Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Masses and Springs

In summary: ManessIn summary, the equation is ##\lambda Tr=Vr## where T is a matrix representing the kinetic energy, and V is a matrix representing the stiffness of the springs (potential energy). The equation is equivalent to the original equation in my mind, but the physical solutions are when the energy does not change for small perturbations of ##r##.
  • #1
I am going through Mary Boas' "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 3rd Ed". I finished the chapter 3 section 12 problem set, but I do not understand how she gets eq. 12.39. These don't seem obviously equal to each other. Here is the equation:

$$\lambda Tr=Vr$$ Where T is a matrix representing the kinetic energy, and V is a matrix representing the stiffness of the springs (potential energy).

Any help would be appreciated.

Chris Maness
Physics news on
  • #2
Ideal springs transform potential to kinetic energy, and back again.

When averaged over a full cycle the kinetic & potential energy each equal 1/2 of the total energy.

The problem description will provide further detail for the details of the expression.
  • #3
Ironically, I only see the equation pop into the text ex nihilo. Would this be an equivalent expression?:

$$k\left< { r }|{ V }|{ r } \right> =m\left< { \dot { r } }|{ T }|{ \dot { r } } \right> \quad if\quad r={ e }^{ i\omega t } $$

This seems to be equivalent to the original equation in my mind. I used the BRA/KET just to reflect the transpose since it seems to be an inner product with a the matrices sandwiched in between. The equation above does not seem to work. That is why I am scratching my head.

Chris Maness
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  • #4
Your equation isn't quite right. Using matrix notation (I'm an engineer not a physicist!) the potential energy is ##\frac 1 2 r^T V r## and the kinetic energy is ##\frac 1 2 \dot r^T T \dot r##. The T matrix includes the mass so you don't need another ##m## term.

If you assume harmonic motion ##r = e^{i\omega t}##, then ##\dot r = i\omega r## so ## T = -\omega^2 \frac 1 2 r^T T r##, or ## T = -\lambda \frac 1 2 r^T T r##.

By conservation of energy, ##-\lambda \frac 1 2 r^T T r + \frac 1 2 r^T V r## is constant.

If you consider this as a function of ##r##, the physical solutions are when the energy does not change for small perturbations of ##r##, i.e. when ##\frac {\partial}{\partial r}(-\lambda \frac 1 2 r^T T r + \frac 1 2 r^T V r) = 0## which gives your equation ##\lambda Tr = Vr##.

You probably want a longer explanation of the last step of taking ##\frac {\partial}{\partial r}##, but you should be able to find that in a textbook. I don't have Boas so I can't give you a page reference.
  • #5
Ah, I now see where I get my omega squared. There are two r dots there.


FAQ: Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Masses and Springs

1. How do matrices help in solving systems of masses and springs?

Matrices are a powerful tool in solving systems of masses and springs because they allow us to represent the system in a compact and organized way. Each mass and spring in the system can be represented as a variable in a matrix, and their connections and interactions can be represented as the coefficients in the matrix. This allows us to use matrix operations, such as Gaussian elimination, to manipulate the system and solve for the unknown variables.

2. Can matrices be used for any type of system of masses and springs?

Yes, matrices can be used for any type of system of masses and springs, regardless of the number of masses or springs involved. Matrices are a universal tool in linear algebra, and they can be used to solve systems of equations with any number of variables and equations.

3. What are the advantages of using matrices to solve systems of masses and springs?

Using matrices to solve systems of masses and springs has several advantages. First, it allows us to represent the system in a more organized and compact way, making it easier to manipulate and solve. Additionally, using matrices allows us to easily scale and modify the system, as adding or removing masses and springs only requires adding or removing variables from the matrix. Finally, using matrices also allows us to quickly and accurately solve for the unknown variables in the system, without the need for manual calculations.

4. Are there any limitations to using matrices to solve systems of masses and springs?

While matrices are a powerful tool, they do have some limitations when it comes to solving systems of masses and springs. One limitation is that they can only be used for linear systems, meaning that the relationships between the masses and springs must be linear. Additionally, matrices can become complex and difficult to manipulate with larger systems, making it challenging to solve for the unknown variables.

5. Are there any alternative methods for solving systems of masses and springs?

Yes, there are alternative methods for solving systems of masses and springs, such as using differential equations or computer simulations. These methods may be more appropriate for certain types of systems or may provide more accurate results. However, matrices remain a widely used and effective method for solving systems of masses and springs, especially for simpler and smaller systems.

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