Is Gravity Always Negatively Affecting a Ball?

In summary, When an object is tossed, it experiences a constant negative net force due to the equation F=ma where acceleration is always negative. The convention for down being negative is used. For an object moving in the xy plane with equations x=-(5.00m)sin(ωt) and y=(4.00m)-(5.00m)cos(ωt), the components of velocity and acceleration can be found by taking the derivative and second derivative of the equations. The notation of seconds^-1 can be used when finding the derivative of x, which is represented by the omega symbol. The velocity vector is represented by \vec{v} = v_{x} \hat i + v_{y} \hat j
  • #1
When tossing a ball, the ball has a constant negative net force because of the equation that acceleration is always negative so the net force would be negative. Is this correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
If you're saying that down is negative then yes.

It's all just a matter of convention really
  • #3
What if an object is moving in the xy plane vary with time according to the equation

x=-(5.00m) sin xt


y=(4.00m)-(5.00m)cos xt

where t is in seconds and x has units of seconds^-1

I need to find the componets of velocit and acceleration...
All I need to do is find the derivative of x for the velocity and the second derivative of x for the acceleration. Is my thought process correct?
  • #4
The object has movement on y, too. So you need tyo derivate both equations and treat them as component of the velocity, find the magnitude of the velocity for the speed at t instant.
  • #5
I have never seen the notation of seconds^-1

So I have to find the derivative of x and the derivative of y then find the componet by x^2+y^2=c^2?
what is the deveivative of x having units of seconds^-1?
  • #6
I've only seen s^-1 so far in Period, which is rad/s, but s^-1 refers to Hertz. The units are there to pretty much cancel each other, so you're left with meters.
  • #7
how would I take the derivative of x=-(5.00m) sin xt?


btw, x is actually the omega symbol...which I replaced with x
  • #8
Now it seems clearer to me, w oh, Simple Harmonic Motion :smile:

Well anyhow, use the chainrule.

Btw, It's not a good math practice to say

x = Acosxt, put w.
  • #9
hahaha whoops!

okay, I didnt know what to write for omega...


Is the derivative of wt...w?
  • #10
It is, w is just a constant.
  • #11
Here's how you would display it on these forums: [tex]\omega[/tex]
  • #12
I never learned how to use Latex...but Iwill give it a try...

I am still confused on the whole omega thing. If [tex]\omega[/tex] is a constant, then the derivative of a constant is zero.

applying chain rule
x'=-5cos([tex]\omega[/tex]t^1)*derivative of [tex]\omega[/tex]t

for the derivative of [tex]\omega[/tex]t, do I need to use product rule?
  • #13
The derivative of a constant accompyniyn a variable is the constant times the derivative of the variable. or do the product rule, it will yield the same.
  • #14
so x'=-5wcos(wt) was correct?
  • #15
It is correct yes.
  • #16
geez... :rolleyes:

Okay, so

Then then componet of velocity is...x' and y'?
  • #17
Yup. :approve:
  • #18
who would I get an expression for the vector of velocity?
  • #19
[tex] \vec{v} = v_{x} \hat i + v_{y} \hat j [/tex]
  • #20
what exactly is i and j?
  • #21
Unit vectors. They are used to represent a vector. You know a scalar multiplied by the vector is equal another vector with magnitude of the original vector multiplied by the scalar, so because unit vectors has magnitude of 1, you can multiply it by the components of any vector and it will represent a vector in each of the unit directions.

i goes along x - axis
j goes along y - axis
k goes along z - axis

You could also represent your answer by

[tex] \vec{v} = (Magnitude, Direction) [/tex]
  • #22
x=-(5.00m) sin ωt
x’= -(5.00m) ω cos ωt
x’’= -(5.00m) ω * -sin ωt * ω
x’’=(5.00m)ω^2 sin ωt
y= (4.00m) – (5.00 m) cos ωt
y’= 0-(5.00m) –sin ωt * ω
y’= (5.00m) ω sin ωt
y’’= (5.00m) ω^2 cos ωt

The componet for velocity is x’= -(5.00m) ω cos ωt and y’= (5.00m) ω sin ωt
The componet for acceleration is x’’=(5.00m)ω^2 sin ωt and y’’= (5.00m) ω^2 cos ωt
Last edited:
  • #23
velocity vector= vi+ vj
velocity vector= (5.00m) ω sin ωt-(5.00m) ω cos ωt
velocity vector= 5.00m ω (sin ωt- cos ωt)

like this?
  • #24
no, like this

[tex] \vec{v} = v_{x} \hat i + v_{y} \hat j [/tex]

[tex] \vec{v} = -(5.00m) \omega cos \omega t \hat i + (5.00m) \omega sin \omega t \hat j [/tex]
  • #25
is the i and j necessary at then end of the equation?
  • #26
[tex] \vec{v} = -5.00m\omega (cos \omega t \hat i + sin \omega t \hat j) [/tex]

is this correct?
  • #27
Yes it is necessary, personally I've never seen a an answer in unit vector as a product, so don't factorize it.
  • #28
could I not include the i and j, would that still be valid? so don't factor the vector?
  • #29
It wouldn't be valid without the unit vectors, and don't factorize it.
  • #30
accleleration vector= ai+ aj
accleleration vector=(5.00m)ω2 sin ωti+ (5.00m) ω2 cos ωtj

would that be it?
  • #31
whoops... I mean have w^2

accleleration vector=(5.00m)ω^2 sin ωti+ (5.00m) ω^2 cos ωtj
  • #32
Yes, like that.
  • #33
I am asked to describe the path of the object on an xy graph, how would I figure this out? graph it?
  • #34
By path maybe they mean direction of the velocity (probably displacement), I'm not sure about the question. Could be make a graph...
  • #35
well, it first asked for the componets of velocity and acceleration at t=0
then the expression for the velocity and acceleration vector at t>0
then decribe the path of the object on an xy graph, not quite sure what they are getting at for the graph

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