What Makes High School Policy Debate an Unforgettable Experience?

In summary, the conversation discussed high school policy debate and the positive effects it has on critical thinking skills. One person mentioned missing this activity and another suggested continuing it with a person they like. The conversation also touched on a personal experience of standing up against a teacher's discriminatory remarks. The question of what a high school policy debate is was also raised.
  • #1
Did anyone here participate in high school policy debate? Best activity ever. It makes you think so fast and so cleanly. I miss it so much.
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  • #2
no prblem... even now you can debate with a person you like most.
i think that too will be interesting:)
  • #3
Well...not exactly. But earlier this year a substitute for my gifted class dropped a "freshman are inexperienced/dumb/etc" remark. I dropped an F bomb right as it got silent in our class. He asked me if I had said what I said, and I just charged on in proving his comments fallacious. It shut him up.
  • #4
What's a high school policy debate?

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