Recent content by cooljosh2k2

  1. C

    Simplifying an ODE into explicit form

    Homework Statement So i think i found the general solutions to both these separable equations, but I am not sure if I am suppose to simplify any further to get it in explicit form, and how i can even do that. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1. \frac{dy}{dx} -...
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    Comp Sci FORTRAN 90 Help- reading input in format DDMMYYYY + more

    Homework Statement This is assignment is on FORTRAN 90: In an assignment i have, i am to enter a date in the format DDMMYYYY, and its suppose to compute and display the day of the week that date falls on (based on a given algorithm). I was able to code a program that would give me the right...
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    WOW! Thank you so much for helping and putting up with me!
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    well, pi/2 for positive multiples of i or I am > 0, or -pi/2 for negative multiples of i, or I am < 0
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    -pi/2! but how do i go from (2bi)/(2a+1)? do i just ignore the (2b/2a+1)?
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    OMG, i forgot you said in relation to the x axis. 90 degrees. *hits head*
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    Isnt i on the y-axis? which would make the angle 0.
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    I don't know. You make it sound so simple, but I am so confused. I am sorry. arcsin(Im(z)/|z|)?
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    I don't know what "c" is, am i supposed to come up with a number? Does ci = sinθ?
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    "Arg z, the argument of z, defined for z ≠ 0, is the angle which the vector (originating from 0) to z makes with the positive x-axis. Thus Arg z is defined (modulo 2π) as that number θ for which cos θ = Re z/|z| ; sin θ = I am z/|z| ."
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    Complex Analysis - Value of Arg[(z-1)/(z+1)] between -pi and pi

    0? My textbook barely even touches on the argument, that's why I am so lost.