Recent content by montana111

  1. M

    How is equation transformed by matrix

    So i got some points on that line. I used (2,2) and (0,1). Then i drew the plot. then i multiplied A by (2, 2). Multiplying A by (2, 2) seems incorrect. Here is what it looks like anyways... A = [ <1; -1> , <-1; 2> ] [<2; 2>] = [ <2; -2> , <-2; 2> ] (where <stuff> is meant to be...
  2. M

    How is equation transformed by matrix

    1) what do you mean by raising the point (x,y)^T ? 2) I still don't understand what I am supposed to do with regards to the equation and the matrix A. It sounds like maybe i find a point on the line in the equation (lets say (29, 8) which prob isn't on the line but just for example) and...
  3. M

    How is equation transformed by matrix

    Homework Statement Consider in R^2 the points satisfying the equation 2x_2 − x_1 − 2 = 0. Show on a plot the points satisfying this equation. How are these points transformed by the matrix A = [ 1 −1 −1 2 ] Hint: To draw the plot, use the fact that two points determine a line...
  4. M

    Find Find the point in this plane where it intersects the z axis

    Homework Statement find the point in this plane where it intersects the z axis (x=y=0). P = {<x;y;z;> = <1;-1;0;> + a<1;-2;0;> + b<2;0;-1;> , for all a,b} (by <l;m;n;> i mean to denote a column) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I talked to my TA last friday and...
  5. M

    How can I evaluate this integral using trig substitution?

    Homework Statement evaluate the integral using the indicated trig substitution. sketch the corresponding right triangle. integral of(1/(x^2 sqrt(x^2 - 9)) Homework Equations integral of(1/(x^2 sqrt(x^2 - 9)) The Attempt at a Solution at first glance this seemed really easy...
  6. M

    Integral of 1/(cosx-1)

    Homework Statement help me out. I want to find the integral of 1/(cosx-1). I first multiplied the function by cosx+1/cosx+1. then i ended up with the integral of (cosx+1)/(-sinx)^2 leading to integral of cosx/(-sinx)^2 plus integral of 1/(-sinx)^2. the integral of 1/(-sinx)^2 i believe...
  7. M

    Integral of [(6x^2)(e^(x^2))]

    wow. I am dumb. thank you. p.s. where on the site can i see how to make tags for actual mathmatical symbols like you have in your reply?
  8. M

    Integral of [(6x^2)(e^(x^2))]

    Homework Statement This is an example problem from my stewart calculus book. the whole problem is "solve this diff eq: y' + 3(x^2)y = 6x^2 next step is to find I(x) which is e^(x^3) and multiply everything by that then you say (I(x)y)' = 6(x^2)(e^(x^3)) and then you integrate both sides so...
  9. M

    2nd derivative test of a polynomial and related material

    Homework Statement I am working on developing the graph for the following function: h(x)= (x+1)^5 -5x -2. i have h'(x) = 5(x+1)^4 -5 and h''(x) = 20(x+1)^3 i get stuck when trying set h'(x) = 0. i know that there are four roots because i graphed it on my calculator but using...
  10. M

    Second derivative of sqrt(x) * e^(-x)

    Homework Statement find f''(x) if f(x) = sqrt(x) * e^(-x) and then find the roots of f''(x) // I am trying to do the 2nd derivative test (need f''x) and then find inflection points// Homework Equations my methodology| d/dx sqrt(x) = 1/(2*sqrt(x)) and d/dx e^(-x) = -e^(-x)...
  11. M

    Proving arcsin(somevalue) = 2arctan(rootx) - value

    Homework Statement prove the identity: arcsin( x-1/x+1 ) = 2 * arctan( sqrt(x) ) - pi/2 Homework Equations if f'x = g'x for all x in an interval (a,b) then f - g is constant on (a,b); that is, fx = gx + c where c is constant. this material above is in the same section as rolles...
  12. M

    Solve Infinite Limit Problems: 2-x/(x-1)^2 & e^x/(x-5)^3

    Homework Statement the book says "find the infinite limit", but it says "lim as x --> 1 of 2-x/(x-1)^2 I don't understand this or how to find the answer. if it was an infinite limit, shouldn't it say as x approaches infinity? The back of my text says the answer is infinity but i don't know...