What Engineering to study - The OT Part

In summary, the conversation includes a discussion about the speaker's lack of education and financial struggles. There is also some playful banter between the speakers about their knowledge and abilities. The conversation shifts to talk about flying and potentially dying together, with one speaker mentioning their atheism and the other suggesting they are victims of terrorism. The conversation ends with the suggestion that the thread they are discussing is now closed.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Danger said:
No high school diploma + grade 9 math education = uneducated.

Ok, Danger, it's time to take land. Your main problem is not your education. Your main problem is that ugly face, man!. Please go to visit a surgeon or so on!. :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Danger said:
Good ol' Astro! Always in there with Brewski, Marlon, Clausius2, Evo, Lisa!, Moonbear and a few others to keep my ego from deflating too much.
How much ego could you have if you don't believe us! You almost now me! I'm a master in decreasing people's confidence and I never say what I don't really believe it! And you know I'm not an educated person who compare your knowledge with myself and then tell you "You know alot" because I myself know alittle!So when I tell you, you have a high knowledge about engineering and physics, you should accept it with no doubt, right? :devil:
  • #3
Clausius2 said:
Your main problem is that ugly face, man!. Please go to visit a surgeon or so on!. :smile:
Can't afford it, man! Why do you thing that I wear the avatar mask?

Lisa! said:
And you know I'm not an educated person who compare your knowledge with myself and then tell you "You know alot" because I myself know alittle!So when I tell you, you have a high knowledge about engineering and physics, you should accept it with no doubt, right? :devil:
Right... :rolleyes: You with a degree in nuclear physics and me cashing cheques part-time for a living. Let me put it this way, honey... if I design and build an aeroplane, would you get in the bloody thing? I'd have second thoughts myself.
  • #4
Danger said:
Can't afford it, man! Why do you thing that I wear the avatar mask?
Perhaps because your face is uglier! :smile:

Right... :rolleyes: You with a degree in nuclear physics and me cashing cheques part-time for a living. Let me put it this way, honey... if I design and build an aeroplane, would you get in the bloody thing? I'd have second thoughts myself.
Be careful man. We're talking to each other in 'General Engineering' forum! So it's not ok to talk to me in this way, right? :devil:
By the way, who's the pilot?
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  • #5
Lisa! said:
Perhaps because your face is uglier! :smile:
That's what I meant.:frown:

Lisa! said:
We're talking to each other in 'General Engineering' forum! So it's not ok to talk to me in this way, right? :devil:
Sorry, Lisa!... honesty, I forgot where we were. I'm not used to seeing you here.

Lisa! said:
By the way, who's the pilot?
That would be me. (You don't think that I'd go to all of that trouble and then let somebody else play with it, do you? :eek: Okay, a small disclaimer on that; I would just ditz about in it. Given my health concerns, any high-gee stuff is pretty much out of the question. Properly wringing it out would have to be left to someone else.)
  • #6
Danger said:
Sorry, Lisa!... honesty, I forgot where we were. I'm not used to seeing you here.
Well, perhaps it's my fault!

Danger said:
That would be me. (You don't think that I'd go to all of that trouble and then let somebody else play with it, do you? :eek: Okay, a small disclaimer on that; I would just ditz about in it. Given my health concerns, any high-gee stuff is pretty much out of the question. Properly wringing it out would have to be left to someone else.)
You don't expect me to come with you, do you? :bugeye: You know I asked you about the pilot because I like dying with a handsome guy! You know perhaps we have to go to the hell because of commiting suicide. So we could have a nice time even in the hell! :wink:
  • #7
Lisa! said:
Well, perhaps it's my fault!
Not at all; I just get mixed up between GD, PM, GP, whatever... too many initials to keep track of.

Lisa! said:
You don't expect me to come with you, do you?
Well, there is that club that you asked abou... (never mind; that was Honestrosewater:redface:).

Lisa! said:
You know I asked you about the pilot because I like dying with a handsome guy!
I'll see if I can fix you up with that autopilot from the 'Airplane' movie.

Lisa! said:
You know perhaps we have to go to the hell because of commiting suicide. So we could have a nice time even in the hell! :wink:
You know that I'm an atheist, but you do make it sound tempting. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that it would be recorded as an accident. (I'd just have to put someone else's signature on the blueprints...:rolleyes:)
  • #8
Danger said:
Not at all; I just get mixed up between GD, PM, GP, whatever... too many initials to keep track of.
I'm not sure if it would be the main reason! You knnow sometimes people mix up everything because they're... :eek:

I'll see if I can fix you up with that autopilot from the 'Airplane' movie.
I must say goodbye to myfamily and friends because you're going to take revenge.

You know that I'm an atheist, but you do make it sound tempting. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that it would be recorded as an accident. (I'd just have to put someone else's signature on the blueprints...:rolleyes:)
I'm sure we're the victims of terrorism. And well where do they want to start another war? :rolleyes:
  • #9
Lisa! said:
I'm not sure if it would be the main reason! You knnow sometimes people mix up everything because they're... :eek:
There is that...

Lisa! said:
I must say goodbye to myfamily and friends because you're going to take revenge.
Just close your eyes and grit your teeth; it won't hurt a bit.:biggrin:

Lisa! said:
I'm sure we're the victims of terrorism.
Can't be. No one could ever get close enough to plant a bomb, and no matter how hard I pedal I'm pretty sure that I can't generate enough heat for a SAM-7 to lock onto. :approve:
  • #10
I think it's a closed thread by now.

Danger said:
Just close your eyes and grit your teeth; it won't hurt a bit.:biggrin:
I'm not afraid of death, man. In fact, I look forward to dying. Because I want to die when I'm happy. But you should be afraid of it since you don't have any place to go after your death. Where would atheist people go when they die? :rolleyes:

Can't be. No one could ever get close enough to plant a bomb, and no matter how hard I pedal I'm pretty sure that I can't generate enough heat for a SAM-7 to lock onto. :approve:
Oh man. They don't need any logical reason when they want to accused someone of being terrorist or stuff like that. I know we will die because of technical problems. I mean you don't know how to build a aeroplane but it's ta good opportunity for politicians...
  • #11
Lisa! said:
Where would atheist people go when they die? :rolleyes:
In my case... up in smoke, after the donor programmes are through with me.

Lisa! said:
I mean you don't know how to build a aeroplane but it's ta good opportunity for politicians...
Actually... I do. :redface: I used to belong to a club that did it for fun. I wouldn't expect anyone else to trust me at it, though.
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  • #12
Danger said:
In my case... up in smoke, after the donor programmes are through with me.
Anyway, you can't be with me, can you?

Actually... I do. :redface: I used to belong to a club that did it for fun. I wouldn't expect anyone else to trust me at it, though.
I trust you if I'd ever decide to kill myself. It could be an intersting way to die. :wink:
  • #13
Lisa! said:
Anyway, you can't be with me, can you?
If you really want me to be with you, you can take up smoking and put me in a pipe. :approve:
  • #14
Danger said:
If you really want me to be with you, you can take up smoking and put me in a pipe. :approve:
I beg you pardon? :eek: As a matter of fact it was you who wanted to be with me. Remember? So I think you can believe in my God and then perhaps I put up with you because of him!(I don't promise about that.) o:)
  • #15
Lisa! said:
I think you can believe in my God and then perhaps I put up with you because of him!
How about if I just fake it? After all, the ex-from-hell got away with it for years... Well... not the religion part...
  • #16
Danger said:
How about if I just fake it? After all, the ex-from-hell got away with it for years... Well... not the religion part...
Fake it? Then they'd send you to the hell and tell you here's heaven! :rolleyes:
  • #17
Lisa! said:
they'd send you to the hell and tell you here's heaven! :rolleyes:
Is that a 'yes'? :biggrin:
  • #18
Danger said:
Is that a 'yes'? :biggrin:
You can think that is ,if it makes you happy. o:) Because I must be too cruel not to let an ugly guy to be happy with his dreams about me! :wink:
  • #19
Lisa! said:
You can think that is ,if it makes you happy. o:) Because I must be too cruel not to let an ugly guy to be happy with his dreams about me! :wink:
Good. I'd hate to think that I'd done all of that Scotchguarding for nothing. :rolleyes:
  • #20
Danger said:
Good. I'd hate to think that I'd done all of that Scotchguarding for nothing. :rolleyes:

"They say that dreams are real only as long as they last, but couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

So it must be excellent not good.
  • #21
Is this engineering or GD ? Where are the moderators?? or is every
thread going to be infested with------
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  • #22
Lisa! said:
So it must be excellent not good.
I've never heard that quote before, but I agree with it.

wolram said:
Is this engineering or GD ?
Back to your hovel, you decrepit interloper; we're trying to have some privacy here. (Besides, it's a slow thread.)
  • #23
wolram said:
Is this engineering or GD ? Where are the moderators?? or is every
thread going to be infested with------
Please use the "report thread" feature...

Sorry guys, but...

edit: Ok, on request, let me see if I can split this...
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  • #24
  • #25
russ_watters said:
Seems they were heading in that direction well enough on their own. :-p :rolleyes:

Danger and Lisa! Save the flirting for the Tiki Bar thread. :smile:
  • #26
Moonbear said:
Seems they were heading in that direction well enough on their own. :-p :rolleyes:

Danger and Lisa! Save the flirting for the Tiki Bar thread. :smile:
:smile: :smile: I wasn't flirting with anybody, right? NOw you can understand why I didn't want Danger to be around Engineering thread when I'm there.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
Seems they were heading in that direction well enough on their own. :-p :rolleyes:
Yeah, don't think I didn't see you flirting with the gay guy yesterday. There is no way a straight guy could get away with that...
  • #28
russ_watters said:
Yeah, don't think I didn't see you flirting with the gay guy yesterday. There is no way a straight guy could get away with that...
I don't think it counts as flirting when it's with a gay guy. :rolleyes: I think it's more like comparing notes. :biggrin: Are you worried? Jealous? :-p :smile:
  • #29
russ_watters said:
edit: Ok, on request, let me see if I can split this...
Who on Earth would waste a perfectly good request on something like this?

Related to What Engineering to study - The OT Part

1. What is the difference between mechanical engineering and electrical engineering?

Mechanical engineering focuses on the design and production of mechanical systems, such as machines, engines, and tools. Electrical engineering, on the other hand, deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism in various systems. Both fields involve problem-solving, critical thinking, and the use of math and science principles, but they have different applications and areas of expertise.

2. Which engineering field has the most job opportunities?

It is difficult to determine which engineering field has the most job opportunities as it can vary depending on the industry, location, and current market demand. However, some of the most in-demand engineering fields include software engineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering.

3. Is it necessary to have a specific engineering degree to work in a certain industry?

While having a degree in a specific engineering field can be beneficial, it is not always necessary to work in a particular industry. Many engineering jobs require a strong foundation in math, science, and problem-solving skills, which can be gained through various engineering degrees. Additionally, some industries may offer training and on-the-job learning opportunities for engineers from different backgrounds.

4. What skills are needed to be a successful engineer?

To be a successful engineer, one should have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, attention to detail, creativity, and the ability to work well in a team. Additionally, excellent communication skills, time management, and adaptability are essential for effectively completing projects and working in a fast-paced and ever-changing field.

5. How do I decide which engineering field is right for me?

Choosing an engineering field can be a personal decision based on your interests, strengths, and career goals. It is essential to research and explore different engineering disciplines, talk to professionals in the field, and consider your skills and preferences before making a decision. It is also beneficial to gain hands-on experience through internships or projects to get a better understanding of the field.

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