Thermal conductivity Definition and 185 Threads

The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of its ability to conduct heat. It is commonly denoted by


{\displaystyle k}


{\displaystyle \lambda }
, or


{\displaystyle \kappa }
Heat transfer occurs at a lower rate in materials of low thermal conductivity than in materials of high thermal conductivity. For instance, metals typically have high thermal conductivity and are very efficient at conducting heat, while the opposite is true for insulating materials like Styrofoam. Correspondingly, materials of high thermal conductivity are widely used in heat sink applications, and materials of low thermal conductivity are used as thermal insulation. The reciprocal of thermal conductivity is called thermal resistivity.
The defining equation for thermal conductivity is





{\displaystyle \mathbf {q} =-k\nabla T}
, where


{\displaystyle \mathbf {q} }
is the heat flux,


{\displaystyle k}
is the thermal conductivity, and


{\displaystyle \nabla T}
is the temperature gradient. This is known as Fourier's Law for heat conduction. Although commonly expressed as a scalar, the most general form of thermal conductivity is a second-rank tensor. However, the tensorial description only becomes necessary in materials which are anisotropic.

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  1. J

    Errors in Experiment with Low and High Conductivity Materials

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  2. abdulbadii

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  3. FirewallDaProto

    Quick question about Aluminum Nitride's conductivity

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  4. F

    Modeling a kongming lantern (sky lantern)

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  5. S

    Calculating Effective Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity

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  6. Rlwe

    Thin disc with high thermal conductivity

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  7. Hansol

    Physical meaning of thermal conductivity tensor

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  8. E

    Rate of conduction heat transfer with different hot-side and cold-side areas

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  9. imselva

    Coefficient of Thermal conductivity

    We know that, Conduction Heat Transfer Q = KA(t2-t1)/thickness K is the coefficient of thermal conductivity. If T2 = 1020°C and T1= 22°C also consider we know A and thickness value. K depends on temperature. K varies with temperature. For all the materials we have a tabular data of K for...
  10. Seyit KAPLAN

    How is the thermal conductivity affected by magnetic field?

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  11. B

    Constant of thermal conductivity and heat flow in a given time

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  12. Thatrandomdudeacross

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  13. Izazo

    Overall Thermal Conductivity of Three different layers

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  14. T

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  15. A

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  16. dRic2

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  17. B

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  18. K

    Thermal Conductivity Problem-- Two Reservoirs

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  19. A

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  21. T

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  22. Stephen Lanford

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  24. katelr

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  25. S

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  26. S

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  27. M

    Estimating density, viscosity and thermal conductivity

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  28. F

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  29. R

    Magnetic conductive material but thermally non conductive

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  30. M

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  31. J

    Question about thermal conductivity in thermoelectrics

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  32. T

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  33. knc

    Heat transfer in series and parallel

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  34. N

    Heat Transfer From Resistance Element to Metal Component

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  35. L

    Thermal Conductivites between two dissimilar metals

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  36. N

    Thermal conductivity of a thin film

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  37. Muhammad Syahril

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  38. Carlos de Meo

    Thermal conductivity of SiC and the mechanisms

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  39. Ravi Singh choudhary

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  40. L

    Which Container is Hotter After 30s? Exploring Heat Transfer

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  41. S

    Thermal Conductivity and Lasers

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  42. F

    Max thermal conductivity required for heating elements

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  43. J

    Relationship between pressure and thermal conductivity

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  44. Y

    Insulator density and thermal conductivity

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  45. T

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  46. B

    Thermal Conductivity of Springs

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  47. fredey

    What would happen if? you heatsink earth and space

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  48. N

    Which will have a higher temperature?

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  49. G

    Calculating heat flux (Q) without thermal conductivity (K)

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