Time dependent perturbation theory applied to energy levels

In summary: If you started in the unperturbed state and calculated the expectation value of the Hamiltonian, then that would be equivalent to calculating the energy in that state. The state you are in is not necessarily an eigenstate of the new Hamiltonian, but it would give you the energy in that state.
  • #1
Hello! I am reading this paper and in deriving equations 6/7 and 11/12 they claim to use second oder time dependent perturbation theory (TDPT) in order to get the correction to the energy levels. Can someone point me towards some reading about that? In the QM textbooks I used, for TDPT they just calculate the change in population as a function of time, but I have never seen a formula for the change in energy levels. I am able to derive 6/7 and 11/12 by applying a unitary transformation to the hamiltonian and working from there, but is there a simple formula to get these equations directly (similar to the energy formula for time independent perturbation theory)? Thank you!
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  • #2
@Twigg do you have any idea what they are doing here?
  • #3
I am wondering if this analogous to calculating the AC Stark shift.
  • #4
DrClaude said:
I am wondering if this analogous to calculating the AC Stark shift.
From what they claim in the paper, that seems to be the case, but I still don't know how to derive this perturbation theory formula in general (for a 2x2 level system at least).
  • #5
Sorry for the slow reply. I had started working it out, and I spilled tea on my papers o:)

I don't think there is a direct formula. The way I was working it out was getting the spin-up and spin-down populations as a function of time from 2nd order TDPT, then taking the expectation value over the Hamiltonian.

If you wrote down the expectation value and substituted in the TDPT formulae for the perturbative corrections to the wavefunction, you would end up with a direct formula but it would be lengthy to the point of uselessness.
  • #6
Twigg said:
Sorry for the slow reply. I had started working it out, and I spilled tea on my papers o:)

I don't think there is a direct formula. The way I was working it out was getting the spin-up and spin-down populations as a function of time from 2nd order TDPT, then taking the expectation value over the Hamiltonian.

If you wrote down the expectation value and substituted in the TDPT formulae for the perturbative corrections to the wavefunction, you would end up with a direct formula but it would be lengthy to the point of uselessness.
That looks very tedious (unless I am doing something wrong), and it also requires doing several integrals (in this case they are easy but in general it can be very difficult, no?).

Also I am a bit confused about this. If I start in an eigenstate of the unperturbed Hamiltonian, say ##(1,0)##, after a time, t, to second order in PT I will be in a state ##c_a(t)(1,0)+c_b(t)(0,1)##. Now I would calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian in this state and get the energy. But is this state ##c_a(t)(1,0)+c_b(t)(0,1)## an eigenstate of the new Hamiltonian such that the expectation value can be interpreted as an energy? Shouldn't I diagonalize my time dependent Hamiltonian, get the eigenvectors, and then propagate them in time? Or are the 2 approaches equivalent?
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FAQ: Time dependent perturbation theory applied to energy levels

1. What is time dependent perturbation theory?

Time dependent perturbation theory is a mathematical framework used to study the behavior of quantum systems that are subjected to a time-varying external force or perturbation. It allows us to calculate the changes in the energy levels of a system over time, taking into account the effects of the perturbation.

2. How is time dependent perturbation theory applied to energy levels?

Time dependent perturbation theory is applied by treating the perturbation as a small modification to the original Hamiltonian of the system. The Hamiltonian is then expanded in a power series, and the perturbation is treated as a perturbative term. Using this expansion, the energy levels of the system can be calculated at different orders of perturbation, giving us a more accurate understanding of the system's behavior.

3. What types of systems can time dependent perturbation theory be applied to?

Time dependent perturbation theory can be applied to any quantum system, including atoms, molecules, and solid-state materials. It is particularly useful for systems that are subjected to external forces or perturbations, such as electromagnetic radiation or electric fields.

4. What are the limitations of time dependent perturbation theory?

One limitation of time dependent perturbation theory is that it assumes that the perturbation is small enough that it does not significantly alter the system's behavior. It also assumes that the perturbation is applied for a finite amount of time, and that the system returns to its original state after the perturbation is removed. Additionally, it may not accurately describe systems with strong interactions or highly nonlinear behavior.

5. What are some applications of time dependent perturbation theory?

Time dependent perturbation theory has many applications in physics and chemistry. It is commonly used to study the behavior of atoms and molecules in the presence of external fields, such as in spectroscopy experiments. It is also used in the study of semiconductors and other solid-state materials, as well as in quantum computing and quantum information processing.

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