What Are Simple Lie Algebras and How Are They Classified?

In summary, a simple Lie algebra is a nonabelian Lie algebra without any nontrivial ideals. Finite simple Lie algebras and semisimple Lie algebras can be decomposed into simple ones. Each Lie algebra has a maximal abelian subalgebra, known as its Cartan algebra, which can be used in a similar way to projected angular momentum in quantum mechanics. Invariants can also be found for Lie algebra elements, similar to the total angular momentum in quantum mechanics. The Casimir invariant and higher-power invariants can be calculated using these elements. For semisimple algebras, these invariants can be decomposed into sums of invariants for each simple-algebra component. The classification of finite semisimple
  • #1

A simple Lie algebra ("Lee") is a nonabelian Lie algebra with no nontrivial ideals.

Every finite simple Lie algebra is known, and every semisimple Lie algebra is a combination of simple ones.

Every one has a maximal though non-unique abelian subalgebra, its Cartan algebra. That subalgebra's size is called the rank of the algebra. The Cartan subalgebra can be used in a fashion analogous to the projected angular momentum in quantum mechanics, with the other elements being analogous to raising and lowering operators. In fact, 3D angular-momentum operators form the smallest simple Lie algebra.

One can find invariant combinations of the algebra elements that commute with them, much like the total angular momentum. That quantity generalizes to the Casimir invariant and higher-power invariants.

One can find representation basis sets in analogy with angular momentum. However, in many cases, some Cartan-subalgebra eigenvalues will be degenerate, with several basis-set elements sharing some values.


The Casimir invariant is
[itex]C = g^{ij} L_i L_j[/itex]
where the L's are the elements and [itex]g^{ij}[/itex] is the inverse of the metric tensor
[itex]g_{ij} = f_{ia}^b f_{jb}^a[/itex]
with [itex][L_i,L_j] = f_{ij}^k L_k[/itex]

One can generalize it with the help of the matrix
[itex]K_i{}^j = f_{ia}^j g^{ab} L_b[/itex]
For power p,
[itex]I_p = \text{Tr} K^p[/itex]

It is easy to show that I(2) = C, the Casimir invariant. The number of independent invariants is equal to the rank of the algebra; all the others can be expressed in terms of the independent ones.

For semisimple algebras, each I(p) decomposes into a sum of I(p)'s for each simple-algebra component.

It's possible to construct similar invariants for non-semisimple algebras, though because their algebra metrics is non-invertible, it is less straightforward.

Thus, for U(1) ~ T, there is only one operator, L, with I(p) = L^p. I(1) is nonzero here, though it is zero for all the (semi)simple algebras.

Extended explanation

The classification:

The seven families of finite semisimple Lie algebras are denoted by A(n), B(n), C(n), D(n), E(n), F(n), and G(n), where n is their rank, a positive integer. The first four are infinite families related to the special unitary, SU(n), the special linear, SL(n), the special orthogonal, SO(n), and the symplectic, Sp(2n) algebras. The others are the 5 "exceptional algebras": G2, F4, E6, E7, E8.

They can be graphed with "Dynkin diagrams", with a node for each element of their Cartan subalgebras, or root.

The algebras have several isomorphisms:
A(n) ~ SU(n+1) ~ SL(n+1)
B(n) ~ SO(2n+1)
C(n) ~ Sp(2n)
D(n) ~ SO(2n)
Note that even and odd special-orthogonal algebras are handled differently.
A1 ~ B1 ~ C1
C2 ~ B2
D1 ~ U(1) -- nilpotent, not simple
D2 ~ A1 * A1 -- semisimple, not simple
D3 ~ A3
E3 ~ A2 * A1 -- semisimple, not simple
E4 ~ A4
E5 ~ D5

Their sizes and independent invariant powers:
A(n) -- n(n+2) -- 2, 3, 4, ..., n+1
B(n) -- n(2n+1) -- 2, 4, 6, ..., 2n
C(n) -- n(2n+1) -- 2, 4, 6, ..., 2n
D(n) -- n(2n-1) -- 2, 4, 6, ..., 2n-2, n
E6 -- 78 -- 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12
E7 -- 133 -- 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18
E8 -- 248 -- 2, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 30
F4 -- 52 -- 2, 6, 8, 12
G2 -- 14 -- 2, 6

For D(n), there is an invariant with power n instead of with power 2n, because a power-2n one may contain the square of that power-n one.

Some of these algebras are physically important.
  • Rotational symmetry of n-space is SO(n).
  • Its complex extension, like for wavefunctions of n identical particles, is SU(n); the overall phase is U(1).
  • Angular momentum in n space dimensions is SO(n).
  • Hydrogenlike atom with inverse-square force law in n space dimensions is SO(n+1); the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector gets added to the angular momentum.
  • Protons and neutrons have a flavor symmetry called "isotopic spin" or "isospin" which is SU(2) ~ SO(3). Up and down quarks also have that flavor symmetry.
  • The three light quarks, up, down, and strange, have flavor symmetry SU(3), though it is more approximate than for up and down alone.
  • The unbroken Standard Model has gauge symmetry SU(3)*SU(2)*U(1) -- quantum chromodynamics, weak isospin, and weak hypercharge. It gets broken to SU(3)*U(1) -- QCD and electromagnetism.
  • A variety of gauge-symmetry groups have been proposed for Grand Unified Theories; SU(5), SU(6), SO(6)*SO(4) ~ SU(4)*SU(2)*SU(2), SO(10), SU(3)^3, E6, E8.

* This entry is from our old Library feature. If you know who wrote it, please let us know so we can attribute a writer. Thanks!
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FAQ: What Are Simple Lie Algebras and How Are They Classified?

What is a simple Lie algebra?

A simple Lie algebra is a type of Lie algebra that does not contain any non-trivial ideals. In other words, it cannot be further simplified or decomposed into smaller Lie algebras. This property makes simple Lie algebras important in the study of abstract algebra and their representations in physics and other areas of mathematics.

What are some examples of simple Lie algebras?

Some examples of simple Lie algebras include the special linear algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(n,\mathbb{C})$, the orthosymplectic algebra $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$, and the exceptional Lie algebras $\mathfrak{e}_6$, $\mathfrak{e}_7$, and $\mathfrak{e}_8$. These are just a few of the infinite number of simple Lie algebras that have been classified and studied.

How are simple Lie algebras related to Lie groups?

Simple Lie algebras are closely related to Lie groups through the concept of a Lie algebra homomorphism. This is a mapping that preserves the algebraic structure between the two objects. In fact, every simple Lie algebra can be associated with a corresponding connected, simply-connected Lie group, and vice versa.

What are some applications of simple Lie algebras?

Simple Lie algebras have numerous applications in mathematics, physics, and other fields. In physics, they are used to study symmetries and conservation laws in physical systems, as well as in the development of quantum field theories. In mathematics, they are important in the study of abstract algebra, representation theory, and differential geometry.

How are simple Lie algebras classified?

The classification of simple Lie algebras is a major achievement in mathematics, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The classification is based on the root system of the Lie algebra, which is a set of vectors that encode the algebraic structure and properties of the Lie algebra. The Dynkin diagrams, named after physicist Eugene Dynkin, are used to classify and visualize the different types of simple Lie algebras.

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