Trying to track down one of the popular physics books

In summary, the author explained how the apparent color of a star changes as the traveler approaches it from behind. They also explained how the distance to a star changes depending on how fast the traveler is traveling.
  • #1
I've been trying to track down one of the popular physics books, a title I read years ago and can't recall. The author referred to a hypothetical astronaut, traveling at or close to lightspeed. Looking out of his ship's rear window he observes the stars behind him gradually reddening and dimming and eventually disappearing altogether as wavelength becomes infinite. In the forward direction the universe is foreshortened to a point as all light is completely blue-shifted. The author suggested that the astronaut is effectively dragging along his own personal black hole behind him, as this would logically account for his inability to see any stars astern of him. I eventually saw in these observations the answer to something which had been puzzling my poor brain for years (ever since reading "Einsteins Universe" even earlier !) I'm darned if I can remember the title or author of the book that I found this in. I've tried all the ones I can remember, not that there have been very many, I'm not much of a scientist and less of a mathematician. I haven't looked around the site yet (newbie) and for all I know this is Mother's Milk to the regulars.
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  • #2
A book

I am not a physicist by training and have no formal education in cosmology beyond what is accessible through "popular culture" and "sci-fi." Having said that, a sci-fi novel centered around the theory of relativity is tau zero by Poul Anderson [tex] \copyright [/tex] 1970 (page numbers below refer to Gollancz edition 2000, isbn 0-57507-099-4) and has passages almost exactly like your description. (I have copied Amazon's link at the end of this post.) I started it last week and couldn't put it down; I think I achieved a new personal record in reading. :bugeye:

p. 45: "More and more, the stars thinned out behind the ship and crowded before her. Doppler effect operated simultaneously. Because she was fleeing the light waves that overtook her from astern, to her their length was increased and their frequency lowered. In like manner, the waves into which her bow plunged were shortened and quickened. Thus, the sums [suns?] aft looked ever redder, those forward bluer."

p. 112: "The farther stars were coalescing into two globes, fiery blue ahead, deep crimson aft. But gradually those globes contracted toward points and dimmed; because well-nigh the whole of their radiation had been shifted out of the visible spectrum, toward gamma rays and radio waves."

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  • #3
Thanks for that. I think I might read it myself ! Never read any Poul Anderson. Shame I couldn't E-Mail him and jog his memory.

FAQ: Trying to track down one of the popular physics books

1. What are some popular physics books?

Some popular physics books include "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene, "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene, "The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, and "The Physics of Superheroes" by James Kakalios.

2. Where can I purchase these books?

These books can be purchased at most major bookstores, such as Barnes & Noble or Amazon. They may also be available at your local library.

3. Are these books suitable for beginners?

Some of these books are more suitable for beginners than others. "A Brief History of Time" and "The Physics of Superheroes" are both great options for those new to physics, as they are written in a more accessible and entertaining manner.

4. Can I find these books in different formats, such as audiobooks or e-books?

Yes, most of these books are available in various formats, including audiobooks and e-books. Check with your preferred retailer or online platform for availability.

5. Are there any other recommended physics books?

Yes, there are many other great physics books available. Some other popular ones include "The Hidden Reality" by Brian Greene, "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking, and "The Feynman Lectures on Physics" by Richard Feynman.

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