Recent content by Bindle

  1. B

    Calculating flow of air from explosive decrompression

    I found it,
  2. B

    Calculating flow of air from explosive decrompression

    Hey! Making a game. Say we have a room of 8*12*3 meters. It has the pressure of 1 atm and suddenly there's a hole of one cubic meter in a wall and outside it's space vacuum. Don't know if it counts how much air is inside the room or if that would be measured in pressure, say we have enough...
  3. B

    Photoelectric effect and a metal plate

    First of all, Hi we haven't even learned the E = ((hc)/λ) in the physics class but we have this question on our test-exam and I hope that it's fairly easy: Homework Statement A metal plate is shone upon with a monochromatic light. When the wave-length is 550 nm a photo-electric effect is...
  4. B

    Simple spring-constant equation

    Wow, thank you. No I see it.
  5. B

    Simple spring-constant equation

    dW = kxdx where dx is delta x or distance times x?
  6. B

    Simple spring-constant equation

    Oh right, it's 250 N/m. I still don't understand why I have to use the average?
  7. B

    Simple spring-constant equation

    Homework Statement You decide the spring constant k of a spring by measuring the extension x at different loads. Result is displayed in diagram: 4 cm extension = 10 Newton 4.5 cm extension = 11 Newton 6 cm extension = 15 Newton The graph which I have is uploaded here...
  8. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Ah, circumference it's just the length around the circle, didn't know that word in english. Sweet. That seems like an ok velocity, not looking for high speed. Thanks!
  9. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Right! So 240 RPM is 4 Revolutions per second if divided by 60. However let's say we have 240 RPM and 51.365 and it turns to 12327.6 m/m that would be 12327/60 = 205.45 m/s Can't be right. But if it would be every hour then it would be: (12327/60)/60 which is 3.42 m/s But this...
  10. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Sweet, I used this calculator: and came up with: 51.365 in tire circumference. Tire width: 44.45 mm Tire Height Factor: 10 , Using this as reference: Rim...
  11. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Every bit helps. Thanks for replying. Alright, well I used a physics program called Algoodo and I used the numbers 18 Nm as torque and 240 rpm to the wheel-axis and it did a speed of 7 m/s or 35 km/h, 21 miles/h and that program has air-resistance built in and rolling resistance. Is those...
  12. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    The rolling resistance is in N so only 13 Newtons. Aerodynamics will not be so much of a problem I think, because it will have two panels as a roof and light-weight steel frame with four wheels, a steering-wheel and a seat. I have some diagrams which maybe can be of help...
  13. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Hey! I have a project where I'm building a car running from direct sun-light only using solar-panels and bike hub motors. I would like to determine max velocity before cashing out on motors and panels. I have some numbers from the panels and motors I looked on, how do I turn them into the max...