Recent content by insertnamehere

  1. I

    Does Higher Concentration Increase Solvent Polarity and Affect SN1 Reactions?

    hello, i have a question about polarity and SN1 reactions. If we have two solvent mixtures (ex: 2-propanol) but with different concentrations, would the higher concentration solvent be the more polar due to its higher concentration, meaning that there is an increase in number of molecules and...
  2. I

    Questions about Young's Double-Slit experiment and light waves intereference

    so if we change the speed of the light, it's wavelength would be affected, therefore it would diffract differently from the slits, thus giving us different interference patterns on the screen (from what we would obtain "on land") But then how would it be different, would there be larger spacing...
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    Question about Diffraction Grating

    Hello. I just want to clarify something about the following question: WHen you receive a chest x-ray at a hospital, the rays pass through a series of parallel ribs in your chest. Do the ribs act as a diffraction grating for x-rays? My answer is yes, as the spacing between the ribs can act...
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    Questions about Young's Double-Slit experiment and light waves intereference

    Sorry, i just need to clarify one thing. For my first question, when light travels through water, it's speed would obviously decrease, but the interference pattern shouldn't be affected as the beams themselves would remain in phase, etc... Am I right?
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    Linear Algebra question concerning matrices

    Hi, I have a question about matrices. If A,B,C are matrices such that AB=AC and A is not equal to zero, does it follow that B=C? I looked at the associative laws that A(BC)=(AB)C=B(AC), and I think that B and C would be the same. Am I on the right track?
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    Questions about Young's Double-Slit experiment and light waves intereference

    PLEASE! I need feedback or else i won't be able to go on with my assignement! I just want to know if i got the right idea!
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    Questions about Young's Double-Slit experiment and light waves intereference

    Hello. I just have some questions about Young's Double-Slit experiment and light wave interference. I think i got the right answers, but i just want to know if i grasped the concept correctly. 1-If we perform young's double slit experiment under water, how would the interference pattern be...
  8. I

    When it comes to the Young's Double Slit Experiment, I'm just wondering

    For the Young's Double slit Experiment, I'm just wondering when it comes to finding the distance between the adjacent fringes (shown on the screen), why can't we just measure directly the distance between the adjacent fringes instead of having to measure the distance between 5 fringes and...
  9. I

    Question involving beats and finding an unknown frequency.

    ok, so does that mean that it doesn't matter which frequency the unknown tuning fork was?
  10. I

    How to find the time elapsed between successive resonances?

    Is there a formula where I can determine the time between successive resonances in standing waves in an air column?