What Is the Acceleration of a Dustpan Sliding Down an Inclined Plane?

  • Thread starter Socrates
  • Start date
In summary, the dustpan accelerates over time due to the net force exerted by the dust and the plane it is on.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A dustpan slides down a plane inclined at angle θ. Dust is uniformly dis- tributed on the plane, and the dustpan collects the dust in its path. After a long time, what is the acceleration of the dustpan? Assume there is no friction between the dustpan and plane.

p=linear mass density of dust

x is chosen as distance along the plane

Homework Equations

d(mv)/dt=mgsin(θ) (net force parallel to the plane)

The Attempt at a Solution

My solution:



direct substitution:


Dimensional analysis: x(g, t, θ) must be of the form:

Substitute into DiffEq:

cancel g^2t^2


x''=gsin(θ)/3My question is, is this reasoning correct?

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  • #2
Socrates said:
Dimensional analysis: x(g, t, θ) must be of the form:
Why must x(t) have this form?
  • #3
kuruman said:
Why must x(t) have this form?

g, t, and theta are the only variables that can possibly affect position. Dimensional analysis gives me the result. (A is a dimensionless constant.)


seconds must cancel: -2a+b=0, a=1 (to ensure that length dimension is 1 as it should be)

a=1, b=2

hence x=Agt2

I thought that x shouldn't dimensionally depend on θ as it is dimensionless. θ will likely be part of the A (which it ended up being in my answer).
  • #4
Socrates said:
g, t, and theta are the only variables that can possibly affect position.
What about the density ρ of the sand? Should that not affect the answer? By stating that the position is x(t) = Agt2 you are asserting that the acceleration is constant. Is that obvious?
  • #5
kuruman said:
What about the density ρ of the sand? Should that not affect the answer? By stating that the position is x(t) = Agt2 you are asserting that the acceleration is constant. Is that obvious?

Damn it. I forgot. But let me justify my work so far.


This is my final differential equation, arrived at through only momentum considerations and not dimensional analysis (if my reasoning is indeed correct). No density term appears here (it canceled out). Since any x(t) must come from this equation, it cannot contain an empirical variable that does not appear in the equation—if there was indeed a (dimension-bearing) ρ in my x(t), it would have appeared in the diffEQ. The "unknown constant" problem is solved with my treatment of the "A".

Let me try to incorporate ρ, though. My dimensional analysis equation becomes:

m=mas-2asbkgcm-c (the kgcm-c is mass density raised to an unknown power)

To ensure that the final result (m) has no powers of mass (kg), we must set c to 0 as there is no other kg term. This is tantamount to saying that x is independent of ρ.
  • #6
Socrates said:
What happened to the mass? If you look at your starting expression,
the second term on the left has no "m" term that cancels. Also, how do you get xx'' from mdv/dt?
  • #7
kuruman said:
What happened to the mass? If you look at your starting expression,

the second term on the left has no "m" term that cancels. Also, how do you get xx'' from mdv/dt?

Starting equation which you had no problem with in this reply: mdv/dt+vdm/dt=mgsin(θ)

Relevant equations:

p=linear mass density along the plane (read as rho)

v=dx/dt (definition)
m=px (dustpan travels a distance x, picks up p kg per distance traveled)
dm/dt=pdx/dt=pv (differentiating above expression)

dv/dt=x''=d/dt(dx/dt)=d2x/dt2 (definition)

mdv/dt=px*x'' (substitutions)
vdm/dt=v*pv=pv^2 (substitute pv for d/dt)
mgsin(THETA)=pxgsin(THETA) (substitute px for m)


p cancels
v=x' (definition)
  • #8
Socrates said:
OK, I would agree with this equation under the assumption that the dustpan is massless. If it had mass, say m0, then m(x) = m0 + ρx.
BTW, you can make your equations more legible. Look at the ribbon directly below "Have something to add?" and you will find all sorts of useful stuff.

Anyway, this diff. eq. doesn't look separable to me.
  • #9
kuruman said:
OK, I would agree with this equation under the assumption that the dustpan is massless. If it had mass, say m0, then m(x) = m0 + ρx.
BTW, you can make your equations more legible. Look at the ribbon directly below "Have something to add?" and you will find all sorts of useful stuff.

Anyway, this diff. eq. doesn't look separable to me.

I think the problem wants us to treat it as massless. I've seen other versions of the problem that treat it the same way. The diffEQ may look ugly, that's why I used dimensional analysis. Inspired by one of David Morin's solutions to a similar problem in his textbook.
  • #10
Socrates said:
Inspired by one of David Morin's solutions to a similar problem in his textbook.
I am not familiar with that. Are you talking about the Buckingham π theorem?
  • #11
kuruman said:
I am not familiar with that. Are you talking about the Buckingham π theorem?
Yes, that works by dimensional analysis.
If you don't trust that, you can just suppose that xt-a tends to a constant for some a. Plugging that into the DE, the powers of x that result are a and 2a-2. To make the equation work we need a=2.
Socrates said:
is this reasoning correct?
  • #12
haruspex said:
... you can just suppose that xt-a tends to a constant for some a.
I am bothered by this statement. When am I justified in just supposing that? If I had the ODE x' - bx = 0, which has an exponential solution, this assumption does not work. Or is this method of the "try it and see if it works" variety like separating variables in a PDE?
  • #13
kuruman said:
Or is this method of the "try it and see if it works" variety like separating variables in a PDE?
Yes, but in the present case the physics tells us it cannot be a higher power than 2 (or less than 0). The dust won't make it go faster.
  • #14
haruspex said:
Yes, but in the present case the physics tells us it cannot be a higher power than 2 (or less than 0). The dust won't make it go faster.
  • #15
haruspex said:
Yes, but in the present case the physics tells us it cannot be a higher power than 2 (or less than 0). The dust won't make it go faster.
why can't it be an exponential decay then? (This is for argument's sake I am pretty sure my polynomial solution is correct)
  • #16
Socrates said:
why can't it be an exponential decay then? (This is for argument's sake I am pretty sure my polynomial solution is correct)
I assume you mean negative exponential.
That would imply x converges to a limit, no? Clearly that is not possible.
  • #17
haruspex said:
I assume you mean negative exponential.
That would imply x converges to a limit, no? Clearly that is not possible.

you're right. My bad. That can't happen if the mass keeps increasing.

Related to What Is the Acceleration of a Dustpan Sliding Down an Inclined Plane?

What is Momentum—Downhill Dustpan?

Momentum—Downhill Dustpan is a scientific tool designed to collect and measure the momentum of objects rolling down a ramp.

How does Momentum—Downhill Dustpan work?

The tool consists of a dustpan attached to a ramp with a sensor at the bottom. When an object is released from the top of the ramp, it rolls down and into the dustpan, triggering the sensor and recording the momentum of the object.

What is the purpose of using Momentum—Downhill Dustpan?

The purpose of using the tool is to study and understand the relationship between an object's mass, velocity, and momentum as it rolls down a ramp. This can help in various scientific fields such as physics and engineering.

Can Momentum—Downhill Dustpan be used for objects of any size or shape?

Yes, the tool can be used for objects of various sizes and shapes as long as they can roll down the ramp and fit into the dustpan at the bottom.

Are there any safety precautions when using Momentum—Downhill Dustpan?

Yes, it is important to follow all safety guidelines and use the tool in a controlled environment. The ramp should be stable and the dustpan securely attached to avoid any accidents. Protective gear should also be worn when conducting experiments with the tool.

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