Why is coffee such a popular drink among scientists?

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  • #36
I'm completely addicted to coffee :biggrin: I have it every day in the morning to get me up and going, and to treat myself, I'll have a Starbucks drink. Though, it is pretty expensive, so that's why it isn't every day, but they have some awesome drinks there :smile:
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  • #37
motornoob101 said:
Can't stand the taste of coffee. It takes so bitter, how can you guys take it without sugar and milk?

Just differences in taste. The same way some people prefer dark chocolate and others milk chocolate, or some like spinach and others don't. There's no reason to make oneself drink coffee if you don't like it. As I said early in the thread, I've just always enjoyed it since the first time I tasted it, so drink it because I like the taste.
  • #38
motornoob101 said:
Can't stand the taste of coffee. It takes so bitter, how can you guys take it without sugar and milk?

A little can of pop contains almost as much as caffeine as a cup of coffee. (Well is a bit less, but I top it off with 1 or 2 caffeine pills) so everytime I am having a pop, I am taking about 200-300 mg of caffeine. Kept me going..

But.. then you become too caffeine tolerant. I remember the days during the exam where I can sleep normal with like 400-500 mg of caffeine inside me. Not fun. Hence I don't drink coffee during the summer, to kill the caffeine habit so when september comes around, I will be ready with some new caffeine effects.

Its similar to beer. The taste of beer is very bitter at first, but you get used to it...im still getting used to it.
  • #39
I love Caffeine! In all it's glorious forms.:smile::eek::rolleyes::biggrin:

  • #42
RocketSurgery said:
Looks tasty!

It's not tasty... but it's loaded with caffeine.
  • #43
I'm ridiculously addicted. I think I can actually taste caffeine.
  • #44
I'm one of those people that is not affected by caffeine. Since I was young, I have always had a cup of coffee just before going to bed because I find it relaxing.

At work, I often make the coffee with decaf because there is much more of it. I just don't tell anyone. Funny, everyone gets the same "buzz" off the decaf as they do with regular. :smile: People will actually be drinking the decaf I made and talking about how they can't drink decaf because of the flavor. :smile: <snort>

I know, I get my kicks deceiving people.
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  • #45
:eek: you are pure evil!
  • #46
moe darklight said:
:eek: you are pure evil!
Yes, yes, I am. :devil:
  • #47
Evo said:
I'm one of those people that is not affected by caffeine. Since I was young, I have always had a cup of coffee just before going to bed because I find it relaxing.

At work, I often make the coffee with decaf because there is much more of it. I just don't tell anyone. Funny, everyone gets the same "buzz" off the decaf as they do with regular. :smile: People will actually be drinking the decaf I made and talking about how they can't drink decaf because of the flavor. :smile: <snort>

I know, I get my kicks deceiving people.

I'd have to kill you if you did that. My sister tried that once when I visited her, she didn't tell me the coffee was decaf. I started out thinking it was rather weak tasting, and teased my sister about her lousy coffee (though, it was admittedly better than other decaf coffees I've had in terms of flavor...some taste nasty, some can pass for regular coffee), but I was just dragging all day and then the headache started from lack of caffeine...I had to head to Dunkin' Donuts for a cup of real coffee when I started complaining that her weak coffee hadn't done anything for me and she admitted it was decaf. She's lucky she survived.
  • #48
Moonbear said:
I'd have to kill you if you did that. My sister tried that once when I visited her, she didn't tell me the coffee was decaf. I started out thinking it was rather weak tasting, and teased my sister about her lousy coffee (though, it was admittedly better than other decaf coffees I've had in terms of flavor...some taste nasty, some can pass for regular coffee), but I was just dragging all day and then the headache started from lack of caffeine...I had to head to Dunkin' Donuts for a cup of real coffee when I started complaining that her weak coffee hadn't done anything for me and she admitted it was decaf. She's lucky she survived.
I make it very strong, and I've been doing it for two years and no one knows the difference.
  • #49
I would know. It has happened before.

And yes, we execute people for less around here. :biggrin:
  • #50
moe darklight said:
:eek: you are pure evil!
You knew that "Evo" was just a nickname, right?
  • #52
Moonbear said:
I keep looking for where the battery door is.

And what did you find... :wink:
  • #53
JasonRox said:
And what did you find... :wink:

That I enjoy searching. :biggrin: :devil:
  • #54
Moonbear said:
That I enjoy searching. :biggrin: :devil:

:smile: I'm glad. :smile:
  • #55
Oh, I just found a new coffee that I love :biggrin: It's Folger's Vanilla Biscotti, soooooo good!
  • #56
I drank coffee every day before going to sleep but it had no effect on me so I just stopped.
  • #57
I drink water to wake me up
  • #58
vincentm said:
I drink water to wake me up

Wow, that's cool that water can wake you up. You are one of the few in which that works, and it's a lot cheaper too, though not a lot of flavor :rolleyes:
  • #59
mcknia07 said:
Wow, that's cool that water can wake you up. You are one of the few in which that works, and it's a lot cheaper too, though not a lot of flavor :rolleyes:

Water wakes me up too...but it has to be poured over my head to work. :biggrin:
  • #60
Moonbear said:
Water wakes me up too...but it has to be poured over my head to work. :biggrin:

Haha :biggrin:
  • #61
I love coffee. Been cutting it to 50% decaf (or more) for about the last 8 years, just so I can drink more of it.

Best coffee I know of is at Small World Cafe in Princeton, NJ. Second best coffee is what I make at home.
  • #62
Redbelly98 said:
I love coffee. Been cutting it to 50% decaf (or more) for about the last 8 years, just so I can drink more of it.

Best coffee I know of is at Small World Cafe in Princeton, NJ. Second best coffee is what I make at home.

What kind of coffee do you use to make it at home??
  • #63
I get whole been Sumatra (reg & decaf) at a local health food store.

Not trying to lay any claims to greatness, it's more a comment on coffee that gets served in most restaurants, convenient stores, fast food places, etc.
  • #64
Oh, ok, I'll have to try it out sometime, but I'm not much for the decaf, though, it still has the same effects on me, lol.
  • #65
Evo said:
I'm one of those people that is not affected by caffeine. Since I was young, I have always had a cup of coffee just before going to bed because I find it relaxing.

At work, I often make the coffee with decaf because there is much more of it. I just don't tell anyone. Funny, everyone gets the same "buzz" off the decaf as they do with regular. :smile: People will actually be drinking the decaf I made and talking about how they can't drink decaf because of the flavor. :smile: <snort>

I know, I get my kicks deceiving people.

This doesn't surprise me, actually. Sounds like a text-book case of classical conditioning. I know that as of right now, being the end of semester, I've been drinking coffee breakfast-lunch-dinner, and that morning cup seems to have effects earlier than seems really possible for the caffeine to enter my bloodstream.

I also love coffee, and am in no way picky, except when it comes to price. So I drink Wal-Mart coffee, black w/ roughly twice the grinds suggested. Starbucks is redonkulously overpriced.
  • #66
Starbucks is really expensive, and yet it tastes so good. I had some of it today actually :biggrin: YUMMY, and it makes me so hyper!
  • #67
Java Monster FTW (For the Win)

I Look like this on it :smile::approve::cool::bugeye::eek::rolleyes::-p :biggrin:

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