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Homework Statement
If F1 = 110 lb and F2 = 300 lb, determine the magnitude and coordinate direction angles of the resultant couple moment.
Homework Equations
MR = [tex]\Sigma[/tex]r x F, M = Fd
The Attempt at a Solution
Unfortunately, the couple on the angle is too much for my tiny brain to tolerate. I have found the moments to be:
Couple moment of the forces on image M250 = 500 lb*ft
M1 = 220 lb*ft (i)
M2 = 600 lb*ft (j)
I tried to further break up the angled moment M250 into its x and y components based on the hypotenuse it lies perpendicular to of the 3-4-5 triangle within the box, which gave me M = -400(i) - 300(j) + 0(k). Summing all the moments together gives me MR = -180(i) + 300(j) + 0(k), from which I get [tex]\alpha[/tex] = 121o and [tex]\beta[/tex] = 31.0o
I'm pretty sure I'm over complicating things and making a stupid mistake. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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