What is the significance of generating functions in canonical transformations?

In summary, canonical transformations are mappings from (p,q) to (P,Q) space that satisfy certain properties. There are four basic canonical transformations, which are different ways of looking at the same mapping through the implicit-function theorem. The generating function is written in terms of both the old and new coordinates because it is not possible to write it solely in terms of one or the other. It is not possible to find a generating function given the transformation explicitly by simply substituting, as it involves inverting equations. To find the generating function, one would need to write the new Hamiltonian as a function of p and Q, which results in a partial differential equation for F in terms of p and q.
  • #1
I'm not sure I understand the use of generating functions in canonical transformations. In particular, why are there four basic canonical transformations? It isn't true that any canonical transformation is one of the four basic types, so what makes them special over any other transformation. Also, why is the generating fuction written in terms of both the new and the old coordinates? Since the old and new are related by the transformation, shouldn't it be possible to write the generating function solely in terms of the old or the new?
Also, is there any way to find a generating function given the transformation explicitly?
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  • #2
Moose352 said:
I'm not sure I understand the use of generating functions in canonical transformations. In particular, why are there four basic canonical transformations? It isn't true that any canonical transformation is one of the four basic types, so what makes them special over any other transformation.

Canonical transformations are smooth mappings from the (p,q) into the (P,Q) space which satisfy certain properties (the deeper reason behind is the "conservation of symplectic structure", but I only write that here to show off somewhat :smile:). So not just all mappings from (p,q) to (P,Q) will do.
Now, of course, by the implicit function theorem, if you define a mapping from, say, (p,Q) into (P,q), you can partly inverse this relation, and you ALSO define a mapping from (p,q) into (P,Q).
So the "4 different types" are simply different ways of looking upon mappings from (p,q) into (P,Q) through the implicit-function theorem. The mapping itself is not different, we've just written it implicitly.
The nice thing about these 4 "types" is that they give us a simple way to generate canonical transformations, and we have 4 different ways of doing so. But the canonical transformations themselves couldn't care less of how they are written down, in a way.

Also, why is the generating fuction written in terms of both the new and the old coordinates? Since the old and new are related by the transformation, shouldn't it be possible to write the generating function solely in terms of the old or the new?

Doesn't work, unfortunately. You will have to inverse some equations in order to find the mapping (p,q) into (P,Q) in all 4 cases.

Also, is there any way to find a generating function given the transformation explicitly?

I'm not sure about this. I would think that if you write the new Hamiltonian as a function of, say, p and Q, that you obtain the generating function, but typing from the top of my head here, this might as well not be correct.
  • #3
Thank you for your help.

Regarding writing the generating in terms of the old or new, I still don't understand why it doesn't work. Sure, I will have to inverse the equations, but what difference does it make? Given a generating function, I know the explicit transformation, so why can't I just substitute. Is this wrong for some reason?

To find the generating function given the transformation (ie. P = P(p,q), Q = Q(p,q)): assuming the Hamiltonians (old and new) are the same, I can just write pq' = PQ' + dF/dt solely in terms of p and q, and get a partial differential equation for F. Problem is, then F is solely in terms of p and q. Is that wrong? The math works out all the same, right?

Related to What is the significance of generating functions in canonical transformations?

1. What is a canonical transformation?

A canonical transformation is a mathematical transformation that preserves the canonical form of a Hamiltonian system. This means that the equations of motion and the Poisson brackets of the system remain unchanged under the transformation.

2. What is the importance of canonical transformations?

Canonical transformations are important in theoretical physics and mechanics because they allow us to transform a complicated Hamiltonian system into a simpler form, making it easier to solve and analyze. They also preserve the physical properties of the system, such as energy and angular momentum.

3. How is a canonical transformation different from a general transformation?

A canonical transformation is a special type of transformation that preserves the canonical form of a Hamiltonian system. Unlike a general transformation, which can change the coordinates and momenta of a system, a canonical transformation only changes the coordinates and momenta in a way that preserves the equations of motion and the Poisson brackets.

4. What are some examples of canonical transformations?

Some examples of canonical transformations include the transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates, the transformation from position and momentum to action-angle variables, and the transformation from one set of canonical variables to another set of canonical variables.

5. How are canonical transformations related to symplectic geometry?

Canonical transformations are closely related to symplectic geometry, which is the study of geometric structures that are preserved under canonical transformations. In fact, the symplectic structure of a Hamiltonian system is preserved under canonical transformations, making it an important concept in understanding the dynamics of physical systems.

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