show you someone who isn't enlightened.
  • #17
If my mother was still alive and knew how much time I spent on the computer, she would ban me too and I'm 45!

We're going to miss your input.

I am anxiously awaiting your return and trouncing of Boulderhead for his unwarranted attack on your age. :smile:

Just remember your mom loves you and is only looking out for what she believes to be your best interests.
  • #18
Clearly some of you will dislike me for this, but I agree with Mentat's Mom.

She knows him best, knows what he can and cannot handle, exposure wise, and clearly since several posters have started using what amounts to "off colour" language, she might just be trying to protect her son from the influences of the more "juvenile posters".

It's sort of sad that he wouldn't be posting here anymore, for a while, but we should all support his parents, after all, that is what "Good Parenting" is about, taking an interest in what you children do, and if need be, regulating their exposures.

Sorry to see you go mentat, (Doubt that you will even read this till you return so) but, forgive me, if you can, but I support your Mom!
  • #19
Off color language is reality.
I'm a bodhisattva.
I show you the mirror image of your mind.
I help you understand your mind by showing you your reaction to reality.
I show you reality.

  • #20
I (and as you can see, many others) will miss you mentat! I hope you can come back sooner than a month! Well, perhaps you can tell your mom that you will use your new free time to take books out of the library on Astrophysics, Religion, Political Science, and Chemistry. It may scare her and she will pay you to go on PF
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  • #21
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Off color language is reality (SNoP)

So is murder, rape, violence, genocide, mass murder, serial killers, arsonists, war mongerers, but I would stil think it prudent to protect a child from some, and/or all, of these things until the child has experainced enough to have better coping skills to deal with some of the harsher realities of life.

Aside from that, this is a PHYSICS forums, not a chat line, nor a place that caters to (to the best of my knowledge, from having read the opening rules) people who would wish to be that way. If you would prefer to be foul-mouthed, might I suggest (respectfully) that you venture to a place with "like minded" persons who can assist in your foul-mouthed education, as this is not the place for it, some of the members here are quite young.

Heck just look at some of the poeple in the adendum to the age debate complaining about how their parents treated them and you seem to think that that kind of talk should be validated herein.

BTW Yes, I have (slightly) indulged, but it is NOT consistent with me, nor is it regular, nor do I pretend that it is "nothing" or "OK" to do, when I know darn well it isn't, and I shouldn't!
  • #22
Liz Hurley is HOT!
  • #23
Originally posted by Andy
Liz Hurley is HOT!

Your a Prime candidate for a "Cougar", but I suspect that someone like you, would be 'burned'/'fried' by someone a nice a Ms. Hurley.

She's too nice for the likes of you Andy!
  • #24
How do you know what i am like? I could be a completely different person when i am not on the internet, to who i am when i am on the internet.

Liz is too old for me anyway.
  • #25
Originally posted by Andy
How do you know what i am like? I could be a completely different person when i am not on the internet, to who i am when i am on the internet. OK! so you admit to being deceitful, nothing that I didn't alreay know about you from reading your inane, trite, basically meaningless/content-less postings, meaningless, other then for your own entertainment

Liz is too old for me anyway.

Yes, I already knew that, to her, you are (probably) little more the "Jail Bait", but hopefully, a "Devoted fan" none the less.
  • #26
Learn to read,

OK! so you admit to being deceitful, nothing that I didn't alreay know about you from reading your inane, trite, basically meaningless/content-less postings, meaningless, other then for your own entertainment

Where in this does it say that?

How do you know what i am like? I could be a completely different person when i am not on the internet, to who i am when i am on the internet.

Unless "could be" means something different to homeless Canadian bums.
  • #27
Originally posted by Andy
(SNIP) Unless "could be" means something different to homeless Canadian bums.

You have 'implied' it by asking/posturing the "thought", prep for your usual dodging efforts, as in your "Just joking" kinda lines.

God's Grace, I am allowed to figure you out, after all, not much to it.
  • #28
If you think youve figured me out then you know me even less than you think you do.
  • #29
Originally posted by Artman
I am anxiously awaiting your return and trouncing of Boulderhead for his unwarranted attack on your age. :smile:
It was meant only as a friendly tease of a joke, folks. My comment is connected to another topic (I have forgotten the title) where wisdom (and the necessity of having to put a number of years behind you to acquire it) became the center of argument. I had no doubt that Mentat would understand where I was coming from, while this explanation is for everyone else who may not.
  • #30
Originally posted by BoulderHead
It was meant only as a friendly tease of a joke, folks. My comment is connected to another topic (I have forgotten the title) where wisdom (and the necessity of having to put a number of years behind you to acquire it) became the center of argument. I had no doubt that Mentat would understand where I was coming from, while this explanation is for everyone else who may not.

I was with you as I fell out of my chair laughing.
  • #31
I got it too..was just going with the joke

FAQ: Good-bye for Now: Saying Farewell to PF

1. What is "Good-bye for Now: Saying Farewell to PF" about?

"Good-bye for Now: Saying Farewell to PF" is a book that explores the concept of saying goodbye to the popular social media platform, Facebook. It discusses the reasons why people may choose to leave Facebook and the potential impact it can have on their lives.

2. What inspired the author to write this book?

The author, who is a social media researcher, noticed a growing trend of people leaving Facebook and wanted to delve deeper into the reasons behind this phenomenon. They also wanted to explore the potential consequences of leaving such a widely used platform.

3. Is this book biased against Facebook?

No, this book aims to present a balanced perspective on the topic. While it does discuss some negative aspects of Facebook and reasons why people may choose to leave, it also acknowledges the positive aspects of the platform and the reasons why people may continue to use it.

4. What are some of the potential effects of leaving Facebook?

The book discusses various potential effects of leaving Facebook, including changes in social connections, impact on mental health, and changes in online behavior. It also explores the potential benefits of taking a break from social media.

5. Can this book help someone who is considering leaving Facebook?

Yes, this book can provide valuable insights and information for someone who is thinking about leaving Facebook. It can help them understand their own motivations and potential consequences, and make an informed decision about whether or not to leave the platform.

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