Recent content by Jaevko

  1. J

    Rigid Body Collision: Angular Velocity Question

    Thank you for your reply; that was exactly what I was looking for!
  2. J

    Rigid Body Collision: Angular Velocity Question

    So I'm upgrading my Physics Engine's Collision response system (don't worry, this is a pure physics question, no programming involved! Also don't worry about the time of collision, my collision detection system is separate and returns a time of collision for the response system to work with) and...
  3. J

    Physics Simulation Question (Collision Detection no physics knowledge required)

    I'm writing a physics simulation/game in java applets, I have a quick question about collision detection. DISCLAIMER: I am not a math or a CS major, so this is probably a ridiculously easy question for most people on here: My question regards speed when there are lots of objects. Right now...
  4. J

    Hydrolysis and hydrogen production: byproducts?

    So I'm running a current through distilled water with baking soda to produce hydrogen (to make stuff float :) ). I'm using carbon graphite electrodes and baking soda to avoid any dangerous gases like chlorine. Now its been almost a decade since I took chemistry classes and I'm wondering...
  5. J

    Power supplies, voltage and current

    Thanks for all the replies! So let's say I purchase both power supplies and a 10 ohm resistor. First I attach the 30 Volt 1 amp supply and turn the voltage up to 30. V=IR. Does this mean that the supply that can supposedly output only 1 amp is now outputting 3? Similarly, imagine that I...
  6. J

    Converting tangential momentum to angular momentum

    For simplicity's sake assume that the merry-go-round has no mass and therefore possesses no momentum of its own and the person's speed is the same before he or she jumps on (when they are running) and after (when they are sitting on the merry-go-round). Also assume no friction and that the...
  7. J

    Power supplies, voltage and current

    One power supply can go up to 30 volts or 1 amp, and the other can go up to 18 volts or 3 amps: Why does one output higher voltage or lower current and the other output lower...
  8. J

    Valid Methods for Solving Differential Equations: Common Misconceptions

    Hey all, i just lost a TON of points on a test for solving a problem in a way that is apparently invalid. The problem was verify that y(x) = x+1 is a solution for dy/dx = y*y-x*x-2x; y(0) = 1. i plugged y = x+1 into the right side of the second equation, got dy/dx = 1, integrated...