Recent content by lampCable

  1. L

    Poisson's equation in 1D with point source

    Letting ##g=Ax+B## and ##h=Cx+D##, and inserting the ansatz into the equation we find ##\phi '' = (A-C)\delta(x) + (B-D)\delta'(x) = -q\delta \Rightarrow A = -q+C,\ B = C##. So it does indeed follow that ##g = (-q+C)x + D## and ##h = Cx + D##. This shows that ##\phi\to D## in the limit as...
  2. L

    Poisson's equation in 1D with point source

    How did you know that ##\phi## was continuous at ##x=0##?
  3. L

    Poisson's equation in 1D with point source

    Okay, so if I use the first approach and integrate again I get for ##x<0## that ##\phi = -qx + Ax + B## and for ##x>0## that ##\phi = Ax + C##. But can I really use a continuity argument at ##x=0## to conclude that ##B = C##?
  4. L

    Poisson's equation in 1D with point source

    Homework Statement Solve ##\Delta\phi = -q\delta(x)## on ##\mathbb{R}##. Correct answer: ##\phi = -\frac{q}{2}|x| + Ax + B## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution In one dimension the equation becomes ##\frac{d^2 \phi}{d x^2} = -q\delta(x)##. We integrate from ##-\infty## to ##x## to...
  5. L

    The physical meaning of a slope

    Have you considered the torque about point B?
  6. L

    Force produced by flow in aircraft engine

    Homework Statement Consider an aircraft turbine as in the figure below. In the reference frame of the turbine, air of density ##\rho_0## comes into the turbine with speed ##U_0## through the entrance with cross sectional area ##S_0##. In the combustion zone, air is mixed with the fuel and...
  7. L

    Charge density in an abrupt p-n junction

    Turns out that the answer to this question was simple. The charge density at any point is ##\rho=e(p+N_D-n-N_A )##. But as I mentioned in the question, in the depletion layer ##n=p=0##. And on the p side we have ##N_D=0## since there are no donor atoms there, which gives ##\rho=-eN_A##...
  8. L

    Charge density in an abrupt p-n junction

    Homework Statement In an abrupt p-n junction we consider the junction between one side p-doped with ##N_A## acceptor atoms and another side n-doped with ##N_D## donor atoms. Initially the chemical potential is different in the two sides, but thermal equilibrium requires that the chemical...
  9. L

    Energy fluctuations in canonical ensemble

    I see. But the Boltzmann distribution is only related to the translational degrees of freedom, so if we talk about fluctuations in say rotational energy then how is that described?
  10. L

    Energy fluctuations in canonical ensemble

    Okay, I think I understand. So when we talk about fluctuations in energy of a single particle in the system, we essentially talk about fluctuations in speed of that particle?
  11. L

    Energy fluctuations in canonical ensemble

    Homework Statement Consider an ensamble of particles that can be only in two states with the difference ##\delta## in energy, and take the ground state energy to be zero. Is it possible to find the particle in the excited state if ##k_BT=\delta/2##, i.e. if the thermal energy is lower than the...
  12. L

    Derivation of FD/BE-distribution using single-particle state

    Okay, so I think I have found the answer, and I thought that I'd share it in case anyone else has the same question. Maybe the question was a bit unclear, but what I didn't understand was essentially how we used the "single-particle state" to define the system. So we're considering a system...
  13. L

    Derivation of FD/BE-distribution using single-particle state

    Homework Statement I'm trying to understand a derivation of the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions. In my textbook Thermal Physics by D. V. Schroeder it says: "The idea is to first consider a "system" consisting of one single-particle state, rather than a particle itself. Thus the...
  14. L

    Probabilities or pressures in the Saha equation?

    So the system is found either occupied or unoccupied with the probabilities ##P(H)## or ##P(H^+)##, respectively. If we then consider ##N## such systems we should find that there are ##N(H) = P(H)N## occupied states and ##N(H^+)=P(H^+)N## unoccupied states, so that...
  15. L

    Probabilities or pressures in the Saha equation?

    Homework Statement Consider a system consisting of a single hydrogen atom/ion, which has two possible states: unoccupied (i.e., no electron present) and occupied (i.e., one electron present, in the ground state). Calculate the ratio of the probabilities of these two states, to obtain the Saha...