Internship Definition and 213 Threads

An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. Once confined to medical graduates, internship is used for a wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field. Employers benefit from these placements because they often recruit employees from their best interns, who have known capabilities, thus saving time and money in the long run. Internships are usually arranged by third-party organizations that recruit interns on behalf of industry groups. Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways. Similar to internships, apprenticeships transition students from vocational school into the workforce. The lack of standardization and oversight leaves the term "internship" open to broad interpretation. Interns may be high school students, college and university students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are temporary. Many large corporations, particularly investment banks, have "insights" programs that serve as a pre-internship event numbering a day to a week, either in person or virtually.
Typically, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the intern and the organization. Internships are used to determine whether the intern still has an interest in that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used to build a professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future employment opportunities. The benefit of bringing an intern into full-time employment is that they are already familiar with the company, therefore needing little to no training. Internships provide current college students with the ability to participate in a field of their choice to receive hands-on learning about a particular future career, preparing them for full-time work following graduation.

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  1. Nicolasrei

    Asking For Information On Internships (I am interested in quantum information, solid-state, and many-body physics)

    Hello, kind souls. I am planning to finish my bachelor in the start of next year (early February to be precise). Before I go for my PhD (I will skip the master, something not unusual in my country, especially after a long bachelor like I did), I wish to get some more hands-on research...
  2. Maddy467

    Other Any Virtual Summer Research/Internships for High-school Graduates?

    I wanna spend my summers doing something meaningful before I join. I don't want to do it for Money or anything - just want to gain some experience and be useful. I have decent/good Maths, Physics, Chemistry and engineering foundation as well as programming skills and just wanna put them to use...
  3. Maddy467

    Schools Which University should I go to for my undergrad in physics?

    I'm an international student. I've been accepted into Stony Brook (NY), Rutgers-New Brunswick (NJ), University of Arizona and Iowa State University. (all with decent scholarships... amounts in increasing order with Stony Brook costing me the most) I'm really confused about the first 3. All of...
  4. Sas

    Summer 2024 Internship in Aerospace Engineering in Europe

    Hey, I'm a second year mechanical engineering student in Cyprus and I'm about to enter my third at the end of September. I'm aiming to complete my Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse, France. They're a pretty prestigious institution and only accept the best...
  5. F

    Programs What is an appropriate way of asking a professor for a project?

    I am an undergraduate Physics student who will just be going to his second year right now. Currently, my summer break is going on and I am interning under the guidance of an Astrophysics professor at a reputed (graduate-level) institute in my country, and I am working on an interesting project...
  6. J

    Looking for physics internships requiring one letter of recommendation

    I'm currently a college freshman studying physics. The only previous research experience I had was a virtual one with the EPA on things not really related to physics (it was about 3D printer emissions). I'm trying to look for something for the summer and I've already applied for a bunch...
  7. BiologyQueen

    Has Anyone Heard Back from DoE CCI Summer 2021 Internships?

    Hey everyone! This is a forum for anyone who applied to the DoE CCI Summer 2021 Internships. Has anyone gotten a reply back from their labs? I am waiting on LLNL and SNL. I applied for Biotechnology, Engineering technology-Bio, and Energy Technology Bio. -Feel free if you have heard back...
  8. EnnisMawas

    Admissions Did You Get Into SULI DOE Summer 2021?

    Hi everyone, This thread is for people to post whether or not they received any offerings from SULI 2021 program. I am very anxious for this internship as I really want to get a position at Argonne Lab doing Condensed Matter Theory research or Quantum Computing research. I am a junior physics...
  9. Y

    Help My Grandson Prepare for Internship in Gaming Company

    My grandson is staying 2 days with us before going back to college in Washington State. He's a CS major and he is interested in gaming. He want to get an intern job with a gaming company this summer. I told him the first thing is to see what language they use for their games, it's C++. His...
  10. Phylosopher

    Other How to find an internship through university staff?

    Hello everyone,I would like your advice on the matter of internships... Usually every year, no matter the situation, I apply for internships/training for the summer... Sometimes I succeed in finding one and sometimes I fail. It became a habit to always search for internships (Hopefully a good...
  11. patrykh18

    Physics Internship possibilities: Plasma physics

    Hi guys. I'm a third year physics student. Next year I'll be in my final year. I'm interested in studying fusion in the future. Unfortunately I have not done plasma physics as part of my degree so I don't know much about it yet. However I'd like to do an internship abroad this summer. Ideally I...
  12. R

    Other R&D internship at Patagonia advice

    Hi all! Previously I wrote about the SULI internship. I was wondering if anyone had any insight about the R&D internship at Patagonia. Currently filling out my application and I think my essays are pretty good, and pretty unique. Thanks again!
  13. R

    Other Any tips for applying to a SULI internship?

    Hi! I'm currently a sophomore in college and applying to internships. One that sticks out to me is SULI. I'm a Material Science and Engineering major. Currently a 3.3 GPA but should go up after this semester is over. Also working in a research lab and I have leadership experience with an exec...
  14. M

    Other DOE/SULI Argonne Internship Housing

    Hi PhysicsForums, I have a question for former students who have participated in internships at Argonne National Lab. I am lucky enough to have received an offer to intern for Spring 2020 and will be starting in January, with the possibility of staying on to continue work throughout the summer...
  15. Replusz

    Physics Summer research internship in Physics

    I just finished my second year at a European University. I did some laser-related experimental summer research after first year, and am currently doing a condensed matter experimental summer research (both at European research institutes). Next year I would like to work at an Ivy League...
  16. A

    Physics Applied physicist, summer internship - panicking

    I am about to commence a 3 month summer internship as an applied physicist. The job role involves working within the R&D department performing on the bench experimentation involving optical and electromagnetic sensing and analysis using python. Having finished my University exams on June the...
  17. L

    Job Skills Is an Unpaid IT Internship Worth the Career Shift?

    Hi, As the title explains I have an unpaid IT Internship coming up soon. It will be unpaid. This will be the best opportunity of all the jobs that I've had so far. This job will teach me about IT consulting, networking and systems administration, and junior database administration tasks. I'm...
  18. Wrichik Basu

    Other Trying to understand what internships are

    I have some time at hand before I join college for undergraduate studies. Being interested in research, especially in experimental physics, I was looking at the possibility of doing an internship at a nearby university. But the thing that I can't understand is: what am I supposed to do as an...
  19. Oods

    Programs 2019 REU/Summer Program Acceptance Thread

    I thought there would already be a thread for this by now, but there isn't so here we go! Post REU offers/acceptances and such here to help each other out :) Here's my list: Texas A&M Cyclotron - Accepted 2/22 Duke TUNL (first round offers scheduled to be sent out 2/25) UChicago for Women &...
  20. astroman707

    Admissions Phyics REU personal statement critiques?

    I just finished my personal statement for physics REU applications, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to read it and give it some critiques or general advice. If accepted, this will be my first REU. I'm applying to 10 schools. Thanks! *** Physics never actually caught my eye until...
  21. M

    Other Heard Back from DOE/SULI Summer 2019 Internship Applications?

    Applied to BNL and Princeton for summer 2019, anyone heard anything back yet?
  22. E

    Engineering How proficient do i need to be in CAD for a mechanical engineering internship?

    How proficient in cad should someone who is applying for mechanical engineering internship be? I am teaching myself solidworks and i would like to have a benchmark to progress towards so when I began applying for a mechanical engineering internship in the near future i will feel prepared.
  23. Z

    Programs Internship essay for CERN -- Please help

    So I'm applying to the REU through university of Michigan to attend CERN this summer. This is like my DREAM to be at CERN. i just finished writing my essay and I want as much feedback as possible, i really want to get this internship. Please write a single paragraph describing why you would...
  24. Eclair_de_XII

    Math I need references to apply for a summer internship but....

    ...I feel very uncomfortable asking any of the teachers who have taught the classes I have taken so far. There was one teacher who I was considering asking to be one of my two references. I have already tried e-mailing him even though he has left the university, but he did not reply; whether it...
  25. Z

    Programs SULI DoE Fall 2018 Acceptance Thread

    This thread is for the SULI internship for Fall 2018. The application deadline was May 30th and offers are given until around August 7th. Has anyone had any luck getting accepted to a lab? What labs did you apply to? When did you apply and how long did it take to receive an offer?
  26. B

    Engineering Would I be crazy to quit my Summer Engineering Internship?

    Let me provide some background here. I am an Electrical Engineering student and will be entering my Senior year this fall. I was lucky enough to secure a summer internship with a company for the duration of the summer. I am starting to realize that I may have not been so lucky. I am practically...
  27. Wrichik Basu

    Other Internship/research project topics in Physics

    I recently found that Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS), (located in Kolkata near my house) allows students to use their laboratory for a fee. Moreover, I have received a scholarship from them, and as a consequence, they will let me do anything I like in their lab provided...
  28. M

    Engineering Tips for a research assistant internship

    i , I am a nuclear engineering " bachelor "student , I will be spending my summer at a university as a research assistant I know the topic I will be working on . Any tips ? may sound silly even when it comes to dealing with people ? or clothes to wear . thank you
  29. M

    Programs Applying for SULI: Tips for Success with 3.81 GPA

    I have applied to SULI the past two summers and have been declined. I believe I am a strong candidate; I have a 3.81 gpa, have done chemistry research in a materials science and computational chem lab, and been published twice as an undergrad. The two labs I applied for are NREL and Argonne for...
  30. Katerina

    Erasmus Internship in Europe for Computational Physics & Astrophysics

    Hi everybody, I need help. I am looking for and internship in Europe. I will be financially suported by erasmus. I like Computational Physics, Astrophysics. Do you have something to reccommned me in Holland? Any advice is helpful! Thank you!
  31. R

    Physics Internships for High School Students

    I am a junior in high school and I am wondering if there are any internships or research opportunities for high school students. Thank you!
  32. Eclair_de_XII

    Math Should I try for this paid Data Analyst internship?

    The job basically entails collecting data and conducting analyses to translate into "business insights". I'm apprehensive about posting the whole job description, but basically, it's available for students entering their senior year in college who are enrolled in a program "with a focus on...
  33. Wrichik Basu

    Other Prerequisites for Internship in Quantum Mechanics

    I would be in college in 2019 (currently I'm in standard 11). I'm greatly interested in Quantum mechanics, QFT, QCD and Quantum Geometerodynamics. Of these, I want to do an internship on the first, because I don't think I'll be able to touch the others till the 2nd year in college. I'm living...
  34. B

    Other Choosing My 2nd Research Internship: Impact on Grad School Applications

    I was lucky enough to score an REU last summer and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If, given the choice, should I choose the position that is similar to what I did last year or something different; i.e., which would look better for grad school applications? Also, since I got one last year, am I more...
  35. A

    Studying How to apply for a research internship for undergraduate students?

    I am an undergraduate physics student studying in UK. I hope I can continue study to PhD in the future, and I heard that I have to or better to apply a research internship in summer in order to go further study. But I have no idea how to apply and what I need to do in the internship. Since I am...
  36. C

    Aerospace engineering career advice

    Hello About me: I am a transfer junior Aerospace engineering major at U of Minnesota and will be getting a degree in physics from U of Wisconsin the same time I graduate from MN (don't ask how that works, it just does). I have had an REU nuclear physics internship (+ a year and half of nuclear...
  37. Biscuit

    Physics Internships, which one is the right one

    So I am a new student here at The Ohio State University. Every once in a while people come in at the beginning of lecture and pass around sign ups for internships. I haven't really been guided on the whole world of internships so I have a few questions I was hoping some of you could answer. I...
  38. S

    Admissions CERN Summer Student Program: Boost Your Grad School Application

    Hello! I was wondering how much does being admitted to CERN Summer Student Program counts for applying to a grad school in USA (and I mean adding this to your CV, personal statement and getting a recommendation letter from your mentor there). Like is this considered as more important than an...
  39. Phylosopher

    Other Internship rejections, what next?

    Recently I have been rejected by nearly every institution/university I applied to, this summer. I do have a previous experience "summer internship" from last year. Also, I don't think I am that much bad to be rejected by that much handful of institutions. Anyway, I am not complaining. I am...
  40. I

    Programs Medical Physics Internship Program for Students

    Currently I've enrolled in the master program of medical physics, particularly I'm interested in the field of nuclear medicine. Does anybody have the information about an internship or a short international school program for student of medical physics, especially for master student ? Thanks...
  41. J

    Need Ideas on Where to go For a Physics Internship

    Hey, I have been given the opportunity to go on a free six-week internship at almost any college or university around the country, and I need help finding out which colleges and universities have great physics opportunities along with people who are willing to take a 17 year old. Any ideas will...
  42. J

    Schools What would you do -- summer REU?

    So I applied to a few places for a summer REU internship for physics research. I got made an offer from Brown University and Notre Dame and am trying to decide between the two. Brown offers me research in marine geophysics/topology sort of stuff and a $3700 stipend. Notre dame offers me to...
  43. obstinatus

    Other How can I do an internship? What alternatives are there?

    Hello all, I've recently recovered from a long spell of extreme underachievement in undergrad, having nearly been suspended, due to depression from a variety of factors. This past semester I performed significantly better by rediscovering my love of physics and taking advantage of resources...
  44. M

    Engineering Nuclear engineering internship in EU

    Hi, is it hard to find a good internship in Europe for a third year nuclear engineering student who is not European ? do they ask for high GPA ?
  45. U

    Engineering Getting An Internship after getting B.S. in mathematics

    A few years ago, I graduated from Wheaton College with a B.S. in Mathematics; my objective is to be a mathematician in engineering that helps mechanical engineers with their mathematical/statistical modeling. Since I graduated, I have been looking for internships in Chicago: Unfortunately, I...
  46. S

    Programs Summer Research at CERN or CalTech: Which is the Better Option for Grad School?

    Hello! About summer research at CERN, through their program, what does that involves? I mean I understand there will be lectures and visiting and explanations about how the detectors work and all that. But there will be also actual research to lead to a publication or anything like that? Also...
  47. M

    Programs SULI Argonne Internship - Things It Can Lead To

    Hi there PF, Say I get into SULI at Argonne (a current researcher there wants me to be in their group next summer and says it'll be pretty likely I'll get in). The work I do will of course be important, but does the brand name mean anything (to grad schools, employers like Intel/IBM, etc)...
  48. LeftMyHeartInErebor

    Other Find Physics Internships: Tips & Advice for Success

    I'm trying to think ahead and start looking for summer internships, I'll be done with my sophomore year of physics by then. I know there are a lot out there, I know of a few, have stumbled on a few, how do I find more? I know that getting as much experience as possible is necessary for my...
  49. D

    Engineering Where Can I Find a Nuclear Engineering Internship?

    Hello, I am a Junior at The Pennsylvania State University majoring in Nuclear Engineering. I currently possesses a 2.58/4.00 GPA (Not really where i wanted to be) and am trying to find an Internship somewhere in the nuclear field. I do have past experience working under civil engineers with the...
  50. S

    Schools Math Research for High Schoolers

    Does anyone here have any experience in mathematical research since high school? Or even if you only started as an undergrad, do you have any advice? 1. How did you secure the research position? Who did you talk to? 2. What area of math did you do research in? Was it necessary to know a lot...