Voltage output for ideal diode (solutions wrong?)

In summary, the conversation is about a problem with a given solution for a problem involving an AC voltage. The speaker is questioning the accuracy of the solution's graph for the input voltage, which leads to incorrect results for the output voltage. The expert summarizer notes that the period of the graph is incorrect and the speaker further adds that the frequency calculation was unnecessary.
  • #1
I'm looking at some solutions for a problem I found. This link is http://www.etcs.ipfw.edu/~lin/MET487/2011-SumII/Lectures/Hw3_Sols-MET487-Sum2011.PDF
It's page 4 problem 3.1.

Okay so V_in is given to be 10cos(2∏t), but their graph for V_in makes no sense to me and consequently, V_out seems wrong as well.

Am I missing something here or is their graph for V_in totally off? The magnitudes are right but their period seems a factor of 2 off.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
pyroknife said:
I'm looking at some solutions for a problem I found. This link is http://www.etcs.ipfw.edu/~lin/MET487/2011-SumII/Lectures/Hw3_Sols-MET487-Sum2011.PDF
It's page 4 problem 3.1.

Okay so V_in is given to be 10cos(2∏t), but their graph for V_in makes no sense to me and consequently, V_out seems wrong as well.

Am I missing something here or is their graph for V_in totally off? The magnitudes are right but their period seems a factor of 2 off.

You are right, the period is wrong.

  • #3
ehild said:
You are right, the period is wrong.


Thanks. Any clue what they were doing by finding frequency? I don't see any point in doing that.
  • #4
The time dependence of an AC voltage is U=Acos(ωt). The input voltage is U=10cos(2pi t). So what is the angular frequency ω? How is it related to the frequency and to the time period?
The scaling in the picture is wrong.

  • #5
Yeah I know that the relationship between angular frequency and frequency is
and that period=1/frequency.

I just don't understand why they went through the hassle of calculating frequency to draw a simple sinusoidal graph. Frequency was never asked to be calculated, so i didn't see the point in calculating it unless they somehow saw this as an easier way of drawing a simple cosine function.
  • #6
They needed to graph time dependence of the output voltage. (But they did it wrong)

FAQ: Voltage output for ideal diode (solutions wrong?)

What is the ideal diode model?

The ideal diode model is a simplified model that assumes the diode has zero resistance when forward-biased and infinite resistance when reverse-biased. It also assumes that the diode has no capacitance or inductance.

What is the voltage output of an ideal diode?

The voltage output of an ideal diode is either zero volts when it is reverse-biased or the same as the input voltage when it is forward-biased.

Why do the solutions for ideal diode voltage output sometimes appear wrong?

The solutions for ideal diode voltage output may appear wrong because they do not take into account the limitations of the ideal diode model. In reality, diodes have some resistance, capacitance, and inductance, which can affect the voltage output.

How can the voltage output of an ideal diode be improved?

The voltage output of an ideal diode can be improved by using a more realistic diode model, such as the Shockley diode model, which takes into account the diode's non-ideal characteristics.

What are some applications of ideal diodes?

Ideal diodes are commonly used in rectifier circuits, voltage regulators, and power supplies. They can also be found in electronic devices such as computers, TVs, and smartphones.
