Work done by the Friction Force

In summary, my friend's equation states that the work done by friction force is the negative of the work done by the displacement force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the work done by friction force as it slides down an inclined plane in terms of...

m (Mass)
x (Displacement)
μ (Friction Coefficient)
θ (Angle of the inclined plane)

Homework Equations

ƩFnormal = mgcos(θ)
ƩFhorizontal = mgsin(θ)
ƩFfriction = μFnormal - But then I realized these three equations all linked together which used gravity... which isn't suppose to be used)

F = ma
w = max

The Attempt at a Solution

What I came up with was:

Work = mgx(μcos(θ) + sin(θ))
Which doesn't seem right and uses gravity...

Help Please! Thanks.
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  • #2
g is just a constant, so why can't you use it? What's the basic definition of work done by a force?
  • #3
Well, I'm not 100% sure, but it's basically, the amount of energy done by something?

In anycase, is my Attempt correct?

My friend did it, and he got Work = mgx(μcos(θ) - sin(θ))
not Work = mgx(μcos(θ) + sin(θ))

  • #4

1.In physics, mechanical work is a scalar quantity that can be described as the product of a force times the distance through which it acts, and it is called the work of the force

2.Joule (J) is the SI unit for work (defined as the product N*m, so that a joule is a Newton-metre).
  • #5
nobodyuknow said:
Well, I'm not 100% sure, but it's basically, the amount of energy done by something?
I was looking for the simplest definition, such as Work = Force * displacement.
In anycase, is my Attempt correct?

My friend did it, and he got Work = mgx(μcos(θ) - sin(θ))
not Work = mgx(μcos(θ) + sin(θ))
Almost. Why do you include the sin(θ) term? Seems like you are trying to find the net work done, not just the work done by friction. (What direction does the friction force act compared to the displacement?)

What's the work done by the friction force alone?
  • #6
Yes, you are correct, I am trying to find the net work done. Since friction works in the opposite direction of which work does, I assume my friend is correct with his formula.

Work = mgx(μcos(θ) - sin(θ))

Work = Fx
Friction Force = -Fx
  • #7
nobodyuknow said:
Yes, you are correct, I am trying to find the net work done. Since friction works in the opposite direction of which work does, I assume my friend is correct with his formula.

Work = mgx(μcos(θ) - sin(θ))
If you want the net work done (by all forces) then that solution is almost correct. The sign is backwards: Since friction acts opposite to the displacement, its contribution to the net work will be negative.

FAQ: Work done by the Friction Force

What is work done by the friction force?

The work done by the friction force is the energy required to overcome the resistance of friction between two surfaces in motion. It is a measure of the amount of energy that is converted into heat during the movement of an object.

How is the work done by the friction force calculated?

The work done by the friction force is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the friction force by the distance over which the force acts. This can be represented by the equation W = Fd, where W is the work done, F is the friction force, and d is the distance.

What factors affect the work done by the friction force?

The work done by the friction force is affected by several factors, including the type of surfaces in contact, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the speed of the movement. Additionally, the coefficient of friction, which is a measure of how easily the surfaces slide past each other, also plays a role in determining the work done.

Can the work done by the friction force be negative?

Yes, the work done by the friction force can be negative if the force acts in the opposite direction of the movement. In this case, the friction force is doing work to slow down or stop the motion of the object, and the energy is converted into heat.

How can the work done by the friction force be reduced?

The work done by the friction force can be reduced by using lubricants, which help to reduce the coefficient of friction between the surfaces. Additionally, decreasing the force pressing the surfaces together or decreasing the speed of the movement can also reduce the work done by the friction force.

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