Recent content by mat331760298

  1. M

    Solving ODE dy/dx = (x+y)^2 , y(0)=1

    solve dy/dx = (x+y)^2 , y(0)=1 i let w = (x+y) and got the above equation rearranged to dw/dx - 1=w^2 after solving for C i got y=tan(x-pi/4) - x just wanted to check my answer
  2. M

    With the initial concentrations: [A] = 0.000500 M, = 0.000698 M,

    with the initial concentrations: [A] = 0.000500 M, [B] = 0.000698 M, with the initial concentrations: [A] = 0.000500 M, [B] = 0.000698 M, and [C] = 0 M, find the value of K if [C] = 0.0000866 M at equilibrium. K = [C]/([A]*[B]) just want to check my answer of 344, seems wrong to me
  3. M

    Integrate x^4 / (1 - x^2)^(3/2)

    [b]1. Integral of (x^4)/(1-x^2)^(3/2) dx i let x=sint so dx=costdt used the right triangle and simplified to integral of ((sint)^4)/((cost)^2) dt
  4. M

    Do My Improper Integral Solutions Converge or Diverge?

    haha looked it over and when i did integration i had ln(x) + ln(2x+1) instead of ln(x) - ln(2x+1). makes sense now
  5. M

    Find the integral of x/(x^2 +4x +13)

    [b]1. Find the integral of x/(x^2 +4x +13) I'm not sure if I need to complete the square or what. I really don't know where to begin.
  6. M

    Do My Improper Integral Solutions Converge or Diverge?

    i don't see how the answers are opposite lol maybe someone can show me a) so i can compare to my work
  7. M

    How do I solve an indefinite integral with a trigonometric substitution?

    then you integrate to get 27(sint-(1/3)(sint)^3) and use opp side over hypotenuse to replace with sint?
  8. M

    How do I solve an indefinite integral with a trigonometric substitution?

    [b]1. indefinite integral of 1/[(x^4)(sqrt(9x^2 -1))] I'm looking for step by step help here. I use x=3secy and dx=3secytanydy to convert the top function to integral of: [3secytanydy]/[(tany)(3secy)^4] I am not sure if this is right/how to get further
  9. M

    Do My Improper Integral Solutions Converge or Diverge?

    [b]1. Determine whether the following diverges or converges. If converges, evaluate it. a) integral from 1 to infinity of: 1/(2x^2 + x) dx b) integral from 0 to 1 of: 1/(2x^2 + x) dx I just want to check my answers. I got a) diverges and b) converges with value of ln|3/2|. Do these answers...
  10. M

    Satellite orbital speed homework

    [b]1. A satellite has an orbital speed of 4.2 x 10^3 m/s. What is its altitude above Earth's surface? mass of earth= 5.98x10^24kg radius of Earth = 6.38x10^6m [b]2. acceleration and force are both centripetal a=(v^2)/r F=ma possibly v^2=(Gmg)/r [b]3. Need help with algebra h=...
  11. M

    Can You Catch the Bus If It Starts Accelerating While You're Running to It?

    [b]1. You are running late for your bus that is 100m away. Luckily it is stopped at a traffic light. When you are 16m from the bus, running at your max speed of 6.0m/s the light changes and the bus starts accelerating at 1.0m/s². Do you catch the bus? If so, how far did you have to run to catch...
  12. M

    What is your acceleration towards the end of the cliff?

    [b]1. You having a mass of 100kg hold one end of an ideal vine (infinitely strong, completely flexible, but having zero mass). The vine runs horizontally to the edge of a cliff, then vertically to where your friend (mass 50kg) is hanging on, above a pack of hungry Velociraptors. A sudden sleet...