Typing Up Molecules: Struggling with HgCl2

  • Thread starter hecate
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In summary, HgCl2 is the chemical formula for mercury chloride, a compound composed of one mercury atom and two chlorine atoms. The process of typing up molecules involves creating a written representation using the molecular formula and structural formula, which can be challenging for complex structures and isomers. Common mistakes when typing up molecules include errors in the formulas and incorrect placement of atoms or bonds, so it is important to proofread for accuracy. To improve skills in typing up molecules, regular practice and familiarizing oneself with common structures and utilizing specialized software and resources can be helpful.
  • #1
i have to type up some molecules, and i don't know how to make the numbers smaller. for some reason, i can't make the 2 in HgCl2 small. can anyone help me?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
2 to get subscript

[tex] HgCl_2 [/tex]
Click on The Graphic Above to get the LaTeX code


Last edited:
  • #3
In Word? Like the program?

You press ctrl = to do a subscript. Highlight what you want subscripted first.

To make a superscript press ctrl shift =.
  • #4
Or select the text you want to change, go into the fonts menu and there'll find the boxes to click for sub or superscript.

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