How to Calculate Work at a 30 Degree Angle on a Ski Slope?

In summary, a skier with a mass of 71 kg is pulled up a 30° slope by a motor-driven cable at a constant speed of 1.1 m/s. The work required to pull the skier a distance of 55 m can be calculated using the equation W = FcosӨ Δr, where F is the force exerted by the cable. This force can be found by using the equations ∑Fx = mgsinӨ=ma and ∑Fy= n-mgcosӨ. However, the weight of the skier, which is a vector, can be resolved into two components, one normal to the slope surface and one parallel to the slope. It is important to
  • #1
A skier of mass 71 kg is pulled up a slope by a motor-driven cable.
(a) How much work is required to pull him a distance of 55 m up a 30° slope at a constant speed of 1.1 m/s

My whole problem with this question is that I'm not sure if I need to include ∑Fx and ∑Fy (where ∑Fx = mgsinӨ=ma and ∑Fy= n-mgcosӨ) in order to find F. This is where I'm getting stuck to solve for W
W=FcosӨ Δr
I just need help in getting started with this problem because I keep getting stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
I think you can just use the simple [tex]W = F \times d[/tex] equation for this problem. The total distance can be calculated using trigonometry.
You know that [tex] F = m \times a \ \Longrightarrow \ F = m \times \frac{d}{t^2}[/tex].
And you can also calculate the total time it takes to move the object to the final destination since you know the distance and the velocity of it. I think this would work.
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  • #3
W = mg = 71 kg * 9.8 m/s2.

However, the Weight points directly down with gravity. Weight (force) is a vector, and it can be resolved into two components, one normal to the slope surface, and one parallel, pointing down hill. The cable would be pulling up hill at constant speed. Constant speed means not acceleration so no net force.
  • #4
I'm still confused as to what you are describing. Plus I figured vectors were involved however my book doesn't really explain how to use vectors in relation to this sort of problem. Could you explain a little more any help is appreciated.

FAQ: How to Calculate Work at a 30 Degree Angle on a Ski Slope?

1. What does it mean to work at a 30 degree angle?

Working at a 30 degree angle refers to performing a task or activity while the surface or object being worked on is at a 30 degree angle from the ground or horizontal plane.

2. How does working at a 30 degree angle affect one's body?

Working at a 30 degree angle can put strain on certain muscles and joints, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders. It can also affect balance and coordination, leading to potential accidents or injuries.

3. What are some examples of tasks that require working at a 30 degree angle?

Some examples of tasks that may require working at a 30 degree angle include painting a wall, using a ladder, or operating machinery with an angled component.

4. Are there any benefits to working at a 30 degree angle?

Working at a 30 degree angle can provide an ergonomic advantage by allowing the body to be in a more natural position for certain tasks. It can also make it easier to reach certain areas or angles.

5. How can one minimize the risks of working at a 30 degree angle?

To minimize the risks of working at a 30 degree angle, it is important to maintain proper posture and take frequent breaks to stretch and relieve any tension in the muscles. It may also be helpful to use tools or equipment specifically designed for working at an angle.
