Recent content by Hertz

  1. H

    Physics Seeking General Insight or Advice

    Will someone please remove my name from my first post? (I would just ask for the topic to be deleted but I see that as censoring an unfavorable opinion so I would rather just remove my name if possible. Thanks.)
  2. H

    Physics Seeking General Insight or Advice

    I question that too. I'm just worried that I'm wasting time. I wanted make something of myself and do something to be proud of and I've worked so hard to get here so how can I live with giving up now? I know this is condescending and annoying but I really was the best in my classes. All...
  3. H

    Physics Seeking General Insight or Advice

    Thanks. My problem with money is how I would afford to continue my education. I'm not worried about the money after I've graduated and found a career. I'm more worried about doing something full-time that feels like a waste of time. Time is my only limited resource. To trade all of my time for...
  4. H

    Physics Seeking General Insight or Advice

    If I go to a psychiatrist they're going to prescribe me pharmaceuticals that are overpriced and designed to make me dependent for the rest of my life. Everything out there is just an industry. Not to mention I can't really afford that. While it's true that I've always been somewhat depressed it...
  5. H

    Physics Seeking General Insight or Advice

    Hi, I'll try to keep this brief but this is a hard subject to keep brief. Thanks to all who take the time to read. I appreciate any advice even if it's just a repeat of what someone else has already said. I have a B.S. in physics from the University of Utah with a GPA of 3.4. I finished my...
  6. H

    Physics Paying to Work? 24 Yr Old Physics Grad Struggling for Fulfillment

    Sorry I'm trying to leave out minor info. I sat in my room despairing back in Utah for almost a year before I just kinda lost it and packed up my stuff and left. That's why I'm here today even though I finished my degree last year. Also I figured since I'm interested in traveling I may as well...
  7. H

    Physics Paying to Work? 24 Yr Old Physics Grad Struggling for Fulfillment

    Hello, I'll try to keep this quick and to the point. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I'm 24 years old now. I finished my physics B.S. last year. I studied in Utah and did research for my university for 8.50$ per hour. I've been living in poverty since I was 18 trying to become a...
  8. H

    Drop In Passion During Critical Time

    Hello there, So I'm 23 years old, been passionately studying physics for some time now. Oh it's been fun and fascinating, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I could apply for my B.S. in physics any day now. I've always been great at physics. My conceptual understandings, my neat and unique...
  9. H

    What is the percentage of Cs137 decays that result in a gamma ray emission?

    No problem! Thank you for the help! If you are curious here is the exact wording: 1. A lump of radioactive rock contains 10 milliCuries (mCi) of 137Cs55. See the chart on commonly used radioactive sources at for half lives and photon emission characteristics. (a) How many 137Cs55...
  10. H

    Q value in nuclear and particle physics

    Why? Technically I was the one who wrote it. And the way I wrote it the left side is the difference in rest energy. I think I get it though. The difference in rest energy is where the additional kinetic energy comes from. Well, loss of mass energy and loss of potential energy is where the...
  11. H

    Q value in nuclear and particle physics

    Well it wouldn't be zero because mass energy can be converted to other types of energy. The way I've written it the E's are supposed to be rest energy and in the next step I've used ##E=mc^2##. Why do they do initial minus final? I hate unconventional definitions like that it just gives you...
  12. H

    What is the percentage of Cs137 decays that result in a gamma ray emission?

    So I have a problem where I'm given the decay rate of a sample which contains Cs137, 10 mCi, and I'm basically given the percentage of radiation detected by the detector. But the wording of the question is: "What count rate would be observed in a perfectly efficient gamma detector" Sounds to...
  13. H

    Q value in nuclear and particle physics

    Hi, sorry if this is a novice question. I've recently been introduced to Q value in nuclear and particle physics and all the places I've looked at define it as the change in rest energy between the initial particles and final particles. ##Q=E_f-E_i=(m_f-m_i)c^2## But this doesn't take into...
  14. H

    Kirchoff's Laws Giving Singular System

    Thank you, I will surely look into it in due time :)
  15. H

    Kirchoff's Laws Giving Singular System

    Oh I see! Thank you! It's like magic...