Recent content by Muskyboi

  1. Muskyboi

    Convert an Equation Editor Object back to plain text

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
  2. Muskyboi

    Convert an Equation Editor Object back to plain text

    Is there a tool that can convert something like this: which when copied as plain text looks like this: \frac{4}{\pi}\sin\left(x\right)+\frac{4}{3\pi}\sin\left(3x\right)+\frac{4}{5\pi}\sin\left(5x\right)+\frac{4}{7\pi}\sin\left(7x\right)+\frac{4}{9\pi}\sin\left(9x\right) To this...
  3. Muskyboi

    [Differential equations] Mixing problem.

    Yes, dividing the equation for mass of salt in the tank S(t) by the volume of water in the tank V(t) would give the concentration of salt in the tank. Doing so shows that the concentration approaches 1/5 as time increases.
  4. Muskyboi

    [Differential equations] Mixing problem.

    v(t)=600+(9-6)t =600+3t 1500=600+3t therefore t=300 hrs when tank is full Cin=1/5(1 + cost) ds/dt=Rate in - rate out = CinRin - Cout*S(t)/V(t) =1/5(1 + cost)*9 - 6*S(t)/(600+3t) S(0)=5 ib Solving the first order linear ODE we get: therefore...
  5. Muskyboi

    Engineering [Electrical engineering] Second order Parallel RLC Circuits.

    And what about the function for the current through the inductor iL(t)?
  6. Muskyboi

    Engineering [Electrical engineering] Second order Parallel RLC Circuits.

    A2 is initial current or voltage to get A1 you must differentiate the equation with respect to time Find dv/dt or di/dt via KCL or KVL the dv/dt or di/dt will come from the equation for the capacitor current or inductor voltage (basically ohms law for inductors and capacitors ) now you sub...
  7. Muskyboi

    Engineering [Electrical engineering] Second order Parallel RLC Circuits.

    OK, but How do I find A1 and A2 based upon the initial conditions?
  8. Muskyboi

    Engineering [Electrical engineering] Second order Parallel RLC Circuits.

    Can't I just use v(t)=(A1+A2t)e^-αt since the circuit is critically damped (α=w0) and solve for A1 and A2 based upon initial conditions?
  9. Muskyboi

    Engineering [Electrical engineering] Second order Parallel RLC Circuits.

    The inductor current curve and capacitor voltage curve should look like this after pulling the switch from which the circuit archived a steady state of 1 amp: link to circuit: