How Does Moving to West Virginia Compare to Living in Colorado?

  • Thread starter hypatia
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In summary: I actually cried a little. I'm really glad this job came up. :smile: In summary, congrats on your new digs! Hope everything is delivered in tact, and that you feel comfortable and "at home" as soon as possible.
  • #1
Congrats on your new digs! Hope everything is delivered in tact, and that you feel comfortable and "at home" as soon as possible :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
What you mean the thread killer champions opened a new office somewhere??
  • #3
My older daughter also moved this weekend and I have spent the last few days cleaning her old apartment so she will get her deposit back.

Moonbear, hope the move went well!
  • #4
Yeah Moonbie! Hope the move to... er... West Virginia goes well! There's a shiny Disney Pin waiting to be sent out to you! :)

  • #5
Well, so far I've moved me. My "stuff" is still en route. Thanks for the wishes! I'm in a hotel tonight (my lease on the new place starts tomorrow...they probably wouldn't even notice if I was there a day early since I got the keys the day I signed the lease, but since the water and gas won't be turned on until tomorrow, I didn't think I wanted to stay there tonight anyway).

I had a good first night so far! I just went over to the Applebees next to the hotel to have a drink (or two) to relax and celebrate. There was a guy sitting next to me who was also on his own, so I struck up a conversation (he was wearing a suit, so I was guessing he was probably also a hotel guest here on business...a lot of people stay here on business with the university). Turns out he's a neurosurgeon and here observing one of our neurosurgeons who is internationally known (I had no idea someone was here who is that well known...great news for me). So, we had a great conversation, and I picked his brain (no pun intended) about an experiment I've been thinking about but really don't know what is available to do what I want to the name of a product that sounds like it will be absolutely perfect! It's actually something that doesn't work very well for neurosurgeons, but it's the reason it will work well for me, because it only seems to last about 2 weeks and I want something reversible (they usually don't when they're trying to patch brains in people). I'm so happy about this! I can't wait to tell my new lab all about it! And I also have the name of the neurosurgeon here who this guy is visiting, so if I need to get more info, I already know who to call. I couldn't ask for a better first night (okay, it might have been better if he was single and local, but I'll take what I can get :smile:).
  • #6
hah@ picked his brain! Sounds like a good{your right I didn't say great}start in your new city! I envy your chance at outdoor work, that's a really beautiful state. Just be aware of "skeeters and snakes and such*" And might I add the moonshiners.

* a quote from my Granny
  • #7
YAY! Happy almost House Warming Moonie!
  • #8
I'm curious, why west virginia?
  • #9
hypatia said:
I envy your chance at outdoor work, that's a really beautiful state. Just be aware of "skeeters and snakes and such*" And might I add the moonshiners.

Yep, it's very pretty...I live near cows! :bugeye: :biggrin: I didn't see them before, but today, they were out just before the turn for my new place (I did stop by tonight and check my mailbox and double check that all the directions I gave the driver were correct, even though I didn't move in yet). A few more weeks and the leaves will start turning color on the trees...I can't wait! Plus, I'm no longer responsible for raking the leaves! :biggrin: So, I can really sit back and just look and enjoy. Skeeters I'm used to, and used to run into some snakes in MI too (never encountered anything more than a garter snake in NJ...well, once there was some sort of nasty, venomous beastie in our backyard, but my dad spotted it first and just made us all stay away from it until it left).

TheStatutoryApe said:
YAY! Happy almost House Warming Moonie!
Thanks. :biggrin: I wonder how long it will take to get my DSL once my phone is connected? I can't wait! That'll be the big celebration, when I have high speed access from home.

yomamma said:
I'm curious, why west virginia?
It's where the job is silly. :smile: Actually, it's where the person works who has been paying half my salary for the past few years already (off his grants), so he was the most obvious person to contact when I found out the person I worked with in Cincinnati was picking up and leaving the country. I actually like it here. When I really have time to do stuff, there are cities like D.C. and Pittsburgh within a reasonable driving distance for weekend trips, and when I don't have time to do stuff, it's a pretty, quiet place to just relax and be at home. It's actually the kind of place I always pictured myself living, where I'm out in the country to have the clean, fresh air and open spaces, but still close enough to cities to get to them when I want something more to do.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Thanks. :biggrin: I wonder how long it will take to get my DSL once my phone is connected? I can't wait! That'll be the big celebration, when I have high speed access from home.
the big celebration will be when you realize that Windows XP is better than any mac. :biggrin: Then in june, you'll be sad again because everyone else upgraged to VISTA :frown:
  • #11
I say.. Moonbearr you should come up to NYC this New Years - I'll be 21 by then and we'll grab an apple tini :biggrin:
  • #12
yomamma said:
the big celebration will be when you realize that Windows XP is better than any mac. :biggrin: Then in june, you'll be sad again because everyone else upgraged to VISTA :frown:
It must be past your bedtime, you're hallucinating! :biggrin:
  • #13
you just don't get it do you, tsk, tsk...
  • #14
Dude she is not old enough to be my mom! Nobody has kids at 13, what is wrong with you!
  • #15
Woohoo! Hillbilly neurosurgeons! :biggrin: You sure got a purty medulla oblongata on ya, missy! :smile:

ok, I am really hesitant to tell you (but I just got to 'cause you'll laugh) my experience with the WVU clinic for students when I was there years ago. I went there for a bladder infection once and the doctor actually told me it was God's way of punishing me for premarital sex! I'm sure things are different now!
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  • #16
cronxeh said:
I say.. Moonbearr you should come up to NYC this New Years - I'll be 21 by then and we'll grab an apple tini :biggrin:
They still don't pay me enough to spend New Years in NYC! Last year I was there for a few days between Christmas and New Years, and that was bad enough. But, I also think Zz has a prior date with me at Disney. He'd be very disappointed if I headed north instead of south. :biggrin:
  • #17
what?? :confused:

(to cronxeh's post)
  • #18
Ah darn Zz! You can't occupy same space at the same time! Darn Physicists :cry:
  • #19
awha? :confused:
  • #20
Ok yomamma that assface avatar is making me angry
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  • #21
I didn't know you didn't like to show your pic on the 'net...

*runs and hides*
  • #22
Math Is Hard said:
Woohoo! Hillbilly neurosurgeons! :biggrin: You sure got a purty medulla oblangata on ya, missy! :smile:

ok, I am really hesitant to tell you (but I just got to 'cause you'll laugh) my experience with the WVU clinic for students when I was there years ago. I went there for a bladder infection once and the doctor actually told me it was God's way of punishing me for premarital sex! I'm sure things are different now!
:smile: *note to self: don't visit clinic for bladder infections.* Um, yeah, I think things have changed a bit since you were here. That's totally opposite from the student clinic when I was in college...we used to joke that they prescribed condoms for everything. Go in with a sore throat and walk out with a fist full of condoms, go in with the flu and leave with a package of condoms, go in with a sprained ankle and you're handed a bag of condoms. They seemed to have this unlimited supply of them that they just kept handing out everytime anyone visited the clinic. On the positive side, students rarely needed to actually buy condoms, and there was always a ready supply.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
They seemed to have this unlimited supply of them that they just kept handing out everytime anyone visited the clinic. On the positive side, students rarely needed to actually buy condoms, and there was always a ready supply.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #24
Hmm.. free condoms? Sounds like someone tried to contain that wide spread disease we call pregnancy down in the South :biggrin:
  • #25
Best of luck in your new place MB

I hope that you don't have any problems finding condoms.
  • #26
Ivan Seeking said:
Best of luck in your new place MB

I hope that you don't have any problems finding condoms.

That reply was going so good until..


I just spilled my coffee all over and almost gagged on it
  • #27
Moonbear said:
and I picked his brain
Already networking on your first night there, like a real pro :wink:
I hope that experiment thingie works wonders and that you'll find your place soon! :smile:
  • #28
Congratulations, Moonbear! :smile: (I added ! to your name as a present)

Moonbear said:
But, I also think Zz has a prior date with me at Disney. He'd be very disappointed if I headed north instead of south. :biggrin:
Waht about Evo? Do you think she'd be disappointed too? :rolleyes:
  • #29
cronxeh said:
Ah darn Zz! You can't occupy same space at the same time! Darn Physicists :cry:

That's right! I have first dibs on Moonbie during the first week of January.

Besides, why can't YOU join us at Disney World for your birthday. I'll make sure both you and I will have birthdays we won't soon forget! <very evil grin>

  • #30
Lisa! said:
Congratulations, Moonbear! :smile: (I added ! to your name as a present)

Waht about Evo? Do you think she'd be disappointed too? :rolleyes:

Why can't I have a date with both Evo and Moonbie at the same time? I'm sure we aren't breaking any West Virginia laws by doing that! You could come too!


  • #31
Happy new home, MB! :biggrin:
  • #32
Happy times moon bear

And Zapper you are just a greedy So and So :-p :biggrin:
  • #33
wolram said:
Happy times moon bear

And Zapper you are just a greedy So and So :-p :biggrin:

I know! Isn't it WONDERFUL?!


  • #34
I am just so jealoushave a good time any way
  • #35
wolram said:
I am just so jealoushave a good time any way

There's nothing that says that you can't fly over the pond and come join us. I'm not THAT greedy. I'll share! :)

[Why do I have a sneaky feeling that I'm going to get whacked on the back of the head for that?]


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