Are My Buoyant Force Calculations Correct?

In summary, the conversation is about calculating the work done by the buoyant force on a beaker that is submerged in water and connected to an air pump. The individual is asking for confirmation on their calculations for the work done by the buoyant force and the work needed to introduce air into the beaker. They also discuss the potential energy of the water and how it relates to the work done by the pump. The expert advises them to consider all energy changes in the system to accurately calculate the work done.
  • #1

I need to know if I am making the calculations correctly. I thank much your aid. :redface:

Well, we have a deposit with water, with a beaker inside connected to an air pump in outside. The beaker is held to the bottom of the deposit by a pair of cords, as it is possible to be seen in the figure:

Once the beaker fills with a little air with a volume [tex]V_0[/tex], we loosen it so that it can raise the surface (It appears 2). While the beaker raises, the pressure is reduced and the air volume increases (It appears 3).

In order to calculate the work made by the buoyant force I made the following thing:

The buoyant force is:

[tex]B=V\rho g[/tex]

Like [tex]V=V(h)[/tex] (h is depth)

[tex]V=\frac{V_0p_0}{p}[/tex]([tex]V_0[/tex] is the volume of air that introduced the pump to the beaker. And [tex]p_p[/tex] is the presure of that deph)

The presure is:

[tex]p=\rho gh + p_{atm}[/tex]

[tex]B=\frac{\rho gV_0p_0}{p}=\frac{\rho gV_0p_0}{\rho gh + p_{atm}}[/tex]

So, the work maked for the buoyant force is:

[tex]W_{B}=\int_0^H Bdx=\int_0^H \frac{\rho g p_0V_0}{\rho g(H-x) + p_{atm}}dx[/tex] ([tex]x[/tex] is measured from the bottom and [tex]H[/tex] is the deph of beaker in figure 1)

[tex]W_B=p_0V_0\ln(\rho gH + p_{atm})-p_0V_0\ln(p_{atm})[/tex]

[tex]W_B=p_0V_0\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1][/tex]

It's correctly?

By the way, how can I to calculate the work necessary to introduce the air volume [tex]V_0[/tex] to the beaker through the pump?

Note: I want to calculate the ideal case.

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  • #2
Your calcualtion looks OK to me. For the work needed to pump in the initial volume, assume the pump starts from a position with gas below the piston at pressure equal to the water pressure in the beaker. The piston then has to move against the gas in the cylinder to push some of it into the beaker. All the piston is doing is moving a volume Vo of gas at constant temperature and pressure.
  • #3
OlderDan said:
For the work needed to pump in the initial volume, assume the pump starts from a position with gas below the piston at pressure equal to the water pressure in the beaker. The piston then has to move against the gas in the cylinder to push some of it into the beaker. All the piston is doing is moving a volume Vo of gas at constant temperature and pressure.

Ok. Then the work, maked for introduce the air will be:

[tex]W_{pump}=Fh=p_0Ah = p_0V_0 = (\rho g h + p_{atm}) V_0[/tex]

It's correctly?

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  • #4
Looks good to me.
  • #5
Sure? Because if we reduced the work that we obtain from the system less the work which we put due to the pump we obtain an excess of energy:

[tex]W_B-W_{pump}=p_0V_0\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-p_0V_0=p_0V_0(\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-1)[/tex]

If [tex]\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]>1[/tex], then [tex]W_B>W_{pump}[/tex]

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  • #6
chuy said:
Sure? Because if we reduced the work that we obtain from the system less the work which we put due to the pump we obtain an excess of energy:

[tex]W_B-W_{pump}=p_0V_0\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-p_0V_0=p_0V_0(\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-1)[/tex]

If [tex]\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]>1[/tex], then [tex]W_B>W_{pump}[/tex]

I'm pretty sure. I expect you could show that the work done by the water does not increase the energy of the system. When you pump air into the glass, you are displacing water from the glass into the tank, raising the level and potential energy of the water. As the glass rises, water is constantly moving from a higher level in the tank to a lower level, reducing the potential energy of the water. If the glass floats at the top, the water will be almost back to the way it was before the glass was filled with air, so it has given back potential energy as the glass has gained energy.

I haven't tried to prove that it all cancels out, but if you want to prove that it does not, you have to consider every energy change in the system.
  • #7
Then it means that the work that makes the force (F) that is applied on the handle of the pump:


[tex]W = F\Delta y = V_0p_0+\Delta U_{watter}[/tex]


[tex]W= F\Delta y= p_0V_0=\Delta U_{watter}[/tex] ??

Thanks for your patience :smile:
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  • #8
chuy said:

[tex]W = F\Delta y = V_0p_0+\Delta U_{watter}[/tex]


[tex]W= F\Delta y= p_0V_0=\Delta U_{watter}[/tex] ??

Thanks for your patience :smile:
It does not mean [tex]W = F\Delta y = V_0p_0+\Delta U_{watter}[/tex]

When you push the pump handle, you do work on the gas. I was careful in the beginning to say the gas was already at the pressure of the liquid at the end of the hose. All you are doing to the gas is moving some of it out of the cylinder into the beaker, which means no change in volume or temperature or pressure. How can you do work on a gas, and not change any of these things? Only by having the gas do the same amount of work on something else that you do on the gas. The gas in the first step is simply transferring the work you do into work done on the water to increase the potential energy of the water.

Think about changing your problem a little. Suppose the bubble of air you create in the tank completely fills a cross section of the tank. You create a complete disk layer of air in the tank. That disk will have the volume of the air you push out of the pump. The height of the disk will be the distance you move the pump handle, times the ratio of the area of the pump to the area of the tank. All the water above the disk of air is raised by this same distance. How much does the potential energy of the water increase? How does this compare to the work done by you pushing the pump handle?

The atmospheric pressure part might be a little tricky here. That part of the work calculation you did earlier for introducing the air into the beaker is not done by you. It is done by the air pushing down on the top of the pump piston. I want you do compare the work you do pushing the pistion to the potential energy increase of the water.
  • #9
OlderDan said:
All the water above the disk of air is raised by this same distance. How much does the potential energy of the water increase?
The mass of watter above de disk is m, and x is the thickness of the disc, the increase of energy potencial is:

[tex]\Delta U_{water}=mgx=\rho Vgx=\rho AHgx[/tex] (depth of disk is H, and A area of disk).

But [tex]p=\rho gH[/tex], and [tex]V_0=Ax[/tex] Therefore:

[tex]\Delta U_{water}=pV_0[/tex].

How does this compare to the work done by you pushing the pump handle?
Mmmm, since we had said, the work maked for introduce the air is:

[tex]W_{pump}= p_0V_0 = (\rho g H + p_{atm}) V_0[/tex]


[tex]W_{pump}= \Delta U_{water}+V_0p_{atm}[/tex]

But as you mentioned:



[tex]W_{hand}=\Delta U_{water}[/tex]

But the potencial energy of water, would not have to be equal to the work made by bouyant force?

[tex]W_B-\Delta U_{water}=p_0V_0\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-pV_0=(p+p_{atm})V_0\ln[\rho gH/p_{atm} + 1]-pV_0[/tex]


[tex]W_B>\Delta U_{water}[/tex]

I believe that there is something I am omitting

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  • #10
chuy said:
I believe that there is something I am omitting

Probably so. This part of the process is more complex. The gas in the beaker is expanding, which is what made the first calculation you did much more complex than calculating the work done on a block of wood released from some depth. That means the gas was doing work during the process. To examine all the energy conversions, you would have to consider the energy change of the gas.

If the glass had been a block of wood with volume Vo, the buoyant force would have been constant, the work would have been the weight of a volume of water of Vo times the initial depth (the constant buoyant force), and if there were no energy losses to viscosity, the PE lost by the water would have been the work done on the block. The increase in PE of the block would be its weight times the depth of the water, which would be less than the decrease in PE of the water, which means the block would go flying out of the water with some initial kinietic energy. In reality, the flow of the block through viscous water is going to steal some of the energy, converting it into heat, slightly warming the water.

As I said earlier, if you want to show that your calculation is invalid based on energy conservation, you had better account for all of the energy. That is not simple to do.
  • #11
When the outer air enters the pump increases its pressure. A work is made on the gas. This change of energy also we must consider it?

Good night.
  • #12
chuy said:
When the outer air enters the pump increases its pressure. A work is made on the gas. This change of energy also we must consider it?

Good night.
You have to set up boundaries for every problem. Yes it would take work to build up pressure in the pump before any air ws pushed into the tank. But if the pump did not have that pressure, and you put the tube into the tank, water would run through the tube into the pump until the pressure was equalized. The initial condition I chose in my first post was carefully constructed to avoid this.
  • #13
The gas in the beaker is expanding, which is what made the first calculation you did much more complex than calculating the work done on a block of wood released from some depth. That means the gas was doing work during the process. To examine all the energy conversions, you would have to consider the energy change of the gas.
Retaking that.

I can suppose constant temperature of the gas while the glass raises?

The work done by the gas on the water is:


Like [tex]p=\frac{p_0V_0}{V}[/tex]



[tex]W_g=p_0V_0\ln{\frac{p_0}{p_f}}[/tex] ([tex]p_f=p_{atm}[/tex])


[tex]W_g=p_0V_0\ln{\frac{\rho g H+p_{atm}}{p_{atm}}}=p_0V_0\ln(\rho g H/p_{atm}+1)[/tex]

Then, [tex]W_B=W_{g}[/tex] (The work made by buoyant force is the same than work made by gas on water)

But would not have to be:

[tex]W_B=W_g+\Delta U_{water}[/tex] ?

Greetings! :cool:

FAQ: Are My Buoyant Force Calculations Correct?

What is the bouyant force?

The bouyant force is a force that acts on an object submerged in a fluid, such as water. It is the upward force exerted by the fluid on the object and is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces.

What is an example of work made by the bouyant force?

An example of work made by the bouyant force is a boat floating on water. The weight of the boat is evenly distributed and the bouyant force acts in an upward direction, allowing the boat to stay afloat.

How does the bouyant force affect the motion of objects?

The bouyant force can affect the motion of objects by either slowing them down or helping them move. If the object's weight is greater than the bouyant force, it will sink. If the bouyant force is greater than the object's weight, it will float.

Can the bouyant force change with depth?

Yes, the bouyant force can change with depth. This is because as an object is submerged deeper into a fluid, it displaces more fluid and therefore experiences a greater bouyant force.

How does the density of an object affect the bouyant force?

The density of an object affects the bouyant force by determining whether it will sink or float. An object with a higher density than the fluid it is submerged in will sink, while an object with a lower density will float.

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