Recent content by Metalsonic75

  1. M

    Simple Magnetic Field Increase/Decrease question.

    Thank you very much. I now understand the concepts of Lenz's law and magnetic fields much better, and I was able to obtain the correct answer. :)
  2. M

    Voltage across parallel switches

    The 300 micro-Farad capacitor in the figure is initially charged to 110 V , the 1200 micro-Farad capacitor is uncharged, and the switches are both open. What is the maximum voltage to which you can charge the 1200 micro-Farad capacitor by the proper closing and opening of the two switches? I...
  3. M

    Simple Magnetic Field Increase/Decrease question.

    So, the x's in the picture represent the original magnetic field, right? I assume that means the induced magnetic field (which should point out of the page) is not shown. Lenz's law says that the induced magnetic field changes in response to an induced current. I don't understand how the...
  4. M

    Simple Magnetic Field Increase/Decrease question.

    33.6 There is a ccw-induced current in the conducting loop shown in the figure. Is the magnetic field inside the loop increasing in strength, decreasing in strength, or steady? I don’t understand if the problem is referring to the induced magnetic field or the pre-existing magnetic...
  5. M

    Clarification on electric potential and kinetic energy

    One form of nuclear radiation, beta decay, occurs when a neutron changes into a proton, an electron, and a chargeless particle called a neutrino: n -> (p+) + (e-) + tex]\upsilon[/tex] where nu is the symbol for a neutrino. When this change happens to a neutron within the nucleus of an atom, the...
  6. M

    Electric potential of four charges

    QUOTE: Remember that the potential energy term on the left was from all four particles. Ah! Thank you! I now have the correct answer!
  7. M

    Electric potential of four charges

    There are four spheres arranged as the four corners of a square, each sphere having a charge of 10 nC and separated from each other by a distance of 1 cm. The four 1.0 g spheres are released simultaneously and allowed to move away from each other. What is the speed of each sphere when they are...
  8. M

    Equation for molar specific heat

    n_1 moles of a monatomic gas and n_2 moles of a diatomic gas are mixed together in a container. Derive an expression for the molar specific heat at constant volume of the mixture. Expression must be in terms of n_1, n_2, and the gas constant R. I know that the molar specific heat of the...
  9. M

    How High Must the Sides of a Steel Boat Be to Float?

    Got it! I made an error in the above calculation when typing it in. I fixed it, and got the correct answer. Thank you for your help!
  10. M

    How High Must the Sides of a Steel Boat Be to Float?

    The weight of the boat is equal to the weight of the base (rho*v*g) plus the weight of the sides (rho*v*g). The volume of the sides is equal to 0.187x, where x is the height of the sides. So the weight of the boat is 216776 + 14477.5x, and this is the weight of the water displaced. The volume of...
  11. M

    Calculating h in a Venturi Tube

    Air flows through this tube at a rate of 1200 cm^3/sec. Assume that air is an ideal fluid. What is the height h of mercury (in cm) in the right side of the U-tube? In case the picture doesn't show up, the tube is a Venturi tube. Wide end has diameter of 2cm, narrow diameter is 4 mm, and...
  12. M

    How High Must the Sides of a Steel Boat Be to Float?

    I don't quite understand. The water displaced will not hold the weight of the metal base (7*10*0.4), so how could adding weight onto the boat make it float if it doesn't increase the surface area? I'm picturing a rectangular base with four sides that extend upwards, forming an open-topped box...
  13. M

    Simple volume flow rate calculation

    Got it. I was off by a factor of 10. Thanks