Limit Problems with Trigonometric Functions

  • Thread starter Hygelac
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In summary: Don't think of it as simplifying the function. Think of it as removing the discontinuity, by defining it to be continuous at that point.In summary, the conversation discusses three limit problems, two of which the person got wrong and is seeking help with. The first problem involves finding the limit of (tanbx/sinbx) as x approaches 0, and the second problem involves finding the limit of (sin^3(kx)/x^3) as x approaches 0. The third problem involves defining a piecewise function g(x) = (x^2+x-6)/(x+3) to be continuous everywhere. The conversation also touches on the use of
  • #1
I have these two limit problems that I tried to solve, but got them wrong, and the teacher didn't point out what was wrong with them. I don't want to do it on a future test obviously, but I can't figure out what I did wrong with them. Can someone help solve these two problems?




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  • #2
Oh, and, another piecewise one he took off 1 point, not full credit but still I don't know what he didn't like about it...

Define g(x) = (x^2+x-6)\(x+3) as a piecewise function so that it will be continuous everywhere.
My end result was
g(x) = (x-2, x>=0)
(-x+2, x<0)
  • #3
tany=siny/cosy (you should know that) - you should be able to finish

lim[x->0] sinx/x=1 - you should be able to figure it out

g(x) = (x^2+x-6)/(x+3)
- I assume you had a typo!
numerator=(x+3)(x-2), therefore g(x)=x-2 for all x
  • #4
Well, we can't help you figure out what you did wrong if you don't tell us what you did...
  • #5

lim[x->0]{(sinbx/cosbx)/sinbx} x cosbx/cosbx


if I cross out the two Sinbx, I'm left with 1/cosbx. This doesn't seem to get me anywhere. Is there a theorm that I am missing?



lim[x->0](sink^3) x lim[x->0](x^3)




Did I do that right?

g(x) =



So, the answer would be g(x) = {x-2} for all values of x?

Thanks for all the help :)
  • #6

lim[x->0]{(sinbx/cosbx)/sinbx} x cosbx/cosbx

This is almost right. What you said is:

\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\tan bx}{\sin bx}
= \left( \lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{ \frac{\sin bx}{\cos bx} }{ \sin bx }
\right) \times \frac{\cos bx}{\cos bx}

However, this is wrong: it only makes sense to use x inside the limit, not outside. What you wanted to say was:

\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\tan bx}{\sin bx}
= \lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \left( \frac{ \frac{\sin bx}{\cos bx} }{ \sin bx }
\times \frac{\cos bx}{\cos bx} \right)

So anyways, in the end you're left with [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} 1 / \cos bx[/itex]... why do you think you haven't gotten anywhere?


The second problem is entirely wrong. Some things to note are:

The theorem

\lim_{x \rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}
= \frac{ \lim_{x \rightarrow a} f(x) }{ \lim_{x \rightarrow a} g(x) }

is true only when both of the individual limits exist and the denominator of the right hand side is not zero.

And each of these following statements are usually wrong:

[tex]\sin^n x = \sin x^n[/tex]
[tex]\sin (xy) = (\sin x) \times y[/tex]

In the interest of saving time, I'll remind you that [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \sin x / x = 1[/itex].


For the third problem, your work looks right, however your conclusion is probably slightly wrong. In particular, your teacher probably wants you to say that g(x) is undefined at x = -3, but g(x) = x - 2 everywhere else.
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  • #7
Ok, thanks for all the help :) One last question...

lim[x->0]1/cosbx I can sub 0 in for x, can't I? Then, since sinb would be multiplied by 0, it would turn out 0, which would make it 1/0, which would be undefined...?
  • #8
Because 1 / cos bx is, indeed, continuous at 0, you can simply plug 0 in for x. You don't have to worry about sin bx because it's no longer in the expression!

To elaborate further...

The key step is that you showed (tan bx) / (sin bx) = 1 / (cos bx). Now, it would be correct to say that this equality is true only when (sin bx) is nonzero, when (cos bx) is nonzero, and when (tan bx) is defined.

All of these conditions hold when x is near zero, but not equal to zero.

(more precisely, there is a d such that if 0 < |x - 0| < d, then the expression is true)

Since you're taking the limit as x approaches 0, all you care about is what happens when x is near zero, but not equal to zero, so there's nothing further to worry about.
  • #9
"lim[x->0]1/cosbx I can sub 0 in for x, can't I? Then, since sinb would be multiplied by 0, it would turn out 0"

Oh, dear! If you do not understand that "cos bx" does NOT mean "cos b multiplied by x" (and certainly not sin b multiplied by x) you have much more serious problems than just finding limits!
  • #10
Hygelac said:
Oh, and, another piecewise one he took off 1 point, not full credit but still I don't know what he didn't like about it...

Define g(x) = (x^2+x-6)\(x+3) as a piecewise function so that it will be continuous everywhere.
My end result was
g(x) = (x-2, x>=0)
(-x+2, x<0)

as x tends to 0 fromt he left and right you get different limits, so it isn't piecewise continuous.

the function is conintuous everywhere except -3, where it isn't defined, but the limit as x tends to -3 is -5, so defining it to be -5 there will create a piecewise cont function.

obviously you could simplify the expression to see this, and it is a very artificial way of getting you to deal with 'removable singularities'.
  • #11
For the third one, it is continuous for numbers in its domain, which is (-infinity,-3)U(-3,infinity).

I have been taught to remove the discontinuity as follows:

Find the right, and left-hand limit as x approaches -3, which is -5.

We re-write the function as follows: (I don't know how to do latex, for this.)

g(x)=[x^2+x-6]/[x+3] when x does not equal -3, and -5 when x=-3.

Just because you can simplify it to (x-2), does not make it continuous on R. It is not continuous when x+3=0, therefore it is not discontinuous at one point, and you can remove that discontinuity, as above.

Note: Do what the prof wants in this case.
  • #12
Although I am not the thread starter, I'll give it a try.

For the second one, I did:

[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin^3(kx)}{x^3}=\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{x}\frac{\sin(kx)}{x}\frac{\sin(kx)}{x}[/tex]

Using limit laws:

[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{x}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{x}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{x}=1*1*1=1[/tex]

That seems right.
  • #13
But it isn't quite. While [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} (sin x) / x = 1[/itex], [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} (sin kx) / x[/itex] usually isn't equal to 1.
  • #14
Hurkyl said:
But it isn't quite. While [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} (sin x) / x = 1[/itex], [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} (sin kx) / x[/itex] usually isn't equal to 1.


Is it possible the question said (kx)^3?
  • #15
It is possible, but unlikely. But now that you realize you would really like a (kx)^3 there, can you think of any way to manage that?
  • #16
[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{kx}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{kx}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin(kx)}{kx}=1*1*1=1[/tex]

That seems right.

If it were a 2, then we can use identities to get rid of the 2.

sin2x=2sinxcosx, right?
  • #17
I'll ask in here, instead of starting a new thread.
What does [itex]sin^3(kx)[/itex] really mean?

What is sin without an angle? Or cos or tan for that matter?
  • #18
I believe that sin must come with an angle. I don't see how it can be applied without it.

The inverse of sin doesn't come with an angle, but unfortunately it comes with a ratio. That ratio is O/H.

Sin on its own, is a mathematical Sin. ;)
  • #19
When n is positive, [itex]\sin^n \theta[/itex] means [itex](\sin \theta)^n[/itex]. (n = -1 means arcsin, and I don't think I've seen any other negative value of n used, because it would be confusing)
  • #20
JasonRox said:
I believe that sin must come with an angle. I don't see how it can be applied without it.

The inverse of sin doesn't come with an angle, but unfortunately it comes with a ratio. That ratio is O/H.

Sin on its own, is a mathematical Sin. ;)

Any FUNCTION has to have an argument but it doesn't necessarily have to be an angle.

Sine and Cosine are used for a lot of purposes that have nothing to do with angles and are not most generally defined in terms of a right triangle.

(Of course, if you are just objecting to a student writing
[tex] \frac{sin x}{x}= sin[/tex]
Then I support you all the way!
  • #21
HallsofIvy said:
Any FUNCTION has to have an argument but it doesn't necessarily have to be an angle.

Sine and Cosine are used for a lot of purposes that have nothing to do with angles and are not most generally defined in terms of a right triangle.

(Of course, if you are just objecting to a student writing
[tex] \frac{sin x}{x}= sin[/tex]
Then I support you all the way!

Of course sin and cos have other uses, and the sin wave is probably the next most popular.

Nevertheless, sin and cos still comes attached to something.

Again, I started the post with "I BELIEVE" and a person with higher mathematics can argue something else, which is why I did not state it as a fact.

Read the entire post.
  • #22
Yes, you said you "believe that sin must come with an angle" that belief is clearly and demonstrably wrong. The use of the word 'must' implies something stronger than just a suspicion that it *may* be true; this is maths not theology.

FAQ: Limit Problems with Trigonometric Functions

1. What are the two types of limit problems?

The two types of limit problems are one-sided limits and two-sided limits. One-sided limits involve approaching a value from either the left or right side, while two-sided limits involve approaching a value from both sides.

2. How do you calculate a limit problem?

To calculate a limit problem, you must first substitute the value that the variable is approaching into the given function. Then, simplify the function as much as possible. If the resulting value is a real number, that is the limit. If the resulting value is infinity or undefined, then the limit does not exist.

3. What is the difference between a limit and a derivative?

A limit is the value that a function approaches as the input approaches a certain value, while a derivative is the instantaneous rate of change of a function at a specific point. In other words, a limit is a value while a derivative is a function.

4. Why are limit problems important in calculus?

Limit problems are important in calculus because they help us understand the behavior of functions near certain values and can be used to find the derivative of a function. They also allow us to solve problems involving rates of change and optimization.

5. What are some common techniques for solving limit problems?

Some common techniques for solving limit problems include factoring, rationalizing, using trigonometric identities, and applying L'Hospital's rule. It is also important to know basic limits and their properties, such as the sum, difference, product, and quotient rules.

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