What SciFi universe would you live in?

In summary: I think the writers did a great job of seamlessly weaving the Ori storyline into the show and not making it feel like a blatant cash grab.In summary, the SGU universe would be my favorite because it has a great plot and character development, while the Star Trek after the Dominion War universe would be my second choice because it has all of the benefits discussed above and is in a great position of power.
  • #71
I would prefer to live in my own imagination
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  • #72
Enigman said:
Fantasy is a genre eg. Death Note, Harry Potter, LOTR
ψ-Φ(looks cooler) or Sci-fi is also a genre eg. Star trek
I wouldn't want to live in a world controlled by a 18 year old (guessing the age, may be lower) who has the power to kill anyone and will do so when anyone opposes him...
And anyway Kira goes mad, L wins...well, more or less...If there can be more than one Kira, Near and Melo are part of L too...
BTW Did you read the manga, see the anime or the movie?
(I read the manga)
Sorry about before must have been cranky that day...

I saw that awful, awful film, if that's what you meant :D
  • #73
Evo said:
Definitely Star trek TNG.

Me, too. Post Voyager, preferably. Though, if you include extra-canonical stuff like the Typhon Pact novels, things aren't really better than during the Dominion War. :P
  • #74
adjacent said:
I would prefer to live in my own imagination
I didn't know we could use our own fictional worlds. Then, I'd definitely live in mine. I'd get to have a prehensile tail. :3
  • #75
Hasn't been written yet.
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  • #76
Mass Effect. Liked this game and universe.
  • #77
Larry Niven's Universes. Known Space or the Co-Dominuum.
  • #78
I think I would like to live in the total recall universe; stop Arnie from activating the terraformation of Mars, because since Mars has no major scale magnetic field all the air would blow off in a couple thousand years or less anyways, and mine the turbinium to build starships to colonize the galaxy. I'd be a real hero for humanity and get my own ship.
  • #79
BobG said:
I'd choose the Library of Babel.
Admittedly, the first big problem with this universe is gravity. If the library is infinite, then the distribution of mass is uniform, and there's just as much mass pulling you "up" as there is pulling you "down". In fact, there should be no up or down.
Infinity isn't just one value. There are infinite different infinities. You could have a distribution that has infinite more mass below, or infinite more mass above, or even a finite mass difference. infinity-infinity is undefined, not 0.
  • #80
No way I'd want to be stuck on a spaceship or confined to some artificial environment on a planet...glass, plastic...I get antsy after 5 hours on an airplane. The Enterprise would wear thin after a couple days.

I need Nature, the outdoors. ..mountains, rivers, feel the sunshine. Birds, wildflowers, wolves, butterflies. I live in Western Canada for a reason.

Thus...a futuristic post apocalyptic world. Small populated areas carving out a niche. I'd like to an explorer trying to make contact with other populations. Strapping on the backpack and wandering off to find other groups. No zombies, mutants or supernatural. Coming across lost technology and trying to understand what it was...a chainsaw, CD player, typewriter, pencil sharpener, toys, etc.
  • #81
schonovic said:
Larry Niven's Universes. Known Space

Post Kzinti Wars :smile:
  • #82
I'll take a world with nexus 5 (Ramez Naam)

Or, a fresh new Earth at the end of Stephenson's Seveneves (although the ring seems cool too)

Maybe Earth in Old Man's War while you could get recruited and regenerated in your old age.
  • #83
The inevitable problem with this question is that most sci fi universes tend to be a bit on the dangerous side, that's why we enjoy reading about them. Who in their right-mind would want to live in the Game of Thrones Universe? Alan Dean Foster's Commonwealth has the Star Trek TNG feel of being reasonably safe--and interesting. Though I suppose the place I would most like to live is Roger Zelazny's city of Amber. I'll even take the danger.
  • #84
brenan said:
Just because there is no "money" does not mean there is no "currency"
and that will always create an underclass.

True enough! Absolute equality, like absolute freedom, is absolutely unattainable. However, material well-being would still be good. I'm a member of this era's underclass, but I still have a better life than William the Conqueror.
  • #85
I will have to go for Atlantis. With my personal shield and enough fire power to wipe out the entire planet when I'm not of having fun exploring the Universe I will come home and rule you all with a iron fist haha.
  • #86
Gaz said:
I will have to go for Atlantis. With my personal shield and enough fire power to wipe out the entire planet when I'm not of having fun exploring the Universe I will come home and rule you all with a iron fist haha.

Always good to have a plan:cool:.
  • #87
Greg Bernhardt said:
I asked this question to Doc Al in his interview, but I think it would be fun to hear from everyone. You can pick any well known SciFi universe to live in. Which would it be?

I would say Star Trek just for the holodeck and the device where food is instantly made. Seems fairly stable too.
I like star trek, too. No, holodeck is not everything Greg. It's the culture, where human (and Star Federation) is much more refined than us.
  • #88
Me? Definetely not Mad Max or Water World!
  • #89
Nobody chooses Flat Land?
  • #90
Stephanus said:
Nobody chooses Flat Land?
Of course not! What would the women look like?
  • #91
HallsofIvy said:
Of course not! What would the women look like?
Slim and sexy? Ironically, the 2D story helps me much to understand 4D. At least to imagine 4D.
  • #92
I was thinking "flat"!
  • #93
HallsofIvy said:
I was thinking "flat"!

That would be the logical conclusion.
  • #94
I could live in my spaceship in my universe because when I hook up I am the spaceship. I feel every electrical impulse the ship is me and I command the voluntary functions of the computer. I sense the sensor stimulus and control the response. My ship has the ultimate of defenses and offensive technology. It has the most powerful engines, the best sensors. It is the ultimate ship in my universe. I feel at peace when I'm hooked up. I get all the best stuff in my universe. I think with virtual reality the real universe will be the best universe. Nobody has to be rich. They have their virtual castle or palace, virtual car, virtual wife etc; the best of everything defying the efforts of the rich. Though they are poor, they are rich.
  • #95
I wouldn't live in a new sci-fi universe like AVATAR among others because they assume that all habitable worlds will have sentient life. This gives the feeling that we have no place to go. That's a miserable outlook and I think many sci-fi's have succombed to this idea. I don't find that realistic. Even on this world legend has it that god put sentience here and it is not natural. I'd want to live in a universe where we have a place to go.
  • #96
schonovic said:
I wouldn't live in a new sci-fi universe like AVATAR among others because they assume that all habitable worlds will have sentient life. This gives the feeling that we have no place to go. That's a miserable outlook and I think many sci-fi's have succumbed to this idea. I don't find that realistic. Even on this world legend has it that god put sentience here and it is not natural. I'd want to live in a universe where we have a place to go.

One of the things I think our space-faring future would be about is architecture. We would have to build the ships to get to these places in the first place, we could then build habitats to live in once we get there. We could custom design O'neil or McKendree cylinders for whatever environment we'd find, and they would always be in the best spot for us in the habitable zone. It could be that after living in ships for hundreds or thousands of years the idea of living on a planet again could be really icky!
  • #97
Universe ruled by Cylons! :nb):nb):frown:
  • #98
Mr.Robot said:
Universe ruled by Cylons! :nb):nb):frown:

If you are talking about the last one SciFi did you seem more alarmed by the prospect than the creators were; they seemed far more interested in the Cylons than the human beings. There is an attitude I call Ethical Misanthropy that I see as very much an intellectual fashion statement today. The last Battlestar Galactica very much displayed this attitude.
  • #99
Khatti said:
If you are talking about the last one SciFi did you seem more alarmed by the prospect than the creators were; they seemed far more interested in the Cylons than the human beings. There is an attitude I call Ethical Misanthropy that I see as very much an intellectual fashion statement today. The last Battlestar Galactica very much displayed this attitude.

The last episode was happy ending episode.
But even after 4.5 billion years,Cylons(creators) were in existence.HOW??
I didn't get that part..
  • #100
Mr.Robot said:
I didn't get that part..

I didn't get most of the parts. I watched the first few episodes and the last few episodes and most of it. All of the humans seemed a little too screwed up to really be believable.
  • #101
In other forums, the Pokémon universe seems to be a popular answer to this sort of question. My answer would be: give me a couple months to write one up and I will go there!
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  • #102
Stephanus said:
I like star trek, too. No, holodeck is not everything Greg. It's the culture, where human (and Star Federation) is much more refined than us.

Are they really? No cybernetic immortality, no cloning and they actually make genetic engineering illegal (for humans anyway). Khan was right—they basically haven't changed any since the 20th century. The Federation seems like a big prison humanity gets stuck in.

If I had to pick a universe, I think it'd be the Marvel Comics universe. Because I'd be constantly reinvented every few years, and every time I died, I'd just come back from the dead. And the special effects would be awesome.
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  • #103
Artribution said:
If I had to pick a universe, I think it'd be the Marvel Comics universe. Because I'd be constantly reinvented every few years, and every time I died, I'd just come back from the dead. And the special effects would be awesome.

Hard to see how one could enjoy dying every few years. Especially bloody violent deaths at the hands of evil doers. How do you guarantee you would be re-written? seems like you would like Scalzi's Redshirts Universe.
  • #104
meBigGuy said:
Hard to see how one could enjoy dying every few years.
Have you ever tried it? Besides, you get a snazzier costume in every incarnation.
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  • #105
If you happen to be the one guy they write back in. It's which universe.