Recent content by digogalvao

  1. digogalvao

    I Cyclic variables for Hamiltonian

    Yes, the frequency is ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}##. Should I put everything in polar coordinates?
  2. digogalvao

    I Cyclic variables for Hamiltonian

    What other coordinate is that?
  3. digogalvao

    I Cyclic variables for Hamiltonian

    A single particle Hamitonian ##H=\frac{m\dot{x}^{2}}{2}+\frac{m\dot{y}^{2}}{2}+\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{2}## can be expressed as: ##H=\frac{p_{x}^{2}}{2m}+\frac{p_{y}^{2}}{2m}+\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{2}## or even: ##H=\frac{p_{x}^{2}}{2m}+\frac{p_{y}^{2}}{2m}+\frac{\dot{p_{x}}^{2}+\dot{p_{x}}^{2}}{4}##...
  4. digogalvao

    Slowly oscillating surface current on a solenoid

    I did find the exact solution both by Biot-Savart law and by magnetic vector potential. So it is very likely that I know the exact solution ;)
  5. digogalvao

    Slowly oscillating surface current on a solenoid

    Ops, I forgot to mention that it was done along the z-axis. The electrical field is also to be found near the z-axis.
  6. digogalvao

    Slowly oscillating surface current on a solenoid

    The problem is about a finite solenoid, so the approximation won't hold. ## \nabla \times E=-\frac{\partial{B}}{\partial{t}} ##, but there is a ## \mu_o ## on the expression for ##\vec{B(t)}##. Why ##\nabla \times \vec{B} =0## is not correct? The vector only has ##\hat{k}## component and it is a...
  7. digogalvao

    Slowly oscillating surface current on a solenoid

    Homework Statement From an original surface current ##\vec{K}=K\hat{\phi}## on a finite solenoid, I got ##\vec{B}=\mu_{0}Kf(z)\hat{k}##, for ##r<R##. Assuming that ##\vec{K}## now slowly oscillates in time such as: ##\vec{K(t)}=K_{0}\cos\left(\omega t\right)\hat{\phi}##, so that I still can use...
  8. digogalvao

    Proof of expectation value for a dynamic observable

    But there is a Poisson Bracket in it...
  9. digogalvao

    Proof of expectation value for a dynamic observable

    Homework Statement Show that: d<A(q,p)>/dt=<{A,H}>, where {A,H} is a Poisson Bracket Homework Equations Liouville theorem The Attempt at a Solution <A>=Tr(Aρ)⇒d<A>/dt=Tr(Adρ/dt)=Tr(A{H,ρ}) So, in order to get the correct result, Tr(A{H,ρ}) must be equal to Tr({A,H}ρ), but I don't think I can...
  10. digogalvao

    Leidenfrost effect at thermodynamic equilibrium

    Ok... For σ=0, Thermodynamic equilibrium says: PL=PV, but if we add a work therm for the liquid -σdS=-3σdV/a we get PL-PV=3σ/a.
  11. digogalvao

    Leidenfrost effect at thermodynamic equilibrium

    Homework Statement A spherical drop of a pure substance floats on top of the vapor of the same substance so the system vapor+drop is isolated. The drop has a surface tension σ. Show that at the thermodynamic equilibrium PL≠PV and calculate the difference. Homework Equations Three laws of...