Translation operator. Infinite potential well.

In summary, the conversation discusses the translation of a wave function for a potential well with different intervals and potentials. The formula for the translated wave function is given and the concept is explained through a trigonometric identity and a diagram. The confusion over adding or subtracting in the translation process is clarified.
  • #1
For potential well problem for well with potential which is zero in the interval ##[0,a]## and infinite outside we get ##\psi_n(x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{a}}\sin \frac{n\pi x}{a}##. If I want to get this result for well with potential which is zero in the interval ##[-\frac{a}{2},\frac{a}{2}]## and infinite outside we must do some translation. May I say that the wave function for this problem is
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  • #2
Probably you want ##\psi_n(x + a/2)##.

In general, you can probably convince yourself that if ##\psi(x)## satisfies

##-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2}{dx^2} \psi(x) + V(x) \psi(x) = E \psi(x)##


##\phi(x) = \psi(x + a)##


##-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2}{dx^2} \phi(x) + V(x+a) \phi(x) = E \phi(x)##
  • #3
I'm not sure why. I need that wave function be zero in ##-\frac{a}{2}## and ##\frac{a}{2}##. In solved problem its zero in ##0## and ##a##. Isnt then wave function for potential well with potential which is zero in the interval ##[−\frac{a}{2},\frac{a}{2}]## and infinite outside we
[tex]\psi_n=\sqrt{\frac{2}{a}}\sin \frac{n\pi (x-\frac{a}{2})}{a}?[/tex]
  • #4
Hint: consider the trig identity for ##\sin(\alpha \pm \beta)##.
  • #5
I know the trig identy I just asked is transformation OK?
  • #6
The Duck already answered your question. To translate a function to the "left", you need to add to x, not subtract. (More specifically, to translate a function to the "right" by b, you replace x by x-b. Moving to the "left" is opposite of that.)
  • #7
If it's still not clear whether you want a + or - sign, draw a diagram of the potential well, and label the the sides of the well with the coordinates (x) in the untranslated system (origin at left side of the well) and the coordinates (x') in the translated system (origin at the center of the well).
  • #8
Khashishi said:
The Duck already answered your question. To translate a function to the "left", you need to add to x, not subtract. (More specifically, to translate a function to the "right" by b, you replace x by x-b. Moving to the "left" is opposite of that.)

That confused me. Why?
  • #9
jtbell said:
If it's still not clear whether you want a + or - sign, draw a diagram of the potential well, and label the the sides of the well with the coordinates (x) in the untranslated system (origin at left side of the well) and the coordinates (x') in the translated system (origin at the center of the well).

If I understand you origin in translated system has coordinate ##x'=0## and in untranslated ##x=\frac{a}{2}##. So ##x'=x-\frac{a}{2}##.
  • #10
LagrangeEuler said:
So ##x'=x-\frac{a}{2}##.

Correct. But you're beginning with an equation expressed in terms of x, and you want to re-write it in terms of x'. So you need to substitute x = ...

FAQ: Translation operator. Infinite potential well.

What is the translation operator in an infinite potential well?

The translation operator in an infinite potential well is a mathematical operator that describes the movement of a particle within the well. It is used to calculate the change in position of the particle as it moves from one point to another.

How does the translation operator work in an infinite potential well?

The translation operator works by applying an imaginary displacement to the position of the particle within the well. This displacement is represented by the operator and allows us to calculate the new position of the particle.

What is the significance of the translation operator in an infinite potential well?

The translation operator is significant because it allows us to study the behavior of particles within the well and how they move and interact with the boundaries. It is also a key component in solving the Schrödinger equation for this system.

How is the translation operator related to the momentum operator?

The translation operator is closely related to the momentum operator in quantum mechanics. In fact, the momentum operator is defined as the product of the translation operator and the wave vector. This relationship allows us to calculate the momentum of a particle within the infinite potential well.

Can the translation operator be used in other potential wells besides the infinite potential well?

Yes, the translation operator can be used in other potential wells as well. However, the specific form of the operator may vary depending on the shape and properties of the potential well. In general, it is a fundamental tool for studying the behavior of particles in confined spaces.

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