Fraction Definition and 653 Threads

A fraction (from Latin fractus, "broken") represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters. A common, vulgar, or simple fraction (examples:


{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}}


{\displaystyle {\tfrac {17}{3}}}
) consists of a numerator displayed above a line (or before a slash like 1⁄2), and a non-zero denominator, displayed below (or after) that line. Numerators and denominators are also used in fractions that are not common, including compound fractions, complex fractions, and mixed numerals.
In positive common fractions, the numerator and denominator are natural numbers. The numerator represents a number of equal parts, and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole. The denominator cannot be zero, because zero parts can never make up a whole. For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator 3 indicates that the fraction represents 3 equal parts, and the denominator 4 indicates that 4 parts make up a whole. The picture to the right illustrates 3/4 of a cake.
A common fraction is a numeral which represents a rational number. That same number can also be represented as a decimal, a percent, or with a negative exponent. For example, 0.01, 1%, and 10−2 are all equal to the fraction 1/100. An integer can be thought of as having an implicit denominator of one (for example, 7 equals 7/1).
Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and division. Thus the fraction 3/4 can also be used to represent the ratio 3:4 (the ratio of the part to the whole), and the division 3 ÷ 4 (three divided by four). The non-zero denominator rule, which applies when representing a division as a fraction, is an example of the rule that division by zero is undefined.
We can also write negative fractions, which represent the opposite of a positive fraction. For example, if 1/2 represents a half dollar profit, then −1/2 represents a half dollar loss. Because of the rules of division of signed numbers (which states in part that negative divided by positive is negative), −1/2, −1/2 and 1/−2 all represent the same fraction — negative one-half. And because a negative divided by a negative produces a positive, −1/−2 represents positive one-half.
In mathematics the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not zero, is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q, which stands for quotient. A number is a rational number precisely when it can be written in that form (i.e., as a common fraction). However, the word fraction can also be used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers. Examples of these usages include algebraic fractions (quotients of algebraic expressions), and expressions that contain irrational numbers, such as



{\textstyle {\frac {\sqrt {2}}{2}}}
(see square root of 2) and π/4 (see proof that π is irrational).

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  1. L

    B Understanding the relationship between ratios and fractions

    As I understand, a ratio is a comparison between two or more quantities. Ratios involve two or more numbers. Whereas a fraction is a single real number. Why are ratios and fractions the same when ratios involve two or more different numbers whereas fractions represent only ONE real number like...
  2. rstor

    Conjugate vs Complex Conjugate

    I would like to confirm my understanding between conjugates and complex conjugates. When rationalizing the denominator (when dealing with square roots) it is shown that we can multiply the fraction by its conjugate. I have seen the conjugate being defined as one of the signs of the binomial...
  3. M

    Why Does Flipping the Denominator in Complex Fractions Give the Wrong Answer?

    My first method to simplify the fraction is to to I flip ##\frac{5}{3}## up I get ##2 \times \frac{3}{5} = \frac{6}{5}## Method 2: if I flip 3 up I get ##\frac{2}{5} \times \frac{1}{3} = \frac{2}{15}##. Method 3: I could use it multiply ##\frac{3}{3}## since this is the same as mutlipying by...
  4. M

    Simplifying this complicated fraction

    How did they get y^7 in the bottom fraction? I got their answer except I had y^6. Would some please be able to help? Many thanks!
  5. M

    I Why Can't the Denominator of a Fraction Be Zero?

    For this problem, I don’t understand why the bottom fraction cannot equal zero since we are not plugging in any numbers it just in terms of variables. Would anybody else be able to provide with an explanation? Many thanks!
  6. C

    Do We Need Boundaries for Fraction Equations?

    When working with fractions and when we have a fraction or equation with fractions like this one for example ##\frac{x}{x-1}+\frac{x}{x+1}=\frac{9}{4}## do we always need to set boundaries? Like, do we always need to write that x can't be a number that would give the denominator 0? In this...
  7. P

    Understanding the meaning of "expected fraction" (Statistics)

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  8. S

    Rationalizing this fraction involving square roots

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  9. Physics Slayer

    A doubt in Partial fraction decomposition

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  10. A

    Partial fraction decomposition with Laplace transformation in ODE

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  11. brotherbobby

    Reducing an algebraic fraction, cyclic in three variables, to another

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  12. Jason-Li

    How Do You Simplify Complex Algebraic Fractions?

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  13. P

    I How to Bound a Fraction Involving Sine Functions?

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  14. brotherbobby

    Reducing one algebraic fraction to another

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  15. guyvsdcsniper

    TIme needed for a capacitor to reach a fraction of its final charge

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  16. Ale_Rodo

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  17. brotherbobby

    Prove a rational fraction is equal to another

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  18. A

    Convergence of a series involving ln() terms in the denominator of a fraction

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  19. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

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  20. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

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  21. fluidistic

    What fraction of genes do we share with relatives and with other species?

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  22. S

    I How to calculate successive resultant values of a continued fraction

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  23. il postino

    Chemistry Relationship between ppm and mole fraction

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  24. C

    MHB Trouble finding the derivative of a fraction using four step process

    I am trying to find the derivative of this problem using the four step process but keep getting stuck when it comes to the third step of f(x+h) - f(x). I do not know what to do once I reach that step. Am I canceling terms out incorrectly? How should I deal with a fraction over a fraction? Any...
  25. S

    Limit of a fraction as n-> infinity in the numerator and denomominator

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  26. Monoxdifly

    MHB [ASK] Derivative of an Algebraic Fraction find f(0) + f'(0)

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  27. J

    Volume fraction of multiple phases

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  28. C

    I Finite expansion of a fraction of functions

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  29. jisbon

    Fraction of valence electrons free for conduction

    For the first part, since this is a intrisinc semiconductor, n=p= intrisinc carrier concentration. Hence free electrons and hole = ##(1.5*10^{10})## per cubic centimeter. As for part 2, here are my steps. But I'm not sure if it's correct. I first find the number of atoms of one cubic...
  30. B

    Finding a general formula for the nth derivative of a partial fraction

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  31. rafgger

    A Expectation of a Fraction of Gaussian Hypergeometric Functions

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  32. karush

    MHB Circles Find the shaded area as a fraction

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  33. A

    How Do Partial Fractions Relate to Trigonometric Substitution?

    Do anyone know how to find ##1##, ##2x - 5##, and ##2\sqrt{x^2 - 5x + 6}## in the triangle? (please see attached image) Also, how do you find ##(x - 5/2)^2 - (1/2)^2##? [Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.]
  34. Sabra_a

    Mass fraction and volume of a gas in a cylinder

    I have attached the full answer in PDF file. I'm not sure about the answers. will really appreciate if they get checked
  35. S

    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    i can get to 3i+1/1-3i but no further. I take it this is the correct way to start
  36. S

    Is there a faster way to integrate this fraction?

    Find integration of: \frac {1}{(x+1)(x^2 + x -1)^\frac{1}{2}} What I did: 1. Use completing square method for the term inside the square root 2. Use trigonometry substitution (I use secan) 3. After simplifying, use another trigonometry substitution (I use weierstrass substitution) 4. Use...
  37. S

    MHB Fraction word problem: how many rows are devoted to each plant

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  38. S

    Fraction of occupied states (Fermi-Dirac distribution + DOS)

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  39. S

    Finding the value of a fraction

    I tried to do like this: \frac{((76 - 15)^4 + 324)((76 - 3)^4 + 324)((76 + 9)^4 + 324)((76 + 21)^4 + 324)}{((76 - 21)^4 + 324)((76 - 9)^4 + 324)((76 + 3)^4 + 324)((76 + 15)^4 + 324)} Then stucked Thanks
  40. Manasan3010

    Quickest way to do this calculation

    ## \frac{-3x^4}{7}+x=\frac{-3x^4}{7}+10 \\x=10## I solved the equation and got x=10, My question is how can I solve for x without brute-force method( Multiply all terms by (x-13)(x-7)(x-14)(x-6) and solving for x)
  41. F

    MHB What fraction of light do these glasses transmit

    Welders use a logarithmic scale to identify protective eyewear. The shade number n, is given by the equation n = 1 − 7logT/3 , where T is the fraction of visible light that glass transmits. a. What shade number should a welder use that only transmits ⅛ of the light entering the glass? b Viewing...
  42. Buzz Bloom

    I Fraction of solar systems with an Earth-moon configuration?

    Although I have over the years seen reports about simulations of the the Earth's moon's origin by a variety of possible mechanisms, none of these reports have ever reported the probability of such events. What is a reasonable estimate of the fraction of solar systems that have a planet of a size...
  43. M

    Find a function less than a fraction of itself

    Well doesn't ##u(x) = 0.4 x## work? Seems too easy, but the phrasing at the end "for all ##x\in I##" makes me think since ##0.4x = x## only at ##x=0##, and not all of ##I##, that this is okay. But am I wrong?
  44. A

    Why is this equation correct? (algebraic fraction simplification)

    Hi all, I cannot figure out how I get to the alternate form. I really do need help here. Not sure how this is done. Thank you
  45. JD_PM

    Calculating the Fraction of Time Particles Spend Outside a Potential Well

    I want to compute the fraction of time both particles spend outside the finite potential well. All I can get is the probability to find them outside. The wavefunction outside the potential is: $$\frac{d^2\psi}{dr^2} = -L^2 \psi$$ Where: $$L = \sqrt{\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}}$$ Solving the...
  46. J

    MHB Ratio word problem: What fraction of the original counters remain in the bag

    I have a word equation i cannot figure out! anyone have any ideas? There is a large bag of red and blue counters. One red and one blue counter are removed from the bag. This process is repeated until 1/4 of the red counter and 3/5 of the blue counters have been removed. What fraction of the...
  47. opus

    Express this sum as a fraction of whole numbers

    Homework Statement Express the sum as a fraction of whole numbers in lowest terms: ##\frac{1}{1⋅2}+\frac{1}{2⋅3}+\frac{1}{3⋅4}+...+\frac{1}{n(n+1)}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Please see attached image for my work. The reason I am posting the image rather than typing this...
  48. F

    From the original burst, fraction of stellar mass still on the Main Sequence

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.> Suppose that all stars in this galaxy were born in a single major-merger burst event about 10 Gyr ago. From this original burst, I want to compute the fraction of stellar mass still surviving as stars in the main sequence ...
  49. Specter

    Instantaneous rate of change and deriving a fraction

    Homework Statement Sorry for so many posts lately, hopefully this is allowed. What tangent points on ##g(x)=\frac {12} {x+1}## has an instantaneous rate of change of -3? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] I know that once I derive ##g(x)=\frac {12} {x+1}## I can set the...