Recent content by alibaba2

  1. A

    Water Vacuum Pipe: How High Can it Work?

    so what would be the maximum diameter of the pipe to achieve 30ft of height?
  2. A

    Water Vacuum Pipe: How High Can it Work?

    i guess that at 33ft (1 atm) the water column pressure will equalize with the outside pressure . At 34 ft height, the additional 1ft height will flow out leaving 33ft of water. what about the relation between the volume of water in the bowl and the height of the column (volume in the column)...
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    Water Vacuum Pipe: How High Can it Work?

    hi to everyone, i have the following question, see attached image. a vertical pipe containing water is exactly 28ft tall. at the top (A) the pipe is tight shut. at the bottom (B)the pipe is open and ends in a bowl of water. since no air can enter the pipe, the water remains within the pipe...
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    Water column displacement physics?

    Hi, in this setup we have a bucket of water 10 kgs of water inside. Attached is a weight meter measuring that in fig a. The weight is exactly 10kgs. In fig b. A piston (red) is being pulled by a weight (z). "z" has a pull force equivalent to the volume of the column of water above the piston...
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    How will opening a vacuum box in a vertical water column affect the water level?

    so B is the correct option. the vacuum box, once ruptured would simply suck inside it a quantity of the water equivalent to its internal volume. no ""air gap"" will be created at the top of the column. thank for all the replies. i have understood the physics behind this setup.
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    How will opening a vacuum box in a vertical water column affect the water level?

    hi to all, this one may sound silly but i just can't seem to understand how it will work out. this is the setup - in a vertical water column (state of vacuum) a hollow box is attached to the base. all air from the box has been sucked out and the box contains a vacuum(fig A). if the lid of...
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    Vacuum Pump Solution for Perfectly Sealed Chamber

    what if the balloon is made of elastic material that will cause it to contract by itself if there is no air inside?the elastic material will create the outside pressure needed will this solve the problem and lead to the expected result as shown in Fig 2? thanks
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    Vacuum Pump Solution for Perfectly Sealed Chamber

    thanks Nessdude, i am looking a creating at least 80% vacuum (rough vacuum). the comment regarding the shape of the balloon was very helpful. if i understood right even if all the air is sucked from the balloon it will maintain its initial inflated shape although it is "empty"? and that...
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    Vacuum Pump Solution for Perfectly Sealed Chamber

    hi to all, i have been trying to find some similar project solution on the internet but so far have found nothing, so i am posting here. here is the setup ( see attached picture) : in "fig 1" a metal chamber, perfectly sealed contains inside it a balloon filled with air (red color). the...
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    Can Ferrofluids Withstand 50 Psi Pressure?

    Yes, i have. Everywhere the quotes PSi is in the range of 4-6 PSI. I have never read anywhere of higher psi. That is the reason i am asking.
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    Can Ferrofluids Withstand 50 Psi Pressure?

  12. A

    Can Ferrofluids Withstand 50 Psi Pressure?

    Hi to everyone, i wanted to ask if a ferrofluid exist that can withstand a pressure of 50 Psi? Does the "strenght" of the liquid depend on the strenght of the magnetiv field? Are there any such ferrofluids, or is this too much for the fluids available on the market? Thanks
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    Gravity: W-Shaped Pipe Air Pocket in Salted Water

    see attached image. A "W" shaped pipe. Column A - ordinary tap water.Column B-salted water,33%salt just like Dead Sea water.there is no contact between the two columns of water. An air pocket is trapped inbetween the two columns. What will be the behaviour of this setup based on the difference...
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    Styrofoam object- rise or sink?

    i have a 30 ft pipe - 10" diameter. there is a constant water flow at the top, keeping the water level constant ( the pipe is always full to the top). at the bottom the water just flows out of the basin and away. the pipe is is just 1" underwater in the pool underneath. the yellow object is a...
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    Does a Styrofoam Ball Rise in a 30 ft Water-Filled Pipe?

    thanks for the reply. anybody else?