Recent content by guru

  1. G

    Troubleshooting data transmission between Basic Stamp and Transceivers

    finally got it to work. just had to cahnge the baud rate and pin # to the transceiver
  2. G

    Troubleshooting data transmission between Basic Stamp and Transceivers

    I am working on a project that requires a Basic Stamp (BS2P24) to integrate with two transceivers (AC4490-200 and CL4490). The aim is send data from the BS2P24 to the AC4490 transceiver and then transmit wirelessly to the ground CL4490 transceiver which is connected to a PC. The AC4490 is...
  3. G

    How Can You Design a Parafoil for Controlled Descent of Small Payloads?

    I'm working on a project that requires 1.2lb(approx.)-payload to be descended by a parafoil. The parafoil needs to have 2 control lines which will be steered by a servomotor. However, I don't know what parafoil to use, nor where to buy it from (even after countless number of searches online). I...
  4. G

    Anybody know where I can find more info on parafoils?

    Anybody know where I can find more info on parafoils: how to determine the type you need for a particular load or descent rate. I'm going to be using a parafoil to steer an object weighing about weighing about 50g. The object has to and at a particular target. Any help will do. Thanks in...
  5. G

    Servo Motors for Small Satellite Landing Gear Project

    those were really good sites. I now have a good idea how relay works. Most of the relays I saw on the internet were rather huge. Do they have very small ones? It really won't be easy to do the interfacing, but am willing to explore my options.
  6. G

    Servo Motors for Small Satellite Landing Gear Project

    Sounds like a great idea. But after doing a little research, I still have no idea how relay works and how its going to interface with the microcontoller and solenoid. Any help will do. Thanks !
  7. G

    Servo Motors for Small Satellite Landing Gear Project

    solenoids? Thnaks for your suggestion. However, is the soleniod capable of interfacing with the microprocessor (BASIC Stamp). What type of soleniod will be appropriate and where can I get more info. Obviously I have no experience whatsoever in design...this is my first :smile:
  8. G

    Servo Motors for Small Satellite Landing Gear Project

    I am building a small satellite for my project in which I have to release a mechanism to eject the landing gear at a certain altitude before landing vertically. The landing gear will consist of spring-loaded rods, initially at 90 degree angle with respect to the circular base of diameter 2 inch...
  9. G

    MATLAB Reducing Noise from Matlab Generated Square Wave - SNR 0dB

    thanks for the help!:smile: How do I determine the cutoff (corner) frequency to use given the frequency of the square wave and the sampling frequency.
  10. G

    MATLAB Reducing Noise from Matlab Generated Square Wave - SNR 0dB

    I posted the details of myquestions earlier but no help. Maybe I need to rephrase it. I basically generated a square wave and added noise to it using Matlab. The question is how do I design a filter to reduce as much noise as possible to retain most of the square wave. The SNR is OdB...
  11. G

    MATLAB Filtering Gaussian noise with Matlab

    I’m generating a 1 kHz square wave and adding Guassian noise to obtain a SNR of 0 dB (using Matlab6.5). The task is to design a filter that will filter out as much noise as possible from the square wave plus noise signal. The sampling frequency is 100kHz. Noise signal: 100.0*randn(1...
  12. G

    Calculating Time Constant for Spring Oscillations

    A spring with spring constant 11 N/m hangs from the ceiling. A .540kg ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 6.2cm and released. I need to find the time constant if the ball's amplitude has decreased to 2.8cm after 31 oscillations. I need help...
  13. G

    A disk 8.0 cm in diameter is initially at rest. A small dot is painted

    A disk 8.0 cm in diameter is initially at rest. A small dot is painted on the edge of the disk. The disk accelerates at 600rad/s^2 for .5s, then coasts at a steady angular velocity for another .5s. What is the speed of the dot at t = 1 s? Through how many revolutions has it turned? I...
  14. G

    Calculating Upward Support Force on a Rigid Beam

    Yes, I forgot to consider the weight of the beam. Thanks.
  15. G

    Calculating Upward Support Force on a Rigid Beam

    A 3.0-m-long rigid beam with a mass of 100 kg is supported at each end. A 80 kg student stands 2.0 m from support 1. How much upward force does support 1 exert on the beam? I first found the weight of the student to be 784N. so 784N*2cm =F*3cm F= 522.67N is this right?