Wars vs Trek: Choosing the Ultimate Sci-Fi Franchise

  • Thread starter Viper
  • Start date
In summary, I think Trek is better because it is more classic, has better special effects, and is more consistent.

What is the better franchise?

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Star Trek

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Ok what's better and why?
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  • #2
I voted trek for seven of nine (sorid rant edited out.)
  • #3
I voted for trek because it just better! I can't explain why i voted for it other than that i prefer to watch Star Trek.
  • #4
I only picked Star Wars because it never claimed to be scientifically consistent - while it was implied in Star Trek that it was - and neither of them (Wars or Trek) are.
  • #5
Apples and oranges but I'd have to say Trek. If you ignore the really ridiculous stuff you can almost pretend that it's real.

  • #6
Look at my avatar and you know my answer. Luke would pummel Kirk to bloody goo. And Light sabers are cooler than phasers. And besides, what kind of alien civilization would name their planet X-2347R?!
  • #7
i voted for trek, mostly the old stuff. i know most of it was ripped from classic literature but i still appreciate the moral and ethical situations portrayed in them more than star wars which i find to be of less value in that sense.
  • #8
Star wars is cool but I feel episodes one and two have dampened down the flame a bit, they were a bit crap. Jar JAR STEPPING IN CRAP, WHY?
  • #9
just because i like it more
  • #10
I liked Star Trek more. Star Wars is good and has better special effects but only comes in second place.
  • #11
I made the same thread in PF 2.0... It eventually ended up in a very large debate resulting in no conclusion. However, I voted StarTrek
  • #12
I voted star trek, but not becuase I like it. I hate them both, but treky nerds are really funny to laugh at so it really makes my day sometimes.
  • #13
Hey !
That's not fair !
I can't choose between ST and SW !
  • #14
Originally posted by drag
Hey !
That's not fair !
I can't choose between ST and SW !
Maybe we should choose Lost in Space my green princely friend.
  • #15
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Maybe we should choose Lost in Space my green
princely friend.
I can't rule-out that show either !

P.S. Weren't I the black or red one ?

P.P.S. Who was in Dr. Smith's discise ? :wink:
  • #16
I remember the fear I felt when they first encountered this dude;

Fortunately the robot had a trusty old hammer to fix the problem;
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  • #17
Or stargate sg1

FAQ: Wars vs Trek: Choosing the Ultimate Sci-Fi Franchise

1. What is the main difference between Wars and Trek?

The main difference between Wars and Trek is the genre and setting. Wars, also known as Star Wars, is a science fiction space opera set in a galaxy far, far away. Trek, also known as Star Trek, is a science fiction television and movie franchise set in the future, where humans have achieved interstellar travel and have formed a united federation with other alien races.

2. Which one came first, Wars or Trek?

Wars, or Star Wars, was released first in 1977, while Trek, or Star Trek, premiered as a television series in 1966. However, the Wars franchise has more movies and a larger fanbase compared to Trek.

3. Are there any similarities between Wars and Trek?

Despite their differences in genre and setting, there are some similarities between Wars and Trek. Both franchises feature advanced technology, space travel, and explore themes of morality, good vs. evil, and the human condition. They also have dedicated fanbases and have inspired numerous spin-offs, books, and merchandise.

4. Which one is more scientifically accurate, Wars or Trek?

Trek is often considered more scientifically accurate because it incorporates scientific concepts and theories in its storytelling, while Wars is more focused on action and adventure. However, both franchises take creative liberties with science for the sake of entertainment.

5. Can someone be a fan of both Wars and Trek?

Yes, many people enjoy both Wars and Trek, as they offer different but equally compelling storytelling and world-building. Some even consider themselves fans of both franchises, affectionately known as "Trekkies" and "Star Wars fans" or "Trekkers". Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference and enjoyment.

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