Recent content by Draconifors

  1. Draconifors

    Finding center of mass of solid

    Homework Statement A solid B occupies the region of space above ##z=0## and between the spheres ##x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 16## and ##x^2+y^2+(z-1^2) = 1##. The density of B is equal to the distance from its base, which is ##z = 0##. The mass of the solid B is ##\frac{188\pi}{3}##. Find the...
  2. Draconifors

    Triple integral using cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement The first part of the question was to describe E the region within the sphere ##x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 16## and above the paraboloid ##z=\frac{1}{6} (x^2+y^2)## using the three different coordinate systems. For cartesian, I found ##4* \int_{0}^{\sqrt{12}} \int_{0}^{12-x^2}...
  3. Draconifors

    Quick Trigonometric Identity Question

    Yes, I'm sorry! It should read ##x-y=0## for the first equation.And I'm redoing my problem using the trigonometric identity, and I notice that it's not actually shorter because of my upper bound being 2-x for y.
  4. Draconifors

    Quick Trigonometric Identity Question

    Thank you for your answer! The region is bounded by ##x+y=0 ##, ##x+y=2 ## and ##y=0 ##. That's why I had initially defined ##u=x-y ## and ##v=x+y ##. It was a doable but kind of long integral to do, so I wanted to see whether I could shorten it down.
  5. Draconifors

    Quick Trigonometric Identity Question

    Hi! I have an integral to solve (that's not the point, though) and the inside of the integral is almost a trig identity: 1. Homework Statement ##sin\frac{(x+y)} {2}*cos\frac{(x-y)} {2} ## Homework Equations I noticed this was very similar to ##sinx+siny = 2sin \frac{(x+y)} {2} *...
  6. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    That was what I understood of my teacher's explanations of the formula, yes. Is it only the I going through each branch?
  7. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    Ok so there's the same potential difference going through the branch with the 1Ω resistor and the battery, right? Does this mean I need to calculate the I of the whole circuit and then use ε=I*r+V, with 1Ω=r and V=18V?
  8. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    It's also 18V, as potential differences are the same throughout a circuit with resistors in parallel.
  9. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    I used 18V, as that was the sum of the current in my 4Ω and 2Ω + the voltmeter.
  10. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    Ok so if each of the 3Ω resistors has 12V going through it, then I should be able to find all the current running through the circuit and then using ε=I*r+V, no? I find that I = 14.4, r=1 and V=12, but the answer is not 26.4. :confused:
  11. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    Yikes is pretty much my own reaction, honestly. And they're all in parallel, so it has to be the same, right?
  12. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    Thank you! And ohh. That's true. The only thing I can think of is just ignoring my A and saying it's 4V but I wouldn't know why. :sorry:
  13. Draconifors

    Calc EMF: Find ε & R in Circuit w/ 3.4 A & 6 V

    Homework Statement In the circuit shown in the figure above, the ammeter reads 3.4 A and the voltmeter reads 6 V. Find the emf ɛ and the resistance R. Homework Equations Ohm's law; V= I*R EMF equations: ε=I*r+I*R ε=I*r+V The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I got the...
  14. Draconifors

    Convergence of a Complex Series

    Alright, thank you very much to the two of you, this really helped me out! Have a great day! :smile: