What is the Distribution of IQ Scores Among Gifted Individuals?

  • Thread starter QuantumTheory
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of IQ tests and their accuracy and meaning. The participants discuss their own experiences with IQ tests, including one person who took a standardized test at a young age and another who took an online test. They also discuss the concept of "orthodox" and its meaning. Ultimately, the group agrees that IQ tests are not a reliable measure of intelligence and should not be given so much importance.
  • #71
QuantumTheory said:
Actually, I just found out something. My mom said I took an iQ test in 1st grade. They said I was mentally retarded. They said my IQ was 80-90. Hahahahaha
Yeah, I'm retarded. DuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRRRRRRRRRRR
Scoring poorly an on IQ test only means you didn't do well on the test. I can tell from your posts that it's not possible for you IQ to be that low.

I wouldn't pay any attention to IQ tests and just do your best, sounds like you are doing ok, but do get help for the depression, that can really make things so much more difficult than they need to be. Depression is not to be taken lightly.
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  • #72
Evo said:
Scoring poorly an on IQ test only means you didn't do well on the test. I can tell from your posts that it's not possible for you IQ to be that low.
I wouldn't pay any attention to IQ tests and just do your best, sounds like you are doing ok, but do get help for the depression, that can really make things so much more difficult than they need to be. Depression is not to be taken lightly.

But I'm stupid right, I don't know as much as other normal teenagers?
  • #73
QuantumTheory said:
But I'm stupid right, I don't know as much as other normal teenagers?
I doubt you're stupid and if you suffer from depression, that could have a lot to do with things like memorization, attention span, motivation. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • #74
Evo said:
I doubt you're stupid and if you suffer from depression, that could have a lot to do with things like memorization, attention span, motivation. Stop comparing yourself to others.

What I'm trying to say is do I know a lot for my age?
  • #75
I don't think 80-90 is anywhere near "retarded". It's below average, but that could easily be a spin off of the depression. From what you said about having problems with reading comprehension I'd guess it was your verbal skills that dragged the score down. That's another reason I was mentioning Asperger's earlier. They have trouble with reading comprehension and word meaning in general. But like Evo said, depression can have the same net effect because of loss of concentration.
  • #76
No, I was 7 years old at the time. I didn't have depression at 7. My verbal skills were good. I am retarded.
  • #77
If this means anything, I was in Special Ed my whole life. I rode the short bus. I was in special ed with english in high school middle school. It was for comprehension, one time i was in math, but it was too easy

You people are geniuses and I'm an idiot
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  • #78
QuantumTheory said:
If this means anything, I was in Special Ed my whole life. I rode the short bus. I was in special ed with english in high school middle school. It was for comprehension, one time i was in math, but it was too easy
You people are geniuses and I'm an idiot
Not me. I had my I.Q. tested in 6th or 7th grade and was pronounced "average".
  • #79
zoobyshoe said:
Not me. I had my I.Q. tested in 6th or 7th grade and was pronounced "average".

Well average is better than below average. I won't deny it, I'm stupid.
  • #80
QuantumTheory said:
No, I was 7 years old at the time. I didn't have depression at 7. My verbal skills were good. I am retarded.
Really? I'm above average intelligence. That makes you 10 times more likely to be president one day.
  • #81
Smurf said:
Really? I'm above average intelligence. That makes you 10 times more likely to be president one day.

Please elaborate? Yeah, really. I don't belong on this forum, either. Which is why I'm not going to post here anymore. People only try to argue with me, disapprove of what I say, etc. They also think I'm stupid for my age.
  • #82
QuantumTheory said:
Please elaborate? Yeah, really. I don't belong on this forum, either. Which is why I'm not going to post here anymore. People only try to argue with me, disapprove of what I say, etc. They also think I'm stupid for my age.
It was a joke. Someone who's less intelligent is more likely to be president.. the president is dumb... get it?

And I'm only 1 year older than you.
  • #83
Smurf said:
It was a joke. Someone who's less intelligent is more likely to be president.. the president is dumb... get it?
And I'm only 1 year older than you.

Yeah I get it, I'm stupid.
  • #84
QT, why do you keep saying "people here think I am stupid for my age"? I've seen this in a couple of your posts. Are you thinking of a specific post? If so, you should report it. Personal insults are not permitted on these forums.
Is it possible that your HQ (humor quotient) is what is lacking? Smurf was trying to kid around with you in the last posts but you distorted it into an insult. He was being friendly.
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  • #85
Yeah, QT just cheer up.

Being in Special Ed is no big deal. I was in it during Grade 3-4, and Grade 8, and I have no clue why.

For Grade 3-4, they found that I was too eager to learn. I had a million "why" questions, but not stupid ones. I guess I was just curious of what was going on in my environment. And no, this wasn't enough to make my parents realize that I love to learn, and that doing poorly in school does not correlate to hating to learn.

For Grade 8, I personally I have no clue at all why.

Anyways, I went on and did poorly through high school, and ended having my parents telling me I'm heading nowhere. So um... thanks for the support.

So, what happened?

I ended up going to college for business anyways (LUCKILY!) and I outshined myself in a more than one way. I ended up hating business, but because of my big turn around in academic records, I had no problems entering university for mathematics. So, of course, I'm back to my parents saying I'm heading nowhere because math sucks. Again... thanks for the support.

Now, I'm proud to say that I'm much more than an A student, and I now have the intentions to do even more, especially with all the free time! :biggrin:

All I have to say is that being in Special Ed does not imply stupidity. Amazingly enough, I somehow got to tutor students in Special Ed during high school. I must say, the bad kids are dumb either.

Cheer up! Life is FUN!

Note: I have no idea what my IQ is. I'm kind of afraid to find out. :rolleyes:

Note for MIT: I'm happy you won the Community Spirit Award. :biggrin:
  • #86
As a 14 year old, I have ADD and struggle to concentrate on one thing for a while. How profound would the effect be on an official IQ test. I've taken many in my life, and as you can see by my name, I have an odd obsession with learning about the capabilities of the human mind (Leonardo Da Vinci and William James Sidis both have IQ's estimated to have been 250-300. Yes I know I didn't believe it at first either, but if what I've read about Sidis is true, then the number seems accurate). I used to read for hours about this every day. I eventually ran out of free online IQ tests that I haven't taken, and began to buy books with tests. My obsession doesn't concern the score as much as it does the relation between the question, answer, and the mind.

When I was in 3rd grade (I am in 9th now), my teacher recommended I take the IQ test to qualify for the gifted program at my school (I assume it was Stanford-Binet, as my score on the test varies less with other Stanford-Binet scores than it does with Cattell). Weeks after the test, I was informed that I passed, and looked forward to participating in the gifted program the following year. However, in 4th grade, the first three weeks passed without me going to the gifted class, and I was informed that somehow my results were lost. Since they could not prove that I had passed, I had to take the test again, conscious of what the test was for. I wanted to be in badly, because, like many others here, I was bored in "regular" school and thought it would be more fun. I passed, and thus began my interest in the topic.

To address the question, my scores range from 136 to 182 (an outlier from testcafe), including internet tests, of which I am well aware of the accuracy. On the 12 minute timed test at highiqsociety.org I scored 152.

As an extreme perfectionist, I suffer from an odd mixture of underachievement from boredom, over-achievement from perfectionism, and apathy from my views concerning the future of life. I seem to procrastinate until the last day, and start working on projects around midnight on the day they're due. I usually tend to get 100s on them, to the aggravation of many of my peers. I had exams last week, didn't study at all, and felt that I did fine. I am also VERY familiar with the "sock-seam" thing mentioned previously. The superiority that I feel to some of my classmates sometimes approaches haughty disgust, and contributes to my overt vanity. I am honest though, and aware of my emotional ineptness.

Zoob, I remember reading that people with Asperger's Syndrome tend to excell Verbally and Mathematically (Bobby Fischer), but your post above mentioned a verbal weakness and emotional maladroitness suggested Asperger's. I may be wrong.

Sorry for the long post everyone, I know the feeling. It's just that I saw this thread and sort of freaked out.
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  • #87
Hey Zoob, you were born on the same day as William James Sidis, April 1.
I've noticed that a surprisingly large percentage of the leading minds of today and yesterday were born in April: Garry Kasparov, Leonardo DaVinci, William Sidis, Marilyn vos Savant, Leonhard Euler (born the same day as Leonardo DaVinci, April 15th), and Bobby Fischer to name a few.

Maybe there is actually an explanation for this. Could it be that highly intelligent people (in this case the parents of those mentioned above) are more inclined to engage in amorous activities around July, resulting in the birth of their children in April?
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  • #88
Welcome to PF, Leonardo Sidis! :smile:

IQ has been discussed a lot here. I suggest you search the General Discussion and Social Science forums if you're interested or no one answers you in this thread. (Hm, the search is being funky; here's some from google http://www.google.com/search?as_q=s...as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images.)

Have you considered leaving school? I'm not advising that you do; I'm just asking.
  • #89
Leonardo Sidis said:
Hey Zoob, you were born on the same day as William James Sidis, April 1.
I've noticed that a surprisingly large percentage of the leading minds of today and yesterday were born in April: Garry Kasparov, Leonardo DaVinci, William Sidis, Marilyn vos Savant, Leonhard Euler (born the same day as Leonardo DaVinci, April 15th), and Bobby Fischer to name a few.
Maybe there is actually an explanation for this. Could it be that highly intelligent people (in this case the parents of those mentioned above) are more inclined to engage in amorous activities around July, resulting in the birth of their children in April?
Ahem, Shakespeare doesn't deserve a mention? :-p

And since you've noticed that some percentage of the leading minds were born in April, you have a list of all the leading minds, right? How many are there?
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  • #90
Leonardo Sidis said:
Zoob, I remember reading that people with Asperger's Syndrome tend to excell Verbally and Mathematically (Bobby Fischer), but your post above mentioned a verbal weakness and emotional maladroitness suggested Asperger's.
The verbal weakness in Asperger's is occult at first and masquerades as it's opposite. Asperger's kids usually learn to read earlier than other kids their own age, and seem to delight in it, especially reading out loud to themselves. This makes them seem quite bright and advanced. However, it turns out they have very poor comprehension of the material they read and are usually not able to paraphrase or analyse it satisfactorily at all. In fact, what they are doing is enjoying the mere sound of words and speech. Asperger's kids are often just fascinated by the phenomena of pronounciation, enunciation and the correspondence of letters to sound, and they can perseverate at it for hours. The meaning of what they're reading is of little importance to them, and yet a lot of them end up standing out for their distinct, clear, educated sounding pronounciation.

Alot of Asperger's boys are attracted to math and science, but here again, the comprehension level isn't necessarily very high. These subjects lend themselves to what they do best, which is rote memorization. In general the dynamic is simply intense interest in a narrow range. One Asperger's kid might be "Mr. Dinosaur" knowing all the names and types, and dates, etc. Another might be a walking encyclopedia of aviation facts. Among school subjects they are most likely to be attracted to math and science and do fairly well at it because the enjoyment of memorization by rote can be quite handy in those things. The same might apply to a history course if it is taught with an emphasis on memorizing dates, but if it emphasizes analysis, they won't do well easily.

"Emotional maladroitness" isn't quite right. "Social maladroitness" is more to the point. This doesn't usually become noticable until everyone starts going through puberty and there's a general jump to a different attitude. Asperger's kids remain as naive as ever, and get left behind in a kind of immaturity that the rest are eager to abandon. This is when they start to get picked on, called "weird" and "geek" and so forth. Asperger's girls fair much better than boys because when a girl seems naive they tend to get "adopted" by some other girl eager to be a big sister or mother figure. Boys aren't so nice to the naive.
  • #91
Leonardo Sidis said:
Hey Zoob, you were born on the same day as William James Sidis, April 1.
Hmmmmm. I actually have never heard of Sidis before, that I recall.

The lovely Math Is Hard, winner of this years PF Community Spirit Award and I share this birthday, and we're both quite happy to revel in being unregenerate fools. (Although she's been letting her end down by getting suberb grades all over the place.)
  • #92
Leonardo Sidis said:
As a 14 year old, I have ADD and struggle to concentrate on one thing for a while. How profound would the effect be on an official IQ test. I've taken many in my life, and as you can see by my name, I have an odd obsession with learning about the capabilities of the human mind (Leonardo Da Vinci and William James Sidis both have IQ's estimated to have been 250-300. Yes I know I didn't believe it at first either, but if what I've read about Sidis is true, then the number seems accurate). I used to read for hours about this every day. I eventually ran out of free online IQ tests that I haven't taken, and began to buy books with tests. My obsession doesn't concern the score as much as it does the relation between the question, answer, and the mind.
When I was in 3rd grade (I am in 9th now), my teacher recommended I take the IQ test to qualify for the gifted program at my school (I assume it was Stanford-Binet, as my score on the test varies less with other Stanford-Binet scores than it does with Cattell). Weeks after the test, I was informed that I passed, and looked forward to participating in the gifted program the following year. However, in 4th grade, the first three weeks passed without me going to the gifted class, and I was informed that somehow my results were lost. Since they could not prove that I had passed, I had to take the test again, conscious of what the test was for. I wanted to be in badly, because, like many others here, I was bored in "regular" school and thought it would be more fun. I passed, and thus began my interest in the topic.
To address the question, my scores range from 136 to 182 (an outlier from testcafe), including internet tests, of which I am well aware of the accuracy. On the 12 minute timed test at highiqsociety.org I scored 152.
As an extreme perfectionist, I suffer from an odd mixture of underachievement from boredom, over-achievement from perfectionism, and apathy from my views concerning the future of life. I seem to procrastinate until the last day, and start working on projects around midnight on the day they're due. I usually tend to get 100s on them, to the aggravation of many of my peers. I had exams last week, didn't study at all, and felt that I did fine. I am also VERY familiar with the "sock-seam" thing mentioned previously. The superiority that I feel to some of my classmates sometimes approaches haughty disgust, and contributes to my overt vanity. I am honest though, and aware of my emotional ineptness.
Zoob, I remember reading that people with Asperger's Syndrome tend to excell Verbally and Mathematically (Bobby Fischer), but your post above mentioned a verbal weakness and emotional maladroitness suggested Asperger's. I may be wrong.
Sorry for the long post everyone, I know the feeling. It's just that I saw this thread and sort of freaked out.

Thank you, I also concur and I can relate. The reason I really don't like posting here (Despite almost everyone being very helpful) is that I get attacked. Or at least feel so. I suppose it's also envy, I feel that I'm stupid and everyone else is smarter than me. People brag about their IQ's, and I haven't seen anyones IQ 'average' or 'below average' like mine, supposedly.

No one here even said that I'm know a lot for my age. I really think I do. Just I'm frusterated no one cared to say this, I'm guessing the reason is because Im' either stupid, or there are, of course, many smarter people here. Yet when I explained my knowledge of relativity and special relativity (and some QM that I know), they thought I knew a lot for my age (This was a yahoo christian chatroom). Like Smurf said, he is very smart, and younger than me. I can't believe he knows what he does.

Yes , I may not 'understand' physics. I hate it when people say this. I say I understand the concepts, onlyt o be flamed and told "You can't understand it if you don't know the math behind it. " Excuse me? I don't know advanced calculus. My whole point was, yes, this is probably true, but I have a strong interest in math and physics (Not calculus yet, perhaps it will become easier once I become good at more algebra, trig, pre calc). I understood the fundamentals of it I should say, for example, I understand that bodies curve spacetime and cause other objects to orbit around them. But whenever I say I do, people always reject it, and tell me the lame "Youd on't know the physics behind it" crap.

I'm getting tired of it. Smurf, I know you were joking. Sorry if it came off wrong. Personal insults are not allowed here? LOL, that is outrageous. I honestly think I'm stupid (I have depression by the way), and I'm not allowed to say state my opinion about myself?

I'm just sick of the egostisitical people here, no one ever gives me 'positive' comments here about my intelligence. This is not to say people here aren't helpful, many are. I've gleamed great advice on this topic alone. And now I'm probably going to be flamed this way: "You started, it, now you're complaining. I mean, you started this thread. If you think we're
so smart , then why did you make this thread?"

I don't want to hear this, OK? In fact, don't even argue with me. I won't even start anymore threads because people always disagree. People say I'm not intelligent, not that I'm stupid, but they don't admit either.

It is just, depressing, to say the least to study my whole life, and learn so much about the human body, science, mathematics, philophy, and many other aspects only to be told you don't know anything. Thanks, that helps alot.

While many people *think* I have aspbergers, I probably don't. My doctor is a doctor, and while, he doesn't think so. He said I don't have any of the symptons, and like someone else mentioned here, he said that these type of people don't understand the relying concepts; well I do.

I understand why algebra works, etc. I don't understand certain things in math because I don't know how to understand the complex calculus aspects to the proofs.

Youre right, no one said I'm stupid, and no one said I'm smart either. I agree with the former.
  • #93
QuantumTheory said:
Thank you, I also concur and I can relate. The reason I really don't like posting here (Despite almost everyone being very helpful) is that I get attacked. Or at least feel so. I suppose it's also envy, I feel that I'm stupid and everyone else is smarter than me. People brag about their IQ's, and I haven't seen anyones IQ 'average' or 'below average' like mine, supposedly.
No one here even said that I'm know a lot for my age. I really think I do. Just I'm frusterated no one cared to say this, I'm guessing the reason is because Im' either stupid, or there are, of course, many smarter people here. Yet when I explained my knowledge of relativity and special relativity (and some QM that I know), they thought I knew a lot for my age (This was a yahoo christian chatroom). Like Smurf said, he is very smart, and younger than me. I can't believe he knows what he does.
Yes , I may not 'understand' physics. I hate it when people say this. I say I understand the concepts, onlyt o be flamed and told "You can't understand it if you don't know the math behind it. " Excuse me? I don't know advanced calculus. My whole point was, yes, this is probably true, but I have a strong interest in math and physics (Not calculus yet, perhaps it will become easier once I become good at more algebra, trig, pre calc). I understood the fundamentals of it I should say, for example, I understand that bodies curve spacetime and cause other objects to orbit around them. But whenever I say I do, people always reject it, and tell me the lame "Youd on't know the physics behind it" crap.
I'm getting tired of it. Smurf, I know you were joking. Sorry if it came off wrong. Personal insults are not allowed here? LOL, that is outrageous. I honestly think I'm stupid (I have depression by the way), and I'm not allowed to say state my opinion about myself?
I'm just sick of the egostisitical people here, no one ever gives me 'positive' comments here about my intelligence. This is not to say people here aren't helpful, many are. I've gleamed great advice on this topic alone. And now I'm probably going to be flamed this way: "You started, it, now you're complaining. I mean, you started this thread. If you think we're
so smart , then why did you make this thread?"
I don't want to hear this, OK? In fact, don't even argue with me. I won't even start anymore threads because people always disagree. People say I'm not intelligent, not that I'm stupid, but they don't admit either.
It is just, depressing, to say the least to study my whole life, and learn so much about the human body, science, mathematics, philophy, and many other aspects only to be told you don't know anything. Thanks, that helps alot.
While many people *think* I have aspbergers, I probably don't. My doctor is a doctor, and while, he doesn't think so. He said I don't have any of the symptons, and like someone else mentioned here, he said that these type of people don't understand the relying concepts; well I do.
I understand why algebra works, etc. I don't understand certain things in math because I don't know how to understand the complex calculus aspects to the proofs.
Youre right, no one said I'm stupid, and no one said I'm smart either. I agree with the former.

If you are suffering from depression, maybe you should seek help.

It is not the duty of others to complement you, and among other things, to help you get out of depression. No one insulted you at all, so I suggest to not blame anyone on this forum for your depression or deepened depression you now possess.

I had the same problems a few years ago about not knowing the math behind physics. I realized my problem, and so I decided to not talk about it period. Sure, I understand the concepts of the curvature of space or what not, but I don't I know enough to discuss it with someone who knows the math. I used to talk about it all the time, but now I don't at all now. I don't want to send those who are interested in it, in the wrong direction, or give them fallacious facts. I wouldn't lie, but my opinion or notion could be wrong. All I do now, is correct the things that I know are false, steer people away from crackpots, and I also steer them in the direction of learning the math. Although Smurf knows the math, but I'm 100% positive that Smurf was just steering you in the direction to learning the math.

The world of science is hard work, and to have someone just walk in and talk about it like they know, can be insulting to those who worked hard to know all about it.

Personally, start learning the math. Take it slow. From my experience in independent study, you have to take it slow. I go so slow, that I read like 8-10 pages or less a night. I prefer to read, absorb, review, answer questions, review, and then finish questions. This whole sequence takes about 3-4 days, so technically it's like 12 pages in 4 days. Mastering independent study is a difficult thing because the biggest challenge is remembering everything, or just plainly seeing what's happening. That's why I never recommend anything too difficult for the first time.

I don't know what to say, but you have no right to attack PF members for making you feel stupid.

Trust me, I feel stupid whenever I read matt grime's posts. However, it doesn't put me down, it just shows me that hard work can lead to great knowledge. Therefore, however slow that I am going, I will one day reach my goal.
  • #94
This is really getting out of hand, QT.

QuantumTheory said:
Thank you, I also concur and I can relate. The reason I really don't like posting here (Despite almost everyone being very helpful) is that I get attacked. Or at least feel so. I suppose it's also envy, I feel that I'm stupid and everyone else is smarter than me. People brag about their IQ's, and I haven't seen anyones IQ 'average' or 'below average' like mine, supposedly.

I have never seen anyone blatantly brag about their IQ's. In fact, from most of the serious members, I have seen quite the opposite. Everyone knows that having an IQ is not even a slight guarantee to being a successful scientist, mathematician, or engineer.

People have gone out of their way numerous times to reassure you that you are not stupid and that you can be successful with some hard work on your part. I am one of those people (see your thread in the Academics section).

And remember, it was YOU who created this thread!

QuantumTheory said:
No one here even said that I'm know a lot for my age. I really think I do. Just I'm frusterated no one cared to say this, I'm guessing the reason is because Im' either stupid, or there are, of course, many smarter people here.

No one cared to say this because no one CARES. We are not here for that reason. We do not come to this message board to give praise to the almighty QT. We are here to discuss topics that all of us have a passion for and to assist people with problems that may arise during their studies.

QuantumTheory said:
Yet when I explained my knowledge of relativity and special relativity (and some QM that I know), they thought I knew a lot for my age (This was a yahoo christian chatroom)...Yes , I may not 'understand' physics. I hate it when people say this. I say I understand the concepts, onlyt o be flamed and told "You can't understand it if you don't know the math behind it. " Excuse me? I don't know advanced calculus. My whole point was, yes, this is probably true, but I have a strong interest in math and physics (Not calculus yet, perhaps it will become easier once I become good at more algebra, trig, pre calc).

To be totally honest, I think you have many TREMENDOUS misconceptions about a lot of the topics in which you frequently post about. You certainly have passion, and that's fantastic, but if you really want to learn you need to focus. You create a lot of topics and post a lot about calculus. Well, to be honest with you, calculus is not so far away from where you currently are. Also -- and this may shock you -- but calculus is only the beginning. You're in for a mind-blowing experience if you can just buckle down and focus.

QuantumTheory said:
I'm just sick of the egostisitical people here, no one ever gives me 'positive' comments here about my intelligence.

And why should anyone give you positive comments about your intelligence? Be honest with yourself -- you have not even begun your physics journey. Stay humble; you have A LOT to learn.

QuantumTheory said:
It is just, depressing, to say the least to study my whole life, and learn so much about the human body, science, mathematics, philophy, and many other aspects only to be told you don't know anything. Thanks, that helps alot.

My friend, many and more people here have devoted a significant portion of their lives to learning science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. Many more years than you have. You need to stay humble.

QuantumTheory said:
...he said that these type of people don't understand the relying concepts; well I do. I understand why algebra works, etc. I don't understand certain things in math because I don't know how to understand the complex calculus aspects to the proofs.

Be honest with yourself, dude. You do not understand why algebra works. You do not know algebra. Because of this, there is not a single conceivable chance that you would be able to learn calculus. That is not your fault. You're human just like the rest of us.

My advice: You've graduated high school. Enroll in a college algebra course and devote all of your energy and direct all of your passion towards learning the material. Then enroll in a Pre-calculus class and do the same. Once you've done this, you will finally reach your coveted goal of learning calculus. You can even enroll in a physics class.

There you will begin your journey, and the rest of us will be right along side you.

Good luck.
  • #95
Maxwell said:
This is really getting out of hand, QT.
I have never seen anyone blatantly brag about their IQ's. In fact, from most of the serious members, I have seen quite the opposite. Everyone knows that having an IQ is not even a slight guarantee to being a successful scientist, mathematician, or engineer.
People have gone out of their way numerous times to reassure you that you are not stupid and that you can be successful with some hard work on your part. I am one of those people (see your thread in the Academics section).
How so? Name one time someone said I knew a lot for my age like a 'normal' IQ person does. No one does, why? Because people like smurf are 1 year older than me, yet know advanced physics. Now THAT is smart. Everyone tells me this. Hell, strangers at taco Bell told me this. People on christian chat rooms told me this, my psychiatrist told me this. You just don't know me. Sure, I may sound unreasoanble and unruly behind a computer, so I apologize for this. I really am not this way in real life, in fact, quite the contrary. You'd be surprised. I guess a computer is like 'a shield', you're really anymouns in a BBS.
And remember, it was YOU who created this thread!
HAH! See, I KNEW you'd say this! Yes, I brought it on myself. (See above post please)
No one cared to say this because no one CARES.
Exactly! And why should they? I'm a stupid pathetic waste of the gene pool.
We are not here for that reason. We do not come to this message board to give praise to the almighty QT. We are here to discuss topics that all of us have a passion for and to assist people with problems that may arise during their studies.
I understand, in fact, I'm probably being selfish myself for asking for it. It's just people in real life time me it all the time.
To be totally honest, I think you have many TREMENDOUS misconceptions about a lot of the topics in which you frequently post about.
Maybe that's because I don't know physics yet? Honestly, I think I'm very insightful for my age, I wonder the basic questions of science, philospy, and religion. This is important in being a successful science. How many other 'normal' teenagers do this?
You certainly have passion, and that's fantastic, but if you really want to learn you need to focus. You create a lot of topics and post a lot about calculus. Well, to be honest with you, calculus is not so far away from where you currently are.
Really? Thanks! I guess that helps.
Also -- and this may shock you -- but calculus is only the beginning. You're in for a mind-blowing experience if you can just buckle down and focus.It doesn't shock me. I know there is college algebra, abstract algebra, and high level physics. Yes, a long journal ahead.
And why should anyone give you positive comments about your intelligence?
Well, I'm asking for it for asking for it in people who are smart. The reason? I'm stupid. There you go.
Be honest with yourself -- you have not even begun your physics journey. Stay humble; you have A LOT to learn.
Of course, you can't learn everything. You do too.
My friend, many and more people here have devoted a significant portion of their lives to learning science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. Many more years than you have. You need to stay humble.
Thanks for the advice! :)
Be honest with yourself, dude. You do not understand why algebra works. You do not know algebra. Because of this, there is not a single conceivable chance that you would be able to learn calculus. That is not your fault. You're human just like the rest of us.
What?? How do you know that I don't know algebra? I DO understand high school algebra, but not abstract or college ones. Are you telling me I can never learn calculus? What? Of course I'm human
My advice: You've graduated high school. Enroll in a college algebra course and devote all of your energy and direct all of your passion towards learning the material. Then enroll in a Pre-calculus class and do the same. Once you've done this, you will finally reach your coveted goal of learning calculus. You can even enroll in a physics class.
There you will begin your journey, and the rest of us will be right along side you.

I will do that, thank you.
Good luck.

Good luck to you too!
  • #96
QuantumTheory said:
Good luck to you too!

I have one question.

Why do you care so much to be smart? Or people telling you that you are smart?

Quite personally, I don't see what your problem here is. You are bashing the greatest online community I have ever encountered because they don't tell you that you are smart, for your age or what not.

Reality Check ... No one needs to do anything for you or anyone else. Just because no one said that you are smart, it does not imply that you are not. Your logic is completely wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

According to your logic, if I see a hot girl, but I never tell her she's hot, then she should think she's damn ****ing ugly because I never said she was hot.

The logic above makes NO sense at all.

I strongly recommend to seek help from a doctor or someone, just not on PF.

Note: Want to become intelligent in the field of Physics? START STUDYING! Whining won't get you there.
  • #97
anyone over 15 years old who worries or cares what his/her IQ is, is in need of reassurance. here it is: you are fine.
  • #98
mathwonk said:
. here it is: you are fine.

What is that supposed to mean pikachu man?
  • #99
Forgive me for being vague QT, it means you are handsome, intelligent, and can sing like a nightingale. And you will always be happy, and surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Merry Xmas.
  • #100
I'm just sick of the egostisitical people here, no one ever gives me 'positive' comments here about my intelligence.

I haven't seen anyone on this board tell anyone that they are smart... Most people on this board ARE smart... Why would anyone have to tell anyone?It's so hot outside *cries*. I need to move out of Arizona for a while...

EDIT: Two days ago, it was above 80 degrees outside. :(

EDIT2: Try to be less insecure about your intelligence, it would help...
  • #101
Heh. Well, QT, I see you're at it again on yet another forum. How many have you been banned from now? Seven that I know of. It's always the same, isn't it? All these people, who seemed so nice at first, become suddenly vicious and turn on you en masse. You, of course, do nothing to provoke their ravenous attacks.

I'm going to say this one more time. I've been saying it for in excess of five years now, and it's getting old; yet, here we go again: It's not the rest of the world that's out of step. It's you. Humanity was not placed here for the express purpose of propping up your sagging ego, nor are they here to take the bait when you're fishing for compliments...or, even when you're fishing for insults, which you do just about as often.

You are not the be-all-end-all of calculus, physics, PHILOSOPHY (Please, for the love of all that's real, note that spelling!), or anything else. You're just a person, like the rest of us. Some are more intelligent in a given area than others, but we're all just human beings and we're NOT here to serve your needs. You're still very young. You're neither amazingly intelligent or dismally stupid. You're you. Settle for that and quit trying to get others to support your delusions that you're anything other than you.

I'll end this rant, as I've ended many other rants on many other message boards. Until he's stopped, this will continue to be QT's M.O. I've seen it so many times, I can almost predict what his next post will be...the post after he says he won't ever post again on these message boards. You're in for a bumpy road if you try to help, and if you don't. QT is the epitome of a Catch 22. You're damned if you do, and just as damned if you don't.
  • #102
That was weirder than anything QT posted. A message from a Texas Ranger who's been tracking him from board to board.
  • #103
Looks like Walker has QT's number...
  • #104
I've dealt with QT for quite a few years now, in several different venues. Actually, I don't dislike the guy. He's not a bad kid, really. He's just very misguided. I'm hoping against hope, if he keeps getting called out and his antics made known, he'll stop this nonsense and become the person he could be. Call it a mission. ;)
  • #105
Should we brainwash him?

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