How can I calculate various statistics using VB for a data collecting program?

In summary, my program will collect data from a textbox, listbox, and command buttons. The data will be arranged chronologically in the list box. The program will calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value, upper quartile, and lower quartile of the data.
  • #1
Ok, my latest assignment is to collect 8 different "types" of data from a set of inputted data. I am using a textbox for the user to input the data into a listbox by clicking on a command button. So the program will use 1 listbox, 1 textbox, multiple command buttons, and multiple labels (in which I want to display the computted results).

I have to calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value, upper quartile, and lower quartile of the inputted data. Each calcutation has its own command button. So far, I have figured out the mean by using a For...Loop. Easy enough. Also, I've found out how to arrange the inputted data chronologically in the listbox. Visual basic is a little weird when inputting data. I had to make it so that the integers from 1-9 have 0's in front on the left in the ten colum's spot.

Anyway, do you have any ideas that could jumpstart my thinking process. You don't have to program it for me, just tell me if I'm going in the right direction.

Most of the calculations are based off of the list box's "listcount" property or at least that is what I am guessing.

Note: my list box is called lstOrdered
Median - sometype of loop
Mode - similiarly...another loop that cheaks for repeating values?
Stand Dev - totally lost...
Min Val - something including the phrase: (Listcount + 1) - (Listcount) ?
Max Val - something inluding: (Listcount + 1) ?
Up Quartile - the top 25% of the data?
Lo Quartile - the bottom 25% of the data?
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  • #2
  • #3
Hehe thanks for the offer...fortunately I managed to finish it all ready. Are you familiar with Java? Because I've basically finished all of VB and have moved onto Java.
  • #4
you basically finished vb huh. i c that you are running off to java. java is powerful (i am a beginner to it). one thing that you should keep in mind is that if you move around to all of them like this you would know about them all but u will master none. C/C++ and assemble coding is good too.
  • #5
Visual Basic was more of an "introduction" for me. I'm sticking with Java for a while, but am definately learning C/C++ sometime - most likely during the summer. Java, C, and C++ will suffice I think...maybe Python too.

FAQ: How can I calculate various statistics using VB for a data collecting program?

1. What is a "VB - Data Collecting Program"?

A "VB - Data Collecting Program" is a software program developed using Visual Basic (VB) programming language that allows users to collect and organize data from various sources.

2. What are the benefits of using a "VB - Data Collecting Program"?

Using a "VB - Data Collecting Program" can save time and effort by automating the process of collecting and organizing data. It also allows for more accurate and efficient data management.

3. Can a "VB - Data Collecting Program" be customized for different data collection needs?

Yes, a "VB - Data Collecting Program" can be customized to meet the specific data collection needs of different users. The program can be tailored to collect and organize data in a variety of formats and from different sources.

4. Is it easy to use a "VB - Data Collecting Program"?

Yes, "VB - Data Collecting Program" is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use for both beginners and experienced users. It typically has a user-friendly interface and offers step-by-step instructions for data collection and management.

5. Can a "VB - Data Collecting Program" be used for data analysis and reporting?

Yes, many "VB - Data Collecting Programs" offer features for data analysis and reporting. This allows users to not only collect and organize data but also to gain insights and make informed decisions based on the data collected.

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