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Is there an example of a real vector bundle over a compact smooth manifold with all zero characteristic classes (Euler class,Stiefel-Whitney classes and Pontryagin classes) that is non-trivial?
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lavinia said:Is there an example of a real vector bundle over a compact smooth manifold with all zero characteristic classes (Euler class,Stiefel-Whitney classes and Pontryagin classes) that is non-trivial?
mathwonk said:such an example is ex. 23.16 p. 302 of bott-tu, but could you explain why p1 is zero, since it apparently lives in in H^4 of the 4 sphere, which is Z? (The other classes apparently live in cohomology groups which are zero on the 4 sphere.)
mathwonk said:Generalizing that example, and using again the homotopy classification of real vector bundles on spheres, as in Bott - Tu, p. 301, since SO(3) ≈ RP^3 and ∏4(RP^3) = Z/2Z, one sees there is a non trivial 3 plane bundle on S^5, for which all characteristic classes seem to lie in cohomology groups which are zero. I.e. here p1 lies again in H^4 which is now zero on S^5.
mathwonk said:Generalizing that example, and using again the homotopy classification of real vector bundles on spheres, as in Bott - Tu, p. 301, since SO(3) ≈ RP^3 and ∏4(RP^3) = Z/2Z, one sees there is a non trivial 3 plane bundle on S^5, for which all characteristic classes seem to lie in cohomology groups which are zero. I.e. here p1 lies again in H^4 which is now zero on S^5.
mathwonk said:well I am almost a complete novice, and am merely reading the statements in the standard books on the subject. But if this questions means what are the circle bundles on S^5, the they are apparently all trivial (because S^1 has no higher homotopy). pages 139-140 of Steenrod's Topology of fibre bundles, the standard work for many years on the topic, lists all sphere bundles on S^5 using the same homotopy classification as in Bott -Tu page 299 (not 301).
In particular the only non trivial ones have fibers S^2, S^3 or S^4. There is one non trivial S^2 bundle, and two non trivial S^3 bundles one of which however has the same homotopy groups as the trivial bundle, as is also true for the unique non trivial S^4 bundle. Oh and several of these have sections, hence vanishing euler class I suppose.
But since the only S^1 bundle is trivial then I suppose it is indeed determined by essentially any invariant at all, or none.
mathwonk said:OK here's a guess, but i hardly know the meaning of the symbols. If we have a smooth SO(2) bundle on a compact orientable connected surface, then since SO(2) = U(1), we can give that bundle the structure of a smooth complex line bundle with fiber the complex numbers. These are classified by the sheaf cohomology group H^1 with coefficients in the sheaf S* of never vanishing smooth functions. Using the exponential map we get a sheaf sequence 0-->Z-->S-->S*-->0, and a corresponding cohomology sequence containing
H^1(S)-->H^1(S*)-->H^2(Z)-->H^2(S). Then since S is a "fine" sheaf (admits smooth partitions of unity) the groups with S in them are zero. Hence the group classifying smooth isomorphism classes of smooth complex line bundkles is isomorphic to H^2(Z) which on a compact connected oriented surface is Z.
The map of course is the euler number, so only the bundle with euler number 0 is trivial.
does this make sense? consullt Gunning, Lectures on Riemann surfaces, Princeton mathematical notes, 1966.
zhentil said:H^2 corresponds bijectively with homotopy classes [X,BU(1)], with the isomorphism given by the pullback of the generator of H^2(BU(1)). This is the Euler class of the corresponding bundle. Thus the Euler class is trivial if and only if the classifying map is nullhomotopic, in which case the bundle is trivial.
lavinia said:is there an intuitive way to see this?
Vector bundles with all zero characteristic classes are a type of mathematical object used in differential geometry and algebraic topology. They are a special class of vector bundles where all of the characteristic classes, which are topological invariants that describe the topological structure of the bundle, are equal to zero.
These bundles are used in various areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and differential geometry. They provide important tools for studying the topology and geometry of manifolds and other mathematical objects.
The fact that all characteristic classes are equal to zero in a vector bundle has important implications for the topology and geometry of the underlying space. It means that the bundle has a simple structure that can be studied and classified using algebraic and geometric methods.
Unlike general vector bundles, which can have non-zero characteristic classes that describe their topological structure, bundles with all zero characteristic classes have a simpler structure that is easier to study. This allows for more efficient classification and analysis of these bundles.
Yes, there are many known examples of vector bundles with all zero characteristic classes. One example is the trivial bundle over any space, which has all characteristic classes equal to zero. Other examples include the tangent bundle of a sphere and the cotangent bundle of a projective space.